
That’s honestly me whenever I see a really beautiful island theme/aesthetic, but I’m just gonna do more harm than good if I even attempt something like that.
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Me every day. Especially when I notice a small tiny detail that I can’t fix. Just today I realized the area near Curts house would look so much better if I shifted my island one whole column right 😬
I have small details like that all the time that make me want to reset or start all over. I try not to do crazy drastic things like that though, but I do start tearing down areas and get no progress on my island. I tear something and build something.
I'm constantly destroying and rebuilding parts of my island depending on my mood. It definitely is a risk since sometimes it ends up being worse than before but can also be so amazing in the end! I love when my island is constantly evolving with my style and the addition of new furniture and items. Sometimes the hard work, the risk, and the "ugly phase" of an island is what makes it more satisfying in the end ^_^
every day I get more tempted to flatten my entire island, but honestly I'd rather just reset my island completely than flatten it and build it back up again so for now I'm holding off haha. but the more cool design inspo I see online, the more I wish I could adapt it onto my island despite the fact I'm almost completely finished
Not me, haha. Flattening the island sounds like a nightmare and I don't know how people take that route when building their islands.

I sorta just wish for something like what we had in ACNL with the island Kapp'n took you to and decorating that. Like if we could visit mystery islands and have the mini-game island or something.
These past few weeks I'm like "I will flatten my island and carefully rebuild it" but I'm also like "I don't hate my current layout and I don't know if I'll have the motivation to rebuild everything again...and it may not look good after that, anyways".
Coherent themes are hard in this game because the island is big and the amount of theme-specific furniture is not. I don't think I could do it or that I'll ever try!

I've been considering some big changes myself, mainly to make my river nicer, but I'll probably just improve it by doing small sections at a time instead of tearing it all down in one go... I find that safer because that leaves the option to change it back if I end up hating it.

Me every day. Especially when I notice a small tiny detail that I can’t fix. Just today I realized the area near Curts house would look so much better if I shifted my island one whole column right 😬

This made me laugh. The entire island? Are you sure you couldn't just move his house one tile to the left? :p
I keep doing this its getting annoying now I spent all last night re doing my paths around my island.
And just keep changing things in general cause I do not like how some parts look
I'm not going to completely flatten my island, but I am in the process of redoing everything. That being said, my island was never even closed to being finished to begin with.
I know that if I flatten my island, even if I really want to do it, it will remain that way and I won't have any motivation to build anything else. So, I'm not doing it. Just destroying and rebuilding tiny areas at a time
Perhaps there's any area that keeps making you feel like this? If so, try to change up that area. I was fine with my island until one day, a piece of a river just felt off for me. Although I would prefer to do ANY landscaping after the rework I did at the beginning, I went into and changed the small area to something more suitable.
I kinda feel the same way so I flattened one section of town and ever since I haven't touched it, I don't know what to do with it lol..
I know that if I flatten my island, even if I really want to do it, it will remain that way and I won't have any motivation to build anything else. So, I'm not doing it. Just destroying and rebuilding tiny areas at a time
Literally me, everytime I log on I think "maybe I should just redo everything" but then I remember how burnt out I get doing ONE tiny section and I think eh, maybe not.
Coherent themes are hard in this game because the island is big and the amount of theme-specific furniture is not. I don't think I could do it or that I'll ever try!

I've been considering some big changes myself, mainly to make my river nicer, but I'll probably just improve it by doing small sections at a time instead of tearing it all down in one go... I find that safer because that leaves the option to change it back if I end up hating it.

This made me laugh. The entire island? Are you sure you couldn't just move his house one tile to the left? :p
Haha I’m glad it made you laugh 😜
The left is the beach. I Just have to restrain my impulses and leave it there. The urge is strong though.
I have considered starting over but I kinda like my island the way it is, like an emotional attachment to the way I built it first. I also dread the whole process of flattening... So I might reset the game in a couple years, when I get the courage to trade for items again
Same feeling! I had the same Island now since before the summer. Yesterday, as a start for the new year I flattened big chunks of it that I will redecorate in newly themed areas :D
honestly same, not so much the part about flattening my island, but just tearing all the decorations down and changing everything drastically.
I guess that's just part of the game :) The island is never finished! Redoing parts as you gather new items is just part of the fun :D

Although completely flattening it sounds a bit intense, I'd be completely lost in what to do haha
I don't have the patience or time to flatten an island, so when I get to that point, I just reset and start fresh. It takes time to rebuild but it's enjoyable time. And I don't like the idea of a flat island and having to rebuild from scratch. It seems like it would take a lot of math if one were trying for something very specific. Maybe someday I'll try it for the challenge, but for now, I just enjoy working with, and sometimes around, what is naturally present on an island.