Erm well that was more than i was going for
wow i actually got a collectible by myself
Nice going! Hope you had fun getting them
Erm well that was more than i was going for
wow i actually got a collectible by myself
Well bummer! No teal house for my all blue line up this time. Congrats to all you lucky ducks! Jubs as always, it's been fun! Lol!
"Now roight 'ere behind me is tha dead sea. Now in tha dead sea is tha hoighest density of solt of any body of woter in the world. But be careful, y'see, tha woters of this murky sea are home ta a special breed of leeches known as the Teebaytee, which is tha cause of all the solt in tha woter. Normally, the teebaytees feast on fallen fruit and other debris ta clear out their digestive system - n' if they don't, their excrement ends up being loaded with sodium. So don't step too close if ya have anything on ya, because if ya do, anything at all, they'll attack."
"Now roight 'ere behind me is tha dead sea. Now in tha dead sea is tha hoighest density of solt of any body of woter in the world. But be careful, y'see, tha woters of this murky sea are home ta a special breed of leeches known as the Teebaytee, which is tha cause of all the solt in tha woter. Normally, the teebaytees feast on fallen fruit and other debris ta clear out their digestive system - n' if they don't, their excrement ends up being loaded with sodium. So don't step too close if ya have anything on ya, because if ya do, anything at all, they'll attack."