6,500,000 Posts Restock Bonanza!

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donate to me tho plx I'm poor af and I jav a massive collectible wishlist
<3 all donations will be reciprocated w/ LOVE
i'm working wed + thurs, if people could kindly stop posting that would be nice
u said u were gonna host a giveaway earlier because u have so much


will u
Woah I never said that. I said I wanted to have a giveaway, not because I have so much. I want to have one because it's fun. I'm only having a giveaway based on what I grab at restocks. Everything else I worked damn hard for lol. But I'll probably throw in halloween collectibles and stuff because I have too many of those.

Also it will be more of a giveaway and contest. I have a bunch of ideas I'd like to implement, but I will definitely be including an art contest. Other things I'll include are writing contests, guessing games, etc. I will definitely have easy ones that all you need to do is post one thing (I'll come up with that later) and you get an entry. I want this to be big, so there's gonna be a lot of planning for it, so don't hold your breath xD

P.S. I feel like I'm gonna be one of those people whose luck will run out when trying to buy something good.
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