6,500,000 Posts Restock Bonanza!

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Wowza, stopped by for a short check in, and ee made some serious post progress. I've still got a couple of hours in this car doe. Later taters ;-;
Well, i'm back. And its not 6,500,000 posts yet. It will be soon, though.
I wanted a collectible but I might just not even try, neither time is good for me. One is while I'm at school and the other when I'm supposed to be asleep. Plus I doubt I'd even get one
There's only about 2K posts left! C'mon people! We can do it! Also, tysm Bone! I got mah BTB cuz u beeleebed in me. I <3 CHU FAM!!!
now less than 1,780 posts to go to reach the community milestone goal...

at this rate, 6.5M will be achieved about 8 hours from now...
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