
Hey nintendo, if you're lurking, it would be such a small update.


Mannequins. ^_^
I agree, I miss mannequins.
You could actually get four or them in NL. They are exactly like the ones in the window of the Able's shop in NH.
I loved displaying them around my house, and each character I had had all 4. It was also another way to "store" clothing. I am very big on clothes in these games, and I had a ton in NL that I packed my storage with, as well as all the rooms in the museum.
My storage is bursting with clothing from this game, and it would be amazing to have mannequins. If they make it something we can get in the future I would be pretty happy!
me too! prior to the game’s release, i had so many ideas that involved mannequins and i’m still a little sad that i couldn’t bring any of them to fruition aha. hopefully they’ll make a return one day. :’^)
I think the wand may have replaced them

Yeah, I know...but I really dislike the wand, and never use it. The mannequins function in a bit of a different way, albeit with the same outcome, but still, I don't see why we couldn't have both.
Why would wands stop that?

I never use wands.

They aren't a mannequin you can dress and place.

I really wanted to dress a mannequin in the wedding gown and veil, and have it in my cemetery pond.

It was going to be the ghost of Helen Wick. :(

Not that im certain of course its just my gut feeling, I personally would like for them to come back not just for story telling purposes but also cause they are convenient, I would definitely put my wet suit on one of them so i could super quickly change into my wet suit equipment for diving. However i feel that they might not return as nintendo might see that the wand and the mannequin has the same functionality in the sense of swapping clothes.

But there are rumors for Able sisters to get expanded in the future so, who knows? We might get mannequins in the future, guess we will all have to wait and see how it plays out :)
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I think the wand may have replaced them

For some reason i think the same, but maybe they will add them at a later stage, specially since we can decorate the exterior of our houses maybe they will add mannequins for story line purposes 🤷‍♀️
Oh my gosh, yes, this. The only reason I've bought some of the clothing I have is in case one day they bring them back. I used to love having a pajama set on a mannequin in my bedroom on NL, and then change into it when I was at home <3
Yes. I miss the mannequins. Crafting them would be great. I was so disappointed that they removed them in Horizons.
Completely agree! I miss being able to have mannequins! Very disappointed they got removed. :(
If only mannequins had been brought over from new leaf.. I miss being able to display the outfits I made in my house.
I get that the wand basically does the same thing better but it doesnt exactly display the outfit anywhere. If the mannequin were in nh you'd be able to display it anywhere on your island- it sounds so fun. Imagine all the possibilities.
It seems I often find myself missing new leaf while I play.
I'd like to place them around the island also
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Ohh ok it's completely different from what I thought. Thanks for the explanation!
I temember 4 mannequins
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Wait i thought we can put mannequins of our clothes? Like we can pick "display here" and it'll come out as a mannequin? I kinda don't understand what you guys talking about, i never played new leaf before. Mind telling me?
Just like the mannequins in the Able sisters shop which display outfits..in New Leaf you were able to unlock 4 mannequins one at a time.So you ended up with 4, you could dress them how you liked and could only display them in you house.I would love to have them come back and be able to place them outside
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I actually do miss them, I liked having my favorite outfits on display, or just funny ones i put together! I think they'd be really nice to place outside Ables :'0 I hope they eventually come back!
I think that the clothing in New Horizons is infinitely better than the clothing in New Leaf (I would even go so far as to say I know it is) so that's another reason I'm surprised that mannequins aren't in this game. To me, wands aren't even near the same functionality as mannequins, but that may be because I don't bother carrying one around.

Wands seem clunky. You have to open your inventory, select it, hold it, then select the outfit you want? And if you want to streamline it, you have to sacrifice a tool? If we had mannequins, it's as simple as talking to the mannequin and pressing A! I just want mannequins back.
I also miss mannequins primarily for the aesthetics 😔 I loved being able to show off outfit combos and change directly into them! I like the wand idea but it sucks that you need to sacrifice a tool/storage space for it and you can’t change parts of the outfit when you’re in a wand outfit

it’d be nice if we could get them for outside displays as well!
agh I miss them too. :( I loved putting them through my walking closet room with cute outfits on them from Gracie Grace. I really want to believe that maybe she'll come back and we'll get mannequins again but tbh I don't wanna hold out hope for that because I don't really think it'll happen at this point. But I do indeed miss them. I think the wand thing is kind of silly and weird for an AC game so I don't really bother with it. More power to those who like it, it's just not for me.