
I am female and do not regret that, but I understand the feeling. I have never been particularly girly. Makeup, nails, pop music, etc really aren't for me. I love sports, academics, writing, playing my switch and DIY. I do enjoy other aspects of being female though and wouldn't change it if I could, my Mum being a very strong individual has always inspired me as well. I think the closest I have gotten to wishing I had been born a male was following my assault. I find hearing patriarchal ideas being accepted by some of my family very hard. I think that people should be able to express themselves however they wish, without feeling the need to fit a mold. I also want to see the gender gap narrowed and for there to be increased awareness so that others don't have to have the same experiences as myself and far too many others.
For me personally, I never really cared. I've been pretty non-conforming/tomboy-ish and never related stuff to gender what I did, I mean whatever sex/gender can do what they want as long as they aren't rude about it. I mean only think I didn't like were shark week but that can be fixed, and sure my boobs are way too big for my body but not too big so they ain't a hassle, guess I should be lucky cause I hate bras and the like.

I hate that I have to be extra cautious about how I walk, sit or live, I hate how weak I am both emotionally and mentally
You shouldn't have to feel this whoever you are though. Pretty good example by patriarchal society thoughts that females should be sat upon and needing to obey unhealthy stuff etc. etc. I would suggest talking to anyone professional about this though to get a better self-confidence and mindset.
When I was younger yes. I even went to be called by another, more masculine name. :) Some of my friends still even use that name and I still appreciate it.
Now as I grow up I realize that my assigned gender (sadly) lets me experience more with fashion and makeup (I'm not saying makeup isn't for males, I'm saying that wearing at when being that gender means having a lot of courage facing society that I know I would never have.)
But I'm not more comfortable in it than before. I just wish I was a genderless void.
I also happen to wish to not be said gender when I get cat-called in the street or whatever happens that female-presenting people experience 😤
i'm nonbinary so yeah.

i used to think i was transgender ftm but like uhh not anymore, i just don't care about gender enough to identify with one at this point. i'd rather just not care about gender and spend energy on it.
Tbh I have very vivid memories of wishing I was a boy ever since I was a super young child. I was always a tomboy who loved playing in the mud and looking for bugs and stuff. At the same time, though, I'm also proud to be a woman and feel that it makes up an important part of my identity. I think in my adult life I've come to a conclusion that gender means nothing and I can be whatever I want.
I was born a female (no I don't think I'm special because I'm a girl). All my life it's felt awful to be one. I can't relate to any other girls around me and I've always been told that males and females can't be friends and that it's sl**y for a girl to hang around guys, so even talking to males is awkward. As a result I'm socially awkward and I'm often questioning myself.

I act more like a ""male"" (from what I've been told) and I prefer ""boyish"" stuff over talking about makeup, celebrity gossip, all stuff I find pointless, (what isn't pointless idk) yet I always feel like I somehow am out of place with a group of males as well. I feel weird when some guy makes sexual jokes (in person). I also feel inferior to men competitively and I hate that I was born a female. I hate how unsafe I feel walking out alone, I hate that I can't laugh as heartedly, I hate that I have to be extra cautious about how I walk, sit or live, I hate how weak I am both emotionally and mentally I hate everything about being a female. I know this thread is something I'll regret typing but

it's something I can't talk to my family about for reasons.

I guess I feel like venting. Everyone has their own issues and this one is stupid compared to issues like having to work during a pandemic because you have to make ends meet and your elected leaders are all crap. Sorry.

Hello, I'm also female and it took me a long time to feel comfortable with myself. Truth is, women are awesome. We are smart, strong, capable. Not every single man is stronger than every other woman, and that's important to remember. With self defence women can be just as deadly, with their intelligence, just as calculating. It's true men propose a particular threat, but women are disarmed by society, not biology. It's well known now in the world that women and girls are taking over academics and have been for a while, from pre-school to university, in all subjects.

I wouldn't trade being a woman for the world. Yes, it's tough at times. Have I been bullied by men? yes. Have I been catcalled? Yes. etc. But I won't ALLOW them to make me powerless. I stand on my own ground, on my own terms. I've been threatened with baseball bats, knives, bottles. Perks of growing up in a ghetto town.

The first thing a man said to me when I went to university for Games Technology was, "When I saw you I was like, what's a girl doing in the class?? haha!" and then explained what a Skyrim mod was to me for an hour.

These people exist. But we do too. And that's the difference, we can make the difference.

I hope some day you find that being a woman is actually awesome. We literally create babies, men contribute less than 1% of DNA, we are their genesis (god). Without women and females, nothing would exist.

There are lizards that are all female and clone themselves, the female reproductive organs biologically evolved millions of years before male reproductive organs. In other words we are all just different levels of mutated female.

Take care 🦊
i'm a girl and i don't really want to be tbh, i don't like being female but i don't really want to be male either
like when i was younger i wanted to be a boy but i guess i changed my mind at somepoint

but yeah, gender just seems like a weird title to me and it all confuses me when i think about it so i don't 😅
not really. i love everything that's colorful, shiny, frilly and traditionally feminine, and find the female body a thousand times more appealing. sorry to hear you're struggling with gender identity.
technically my gender was always woman

i wished i could physically transition and actually be seen, though

i did, so it's all good in my adult life. too bad for society that i'm too narcissistic to value anyone else's ideas about me or their attempts to decide what being a woman entails for me. don't even have the empathy to acknowledge that the neanderthals exist

boy or girl or non-binary, you're in control and you steamroll right over anyone who tries to argue otherwise, loves
All the time. Even as a 6yo kid I HATED being a girl. I'm transmasculine, so it bothers me more than it normally should.

It also sucks because the 99% of my family doesn't even know i'm trans (only my chill sister who supports me knows out of my entire family). Calling me by my dead name, buying me girly clothing, going to girl's church activities instead of the boy ones, etc.
I'm always often thought of as a girl and liking rainbows, unicorns, make-up, and all that stereotypical girly stuff. It drives me insane. (although i do like rainbows because...well, gay.)

I've always hated wearing dresses. Never once in my life have I said a piece of clothing is cute (nor have I understood why girls say a pair of plain, black leggings is "SOO CUTE"). Prefer meme t-shirts or plain ones. Every time I go clothes shopping with my mom, she takes me to the dresses and asks me if i'd wear one of them to church (of course, I try my best not to get one). I've always wanted to wear a tuxedo.
It's really hard transitioning because of this junk. Instead of a more masculine haircut, i'm dealing with a pixie cut. I'm about 5'1, and my hands/feet are very small and I have a squeaky voice.

Will admit, though. I still like Littlest Pet Shop and other 'girly' things, but I sit a lot more on the 'masculine' side of life. But who cares, right? I'm gonna destroy gender stereotypes one day.

I know it's hard, too. Be yourself and don't care what anyone else thinks. (i'm a bad example of this, but still)
the fact that rainbows are inherently "girly" makes me so mad lol. i have an obsession with rainbow stuff. but yeah i will aid your quest to absolutely destroy gender norms and roles :)

I consider myself non-binary but it's likely that I'm actually transgender (or possibly gender fluid) cause I really wish I were a guy lol. I grew up in a very traditional/heteronormative family so I never questioned my gender as a kid but 1. I've never been comfortable in my own body and 2. I always hated some things that were expected of me as a "young lady" such as wearing dresses to formal events. the more I think about it the more I really wish I was born as a guy.

luckily I don't have a dainty frame (my body frame is quite robust) and my voice is quite deep for a woman's voice so with that, my not-explicitly-feminine clothes, and my short messy hair I've been starting to kinda pass myself off as a guy (only thing I've been struggling with lately is the fact that I really need a binder). i also haven't come out to anyone at all (not even my close friends) except strangers here lol, im too afraid to do it because my parents can be quite ignorant when it comes to non-binary people and idk what my friends would think :)

despite the fact that I hate being a woman I respect other women's right to love themselves for who they are and coexist peacefully with men in society. been looking a lot deeper into feminism lately and even as a trans/nb person I will always whole-heartedly support it.
I mean, as a kid my Mom kept my hair short, as I wanted it and people always thought I'm a boy.
It was pretty funny and I didn't mind at all, because I was always a tomboy. Boyclothes? Loving video games? Playing football? Having boyhaircut? Only boys as friends? Yep! That was me. But I never wished to be born a male. The only thing that annoys me about being a girl is the fact, that I have to deal with this pain every month (luckily currently not, hehe). I find it unfair that we have to suffer every month for a few days and boys don't have this problem! But no, I was wondering how it would be to be a boy, but I never wished it.
I don't have a problem at all with people transitioning though, as long as they don't attack me for being happy with my gender. :) (yes, that happened already.. :rolleyes:)
Yes and no. Back in the mid-00s (my teens) I was dead set on medically transitioning but I later realised that it wouldn't solve the problem; it would just be the same thing in reverse. Instead I wish the gender binary simply didn't exist. It is a burden for so many people, whether you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth or not.
I'm nonbinary, so yes. I guess unless I was born intersex then I would be unhappy either way. I haven't done anything to medically transition yet, and I don't know if I will. I use they/them pronouns, which feels nice. I've known I was either ftm or nonbinary since I was 15? I think? And now in my 20s, I still don't have it figured out, and don't really know if I ever will haha
Nope. I'm not really bothered with it. Whoever you are, you shouldn't be limited to doing stuff you like and want to do just because of your gender. Stereotypes should just bugger off to be honest.

The only thing that irks me is when people get surprised when they see me use the colour pink in whatever I do. No one bats an eyelid if I use other colours, but freak out when I use pink? It's just a colour! I think it looks pretty, especially if you combine it with other colours. It's just a small thing, though, so it's not enough for me to want to change my gender.
Nope. I'm not really bothered with it. Whoever you are, you shouldn't be limited to doing stuff you like and want to do just because of your gender. Stereotypes should just bugger off to be honest.

The only thing that irks me is when people get surprised when they see me use the colour pink in whatever I do. No one bats an eyelid if I use other colours, but freak out when I use pink? It's just a colour! I think it looks pretty, especially if you combine it with other colours. It's just a small thing, though, so it's not enough for me to want to change my gender.
dude pink is amazing, I personally love hot pink! we should make it like the 80s where everybody wore pink, even men, because it's such a bodacious color 😎
At this point in my life, no. I am really comfortable and okay with being a woman. There have been points in my life where I've thought that I've wanted to be a man. However those situations have always been less of a, "I hate being a woman/I'm uncomfortable with myself because I'm a woman," and more of a, "things would be a lot easier if I was a man," and finding that distinction for me has been really important.

It sucks that I don't feel safe walking down the street alone in certain areas, much less walking down the street alone at night. And while that problem wouldn't disappear if I were a man it wouldn't be as prevalent, either. Same goes for living alone, as a relatively small woman the thought of living alone in an apartment is trickier than it is for a regular man. It's not as big of a deal for a man to live in a sketchy apartment building or neighbourhood - but if I were to live in those places alone I would be putting myself at risk more than a man would. There's also other issues too like men generally being taken more seriously when it comes to work, things like getting your car fixed or even just buying a car, their health issues are generally taken more seriously by doctors, etc. Then there's also just having to deal with my period, which is never any fun and if I could opt out of that I totally would. For me personally I also feel like life would be easier to navigate as a straight man vs a homosexual woman.

That all being said though, those are problems that have more to do with society then how I truly feel about my gender. Would it be easier to be a man with how things are currently? Probably. But if I could live in a society where I wasn't treated negatively or deal with more risk simply for being a woman then I would choose to be a woman over being a man every single time. Because at the end of the day I don't actually have a problem with my gender or my body or even being a lesbian - it's the way that people treat me for it that makes things difficult.

**Obviously my examples are talking in a general/broad way and I know that it's not absolute and that being a man is also a nuanced experience and that they have challenges as well!