• Sakura Week is here on The Bell Tree! Starting Tuesday night, you can grow rare flower hybrids by strategically arranging your collectible line-up. Plus, earn free Bells or buy special Historic Scenery! Get started here.

Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree

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Well, if you guys really want it, we could probably add it. It’s pretty niche though as I think the only other item using it are the Envelopes just recently unretired, the letters were meant to match those. If you actually want this and would buy one, leave a Like react on this post! (I don’t trust you Valentine react spammers!!!)

tbh, I kinda like them being just a blue gradiant, though maybe a compromise could be to change the envelopes background to that of a cloudless sky? so it's basically the same blue gradiant range as the normal sky background, but just without the clouds
just making sure- raffle tickets do not need to be activated to be valid for the raffle drawing right?
as long as it's in your inventory , it should be fine? so even if it's hidden , or hidden & active or something?
just making sure- raffle tickets do not need to be activated to be valid for the raffle drawing right?
as long as it's in your inventory , it should be fine? so even if it's hidden , or hidden & active or something?
I asked the same thing a few posts back and this is what Jeremy said! 😊 (sorry, i didn’t know how to quote the post onto my reply)

Apparently I am still carrying the last-minute-submission tradition with me into 2025 🥲
I had so much I wanted to write, but just ended up panic-typing a description as fast as I could 😭

And I forgot to mention that I used washi tape, but I don't know if I'm allowed to edit my submission to add that in 😰
I hope I didn't forget anything else important OTL
Apparently I am still carrying the last-minute-submission tradition with me into 2025 🥲
I had so much I wanted to write, but just ended up panic-typing a description as fast as I could 😭

And I forgot to mention that I used washi tape, but I don't know if I'm allowed to edit my submission to add that in 😰
I hope I didn't forget anything else important OTL

I feel you. I wanted to say more with my collage; after submitting it I remembered some things I wanted to talk about like more about how I enjoy making photo edits/collages, about my cats since I included my late kitties too, and other things.

I messaged a mod about stuff I forgot to mention like resources; I forgot to mention some and wasn’t sure how she wanted us to list them. It ended up being okay and accepted though. I think you might be fine but you could always ask her to be safe 🙂
dshdesjffdjfid I wish I had had more time to type up the process of making my clay sign

I gave it my 122% so if nothing else I have my own heart of the forest IRL on the sign lol

I'm gonna spend the rest of the night going through everyone's entries, they look so good from what I've seen so far!!

edit: LOL glad to know I'm not alone in my woes 😭
Im gonna be so sad when our backdrop leave, it's just so perfect with my two girls, and I just love how colorful they make the form.

I wish they could last forever. I'm always gonna treasure this backdrop matching collectibles. But in general I love seeing all the sexuality and pride collectibles, they make me so happy

I never finished up my 2D project (I'll post it in my gallery) or play amongst us. I hope everyone who did play enjoyed themselves and this wonderful event in general.
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I couldn't muster up the creativity for any of the Valentine's Party event's crafting or baking tasks, but I managed to compile SWEET HEART for Sweetheart Spellings, whipped up a submission for Aetherial Aesthetics and had a blast playing Among Us with the community for Valentine's Murder Party.

Had a great time! Looking forward to the closing ceremony when it arrives.

Now to figure out whether to go for the Pink Love Letter or White Love Letter. And cross my fingers for a Rainbow Heart Balloon to spawn from my next token, but I doubt it.
I didn't think to post this yesterday but here goes... Thanks for the event guys. I'm glad I could participate when I had time because I had to do schoolwork and I was dealing with a brief mood change that made me feel too demotivated to start work on my sweets and 3D crafts. The collage event was my favorite; I really enjoyed using what I had available to make my entry.

I hope there's another collage activity in a future event!
I had a lot of fun with this event; I’m really glad it was small since my energy has been really bad the last few weeks 😅. I’d love if we have another activity that involves photo editing and/or collage making for other events; I really love making collages and photo editing.

I really enjoyed the Among Us sessions too; I would love it if we have some more staff hosted friendlies again soonish 🙂; maybe an among us collectible as participation or raffle reward? 👀

Thank you so much again staff for the event and all the work you all put into it 🙂. This was honestly the best valentine’s week I had; the event was so much fun and kept me distracted during what is normally one of the hardest times of the year.
Thanks so much for another fun event. I finally got among us thanks to the event and had so much fun with. I learned a lot when making my entires for the party event. I didn’t know you could make collages on Pinterest. It was a lot of fun and has given me some ideas for my nh journal.

Thanks so much for the work you all do . Love all the collectibles.
I wanted to thank the staff again for all the work and effort put into the art and organization of this event. I had fun even though I only participated in a couple of things this time. I too enjoyed the collage and I hope to see similar ones in the future. And of course I loved the sweet heart thing because rng is fun. I did find it a little tricky with the trading however.
You guys made a short cold month, sweet.
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