6,500,000 Posts Restock Bonanza!

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Thanks for the event and the bells Justin, even as infuriating this might have been. :p
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Welp...I wasn't able to get any of the collectibles that I wanted from the restocks, but oh well xD. Congrats to all you users who were able to buy a collectible/collectibles, and thanks for the free bells and doing the restock Justin :)
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It was a super fun restock for me even though I didn't get the collectible I wanted! cx It was exciting just waiting for the clock to turn 12pm or 8pm and trying to rush in for the collectibles ahahaha! Congrats to those who got what they wanted! <3 Looking forward to the next restock! :D
Congrats to everyone who got something, and thanks Justin for the restocks (tho I didn't get anything)!

"Now roight 'ere behind me is tha dead sea. Now in tha dead sea is tha hoighest density of solt of any body of woter in the world. But be careful, y'see, tha woters of this murky sea are home ta a special breed of leeches known as the Teebaytee, which is tha cause of all the solt in tha woter. Normally, the teebaytees feast on fallen fruit and other debris ta clear out their digestive system - n' if they don't, their excrement ends up being loaded with sodium. So don't step too close if ya have anything on ya, because if ya do, anything at all, they'll attack."
Well bummer! No teal house for my all blue line up this time. Congrats to all you lucky ducks! Jubs as always, it's been fun! Lol!
Aaaaaaaaaannnnnd I got the release time wrong so I didn't even get to try this time XP Why is my brain so dumb???
Here Lies Makoto's Hopes and Dreams

But thank you so much for the free bells!! ^0^
Thanks for the event and the free bells! This restock event will be the most exciting and stressful thing that happened to me this month.
everyone who was asking for a Pok?ball restock just remember this day... remember it well......

Well bummer! No teal house for my all blue line up this time. Congrats to all you lucky ducks! Jubs as always, it's been fun! Lol!

aww I was hoping you'd get one, I tried for u but I was too slow
I ended up buying an apple and four light blue houses. I sold all those items for a little over shop price to people to make them happy. Eh, I guess I don't really like collectables.
The 40 TBT was a nice unexpected bonus. I think I will use it to trade for some AC:NL turkeys for a friend who is not online. She is making a Harry Potter banquet hall in a house and I think I will get her some turkeys for her birthday.

"Now roight 'ere behind me is tha dead sea. Now in tha dead sea is tha hoighest density of solt of any body of woter in the world. But be careful, y'see, tha woters of this murky sea are home ta a special breed of leeches known as the Teebaytee, which is tha cause of all the solt in tha woter. Normally, the teebaytees feast on fallen fruit and other debris ta clear out their digestive system - n' if they don't, their excrement ends up being loaded with sodium. So don't step too close if ya have anything on ya, because if ya do, anything at all, they'll attack."

This is just Flippin hilarious!!!
So after the restock this week I thought I may try and give some legitimate suggestions to the staff for next time they try and do an event like this, to make many more people happy and not have so much (undeserved imo) backlash. Here would be a few things to consider or give a shot for the next restock, not sure how viable any of them actually are for the staff, but it's stuff that may help:

-If you guys use your own personal servers, I'd definitely check out potentially renting a couple extra while going through a restock phase, it can really help handle traffic and not cause as much lag.

-Make collectibles in the shop click to buy one, at least during restock times when there would be a high flow of traffic all cramming to get one. This way, you can get as many people as possible a collectible and one person doesn't hold a monopoly on x collectible and drive the market up for it. I'm not sure how viable the coding is for this since I'm not a coder, but if it can be fixed with relative ease I think this would DEFINITELY help, even without extra servers.

-This last one I'm hesitant to say since I'm not sure I entirely understand the collectibles market myself, but maybe add a few more? I get that the items are intended to be rare and prestigious, but I think that at least a few more, especially if my above suggestions can't be implemented, would really help with demand. Maybe instead of 2 Yellow Houses there are 10? I'm not sure if that helps too much and may effect the price point a bit, but it's either that or someone gets both and then monopolies the houses for absurd amounts. At least with a slightly increased number there's less of a chance for this scenario to happen.

Again, I'm not sure how easily these ideas could be implemented but I definitely think if you're going to do a restock event like this again you should see if something along these lines could be worked out to help.

All of this being said, people are getting way too upset. People should be thankful for the restocks because at least now there's more supply in the market so it may be easier in the coming weeks (that doesn't mean right this second) to get some of the most desired collectibles. Even though I didn't try for very many of these restocks, I appreciate the work the staff did because they spent their time sifting through lots of people complaining about them doing something good for the community.

I get it, lag is no fun and getting your hopes up when a collectible is in your cart and then you go through the checkout and got nothing can be very frustrating, but at least they did something nice for us. I hope the staff reads this and knows that they did a good job, despite what some of these other people may say. I would just really look into seeing a way if there was a fix for some of the issues that happened this time around that angered so many people.
Just wanted to thank you Justin for your dedication to these restocks.
This week was quite the week for collectibles, I must say.

@Zane I also tried to get DaCoSim a teal but it vanished when I proceeded to checkout..

Congrats to everyone who got what they wanted, and if not, keep your eyes peeled on the Marketplace board. I'm sure these things will be selling like hot buns throughout the week.

"Now roight 'ere behind me is tha dead sea. Now in tha dead sea is tha hoighest density of solt of any body of woter in the world. But be careful, y'see, tha woters of this murky sea are home ta a special breed of leeches known as the Teebaytee, which is tha cause of all the solt in tha woter. Normally, the teebaytees feast on fallen fruit and other debris ta clear out their digestive system - n' if they don't, their excrement ends up being loaded with sodium. So don't step too close if ya have anything on ya, because if ya do, anything at all, they'll attack."

Wow, this is legendary //applauds
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