
I did (haven't got a switch yet), but with so much missing, like furniture sets that were vital to my plans for player houses, and the house sizes and styles also smaller and missing, I don't know what to do.

I can't theme my island at all with what is available.
I think one reason it was popular in new leaf was because of the limited space for designs. Now that we have so much space and don't need to use up precious space on like 10 different path varieties, an alternate character seems much less appealing (at least to me).
People really only did it in the previous game out of necessity. People had a lot of pro designs they needed the additional characters' pocket space for.
I did for extra patterns, but it's shared so it's not worth it tbh
It wasn't just for patterns. I personally made alts for storage reasons. NL had a TON of non-reorderable items. So far there seems to be a lot less non-reorderable items in this game, and a large chunk of those are actually obtainable again because they're DIYs or orderable via Nook Miles.
I did it in New Leaf not for storage, but to make certain buildings that weren't available as their own thing. Like a school, convenience store, etc. I do plan on eventually doing the same in this game, but I need to wait and see what shops and buildings updates bring us before I start planning out.
People really only did it in the previous game out of necessity. People had a lot of pro designs they needed the additional characters' pocket space for.
I've never used patterns, ever.

I had four player houses in NL, all made to go with my themed town, the way I had planned to do the island, and can't.
not really! i never really use secondary characters & i'm not creative enough to come up with certain aesthetics for each one. it would just take up space that i could use with other things!
I have one alt character, Sophie. I’ll probably just decorate her house and everything once I get some decent furniture.
I think I'll have at least 2 alt characters eventually. Right now, my focus is landscaping and getting all the buildings where I want them to be. After that, I'll create the characters. I just want different themes for houses really. I'm in no rush to make them though since getting them their house upgrades will be super annoying haha
I hope to have one just so I can get a big house and make it haunted and put it on top of the cliffs in the corner of my map. Lol
In New Leaf, I did it .... but not for storage, or pattern space. I did it for fun. LOL OK, I just thought it was fun to have other characters in my town.

Right now, I am pretty busy setting up two islands on my two switches, so I haven't really thought about it yet. I'll bet that in six months or a year, I'll have alternate characters, though.
I will.
my house will be a normal house.
ill have one near campsite as a log cabin. With like rooms to rent out for the camping area.
The house near the shopping and museum will be a hotel
ill have one on the beach as a beach resort
ane in the foresty area it will be like an abandoned house.
I have big plans lol.
Yes, I think I will. I want to build one house that's a school, and another that's a combo ryokan/onsen. Maybe also a "shopping mall" with a konbini, cafe, concert hall or movie theater... I'm not sure quite yet. Lots of possibilities!
Yes, I had 4 in acnl that all had houses that helped tell the "story" of my town, I plan to bring, if not all of them, then at least 3 of them back.
I'm going to have three kinda district areas of my town separated by the river all with different names - one will be where all the villagers live and will be more relaxed, one will be filled with nature and gardens, and one - the main one will be businessy with all the shops and very organised. I plan to make a lot of other characters and make them run shops in the business district. One will own a fancy hotel, one will own a bakery, one will own a spa, etc. I'm planning on adding them in a lot later though, right now I am focusing on getting terraforming unlocked and then once the island shape is ready I will add other characters slowly.
I think I may add one or two more characters. I made a cafe and a bathhouse in NL so I may do something like that again just to fill up some space on my island.
Add a 2nd player to check what they get. It does help with storage for extra iron ore and other items. Player 2 gets to play the mini game with Gulliver and gets different recipes. Bonus Nook Miles are nice.
I've never used patterns, ever.

I had four player houses in NL, all made to go with my themed town, the way I had planned to do the island, and can't.
Sounds like you only had the extra characters for the houses then.