Lactose intolerant here but I'll go ahead and say cow milk. I like it with my cereals even though it turns my stomach upside down.
I kind of don't even want to taste half of those because they seem disgusting, but I know I've already tried Soy milk.
Soy milk is the worst of them all. The taste is too sweet (weird for me to say) and it tastes really bad. Ew.
Oat milk! I'm not vegan, my boyfriend is and he has opened me up to trying the milk alternatives as I live with him. I used to love almond milk, but since I've tried rice milk and oat milk, I've been hooked on them since they taste so creamy c:
I do try and cut down on what diary I consume but I don't think I'll cut it out completely.
Any kind of milk except for goat milk. I love all kinds of milk so much but I know so many who hate it. My favorite milk of all time is definitely banana milk. It is so rich and creamy. They used to sell it in stores but cannot find it anymore... It's horrible.
These days, I don't really drink much milk, but when I do, it doesn't really matter a whole lot to me what kind it may be. I guess I'm satisfied just as long as the milk is tasty, organic/nutritious and doesn't give me any indigestion or diarrhea.
Almond milk and oat milk are my favourite! I can't drink regular milk because of the lactose but even lactose free tastes funny to me after not drinking milk for so long.
I don’t drink milk as much anymore, but when I do it’s always chocolate milk. Only other flavor I’ve tried is strawberry and I didn’t like it. Much too sweet for me.
For cereal though, I use regular ‘ol cow milk. I’ve tried almond milk before, because my niece is lactose intolerant, and it just tasted like very watered down milk. Nothing I would go out of my way to drink, but it got the job done when it came to complementing my bowl of Fruit Loops haha.
If I just wanted a glass of milk.. chocolate milk most definitely. Of the cows milk variety if I'm going solely based on taste. I don't buy cow's milk anymore but I won't deny it's the tastiest.
As for the world of alternative milks though, I think oat milk is the best of what I've tried but I also really want to try rice milk. I don't drink oat milk plain very often but I use it for lattes, cereal, or to dip cookies in.
I like my normal cows milk but I don't mind some of the vegan substitutes in certain recipes, adds a sort of nutty flavour which can be really nice in things such as banana bread. Also love a good choccy milk.
I don't really drink much milk but if I was just having a glass then it would nearly always be chocolate milk as I like the flavour of it best, if I was making a drink that used milk in it though (like a milkshake or hot chocolate) then I use cows milk.
cow milk is just basic milk lol, it's the only milk i use whether it's for cereal, with cookies or just in a glass
like i'll mix it with nesquik if i want a milkshake but i don't see that as "chocolate milk" to be fair, chocolate milkshakes are pretty gross and i prefer strawberry or banana
god strawberry milk is so good. i remember they came in the little pink cartons in elementary schools and stuff. i think half the reason i liked them is because they were pink lol! but deffs my fave is strawberry milk. close second is oat milk - i drink it all the time in lattes and stuff it has such a good flaaavoorrrr
I voted coconut milk... but the ultimate favorite of mine, is Dark Chocolate Almond Milk by Silk in the refrigerator.
I don't like animal milk and find the concept gross... even though I don't mind cooking with it or eating something that has it in it.
I know, it is irrational but eh..