Tales of Coral Cove

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Coral Cove
Native Fruit
Native Flower


~ Night-Owl Ghost ~
Oct 14, 2019
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
Coral Cove
White Love Letter
Sweetheart S
Sweetheart W
Sweetheart E
Sweetheart E
Sweetheart T
Sweetheart H
Sweetheart E
Sweetheart A
Sweetheart R
Sweetheart T
Galaxy Pizza

Big news – I hit the reset button on my second island! Yep, starting all over again, and I'm pumped! This time, I've named my island Coral Cove.


Oh, and meet Anya – she's the boss around here as the resident rep. She's super friendly and always up for an adventure. I can't wait to see what kind of fun stuff we'll get into together on our new island.


Hemisphere: Southern
Native Fruit: Apples
Native Flower: Roses
Airport Color: Red




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April 10, 2024

I've been busy on the island lately! First, I collected tons of bugs and fish to get Blathers to visit. Then, bam! The next day, his tent popped up, and I gave him even more critters so he could upgrade to a real museum. Today, it's under construction!


Yesterday, I gathered all the stuff Timmy and Tommy needed to open a shop. Found the perfect spot too! And guess what? Today, the shop's doors are wide open, ready for business!


Oh, and during Tom Nook's broadcast today, something weird happened. He got a mysterious phone call! Wonder what that's about?


When I swung by the shop, I caught Timmy and Tommy chatting with someone I later learned was named Mabel. Turns out, she was offering a helping hand, and it couldn't have come at a better time! We've been on the lookout for a clothing supplier here in Coral Cove, and Timmy and Tommy wasted no time offering her the gig. Mabel happily accepted, promising to drop by every now and then with some goodies to sell.


After Mabel left, Timmy and Tommy filled me in on some shop secrets. Apparently, the shop's name is named after a shop President Nook used to run. And as for that mysterious back cabinet? They spilled the beans on what treasures lie within.


After a little while, Rory caught up with me for a chat. He had something pretty cool to share – my very first reaction!
April 11, 2024

I later learned Nooks phone call was about three hopefuls eager to call Coral Cove home sweet home. But here's the kicker: Nook promised them the royal treatment – no tents for these newbies, only fully-furnished homes! Pretty sweet deal, huh? Only problem is, Nook's got his hands full and needs a bit of backup. That's where I come in – he's asked for my help in getting those homes ready for our new island residents.

Last night's stroll along the beach led me to an unexpected discovery. There, sprawled out on the sand, was a seagull who looked like he had a rough night. I decided to play the good Samaritan and gently nudged him awake to check if he was alright.
The groggy seagull introduced himself as Gulliver, explaining that he had a bit of a mishap – he'd nodded off and tumbled overboard. To make matters worse, his distress call couldn't get through because his communicator was on the fritz. With a hopeful look in his eyes, he turned to me for help in rounding up the missing parts.
Moved by his plight, I eagerly scoured the beach, combing every nook and cranny until I unearthed the elusive components. With the parts in hand, Gulliver wasted no time in piecing together his communicator, relieved to finally reach out to his crew for rescue. Grateful for my assistance, he assured me that I'd have a little surprise waiting for me in the mail in a few days. And with that, he bid farewell.


After that, I embarked on an exciting journey to mystery islands, eager to recruit some new residents for Coral Cove. After hopping from island to island, I stumbled upon three wonderful villagers: Audie, Nate, and Poppy. With enthusiasm bubbling over, I extended heartfelt invitations for them to join us on Coral Cove. To my delight, each of them graciously accepted the offer, eager to become part of our island family.


Today's island life burst into action with a bang as Nook's announcement echoed through the airwaves – Coral Cove had finally scored its very own museum!


Eager to kick off the day, I stepped outside, only to be greeted by the cheerful jingle of my phone. It was Timmy from Nook's Cranny, sharing the good news that the bells from my late-night fish sales had been safely deposited into my bank account.


With business matters settled, it was time to tend to my humble crops. A quick shower of water ensured their continued growth and vitality.


Next on the agenda: a visit to Nook for the day's directives. As luck would have it, a pressing matter awaited – the need for a bridge to connect Coral Cove, facilitating access across the river before the arrival of new residents.
Armed with determination, I scoured every corner of the island, gathering materials for the bridge. Once everything was gathered, I set to work, crafting and constructing the bridge with precision. And when it was finally finished, I found the perfect spot to place it.
April 12, 2024
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During today's broadcast, Nook couldn't contain his excitement for the arrival of fall! He surprised me by updating my DIY recipes app with a special recipe for a Tree's Bounty Little Tree.

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Before heading over to chat with Nook, I made a quick pit stop to check out Mabel's goodies. It was her first visit to Coral Cove, and I was eager to see what she had to offer. I couldn't resist splurging on everything she had, whether it suited my taste or not, just to fill up my catalog.

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After my shopping spree with Mabel, I caught up with Nook to see what's on today's to-do list. With the bridge up and running, it was time to get those three plots ready and craft the necessary items for each one. I wasted no time gathering the materials needed, whipping up the items in a flash. Once everything was crafted, I sprang into action, placing the exterior decorations around the plots and stowing away the interior furnishings, all ready to welcome our new island neighbors. And just when I thought the day couldn't get any better, Nook surprised me with a gift – some fencing to spruce up our island even more. It was the perfect reward for all my hard work!

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With everything checked off the list for the day, I figured it was time to kick back and celebrate all that we've achieved here on Coral Cove.
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April 13, 2024


During today's broadcast, Nook made a big announcement – Nate had become our newest neighbor, and the doors to customization were now open to me.

Eager to extend a warm welcome, my first stop was to visit Nate and ensure he felt right at home.


Once Nate was settled, I headed over to Nook's place to touch base. As I stepped inside, he wasted no time and began sharing his latest venture – a workshop dedicated to customizations. Intrigued by the prospect, I eagerly signed up.
With Nook's guidance, my first task was to craft a wardrobe, a task I tackled with enthusiasm and a quick scavenger hunt for the necessary materials. Once completed, Nook walked me through the process of customization, and I dove right in, eager to put my newfound skills to the test.


After finishing up at Nook's, I spotted Harv wandering outside. We caught up for a bit, and he extended a friendly invitation to check out his island, aptly named Harv's Island.


Oh, and before I forget – last night, amidst the soothing rain, I reeled in a magnificent catch. It was a thrill to reel in such a sizable fish

April 14, 2024
Before diving into today's events, let me share a little surprise from last night's fishing expedition. Out of the blue, I stumbled upon Redd, who had a rather intriguing proposal in mind – setting up shop as an art dealer right here in Coral Cove. Now, I'll admit, Redd's reputation might be a tad shady, but in a community like ours, having an art dealer could add some much-needed flavor. Plus, he's quick to remind me that we're practically family, and who am I to turn away family?
With Redd anchored on the northern shore, I wasted no time in paying him a visit. His ship was a curious sight, filled to the brim with all sorts of artwork. After a thorough inspection, I stumbled upon a serene painting that passed the authenticity test. Without hesitation, I snagged it for my collection.


Today broadcast was brief, with just one exciting announcement to share: Coral Cove welcomed a new addition to the neighborhood – none other than Audie.


The moment I heard the news about Audie's arrival, I couldn't wait to extend a warm welcome. Without a second thought, I dashed off to greet them, eager to kickstart their Coral Cove adventure with open arms.

After welcoming Audie, I headed over to Nook to see if there were any tasks on the agenda. However, it seemed like there weren't any pressing tasks for me today.


So, spotting Mabel's return on my way in, I figured it was the perfect opportunity to browse her latest wares.


Next, I stumbled upon Daisy Mae taking a leisurely stroll. She eagerly filled me in on the ins and outs of the stock market and the wonders of turnips. Intrigued, I wasted no time in purchasing as many as my wallet could handle.


Later on, Nate dashed over to me with an eager grin, insisting on presenting me with a "welcome to the island" gift, despite the fact that I'm already a resident. It was such a sweet gesture that warmed my heart.


When I dropped by Rory's home, I found him engrossed in a crafting project. Curiosity piqued, I inquired about his latest creation. With a grin, he revealed that he was crafting a bamboo drum and generously offered to share the recipe with me. Without hesitation, I eagerly accepted his offer, excited to learn something new.
April 15, 2024

Before I delve into what occurred today, let me share a delightful encounter from last night. While exploring another island, I had the pleasure of visiting Dobie, who was hard at work crafting a golden dharma. To my delight, he generously offered to teach me the recipe, an offer I eagerly accepted.


In today's broadcast, Nook shared the exciting news that Poppy had joined our island community, alongside the announcement of Resident Services closing tomorrow for a tent-to-building upgrade.


My first order of business was extending a warm welcome to Poppy, ensuring she felt right at home on our island. Then, I swung by Resident Services to check if there were any tasks at hand. Turns out, until Resident Services gets its upgrade, there's not much else on the agenda.


But just when I thought the day couldn't get any more eventful, I stumbled upon Gulliver once again, sprawled out on the beach like a snoozing sailor. This time, rousing him from his slumber proved to be quite the challenge. Once he was finally awake, he launched into his familiar tale of shipwreck woes and broken communicators. Naturally, he called on me to help him retrieve the five scattered parts. After locating the scattered parts, Gulliver promised another surprise in the mail as a token of gratitude for my assistance.
April 16, 2024


In today's broadcast, Nook shared the news that Resident Services would be closed for construction, leaving me with ample free time on my hands. Seizing the opportunity, I decided to tackle the task of selling off all my turnips.


Later in the day, when the island seemed unusually quiet, Poppy dashed over to express her gratitude for my welcoming visit on her first day. In a heartwarming gesture of friendship, she even presented me with a thoughtful gift to mark the occasion of becoming neighbors.


With no other pressing matters to attend to, it dawned on me that I had been putting off my visit to Harv's Island. Sensing the opportune moment, I decided to make my way over and see what he was up to.

Upon arrival, Harv welcomed me with open arms and wasted no time in showcasing his domain—a bustling photo studio known as Photopia. Eager to learn, I absorbed every detail he shared about the creative wonders that could be conjured within its walls.
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April 17, 2024

Before we embark on today's journey, let me share an enchanting encounter from last night. While exploring another island, I had the pleasure of meeting Celeste for the very first time. In a gesture of newfound friendship, she bestowed upon me the DIY recipe for a star wand, illuminating our meeting with a touch of magic.


Guess what? Nook dropped the bombshell: Resident Services is now a bonafide building! No more cozy tent vibes – we're talking solid walls and everything! Oh, and hold onto your hats, because this is the last you'll hear of Nook on the airwaves. Yep, you heard it right! He's passing the torch to Isabelle, the new kid on the block. From now on, she's the one doling out the announcements, so buckle up for some fresh gossip and maybe a dash of sass.


So, my first order of business today was to check out the shiny new Resident Services. And what do you know? As soon as I stepped in, Nook did his classic intro, but there was a twist! He introduced me to Isabelle, the new kid on the block. Turns out, they're tag-teaming now. Nook's got the construction stuff covered—homes, bridges, you name it. Meanwhile, Isabelle's the go-to gal for all things island-related


Once I wrapped up my chat with Nook, I plopped down for a chat with Isabelle to see what she's bringing to the table. Turns out, she's got some nifty services up her sleeve! I can switch up my island flag and tune—pretty sweet, right? But here's the kicker: I haven't quite figured out what I want yet. Looks like the island will have to endure the same old tune for a bit longer.

Next up, I plopped down for a chat with Nook to scope out today's to-do list. And boy, did he drop a bombshell! He spilled the beans on his grand vision for our little slice of paradise: getting the legendary K.K. Slider to strut his stuff right here in Coral Cove. I nearly fell off my chair—I'm practically K.K.'s number one fan!

But get this, Nook wasn't done yet. He laid out his master plan, codenamed "Project K," in all its glory. Three epic stages to make this dream a reality. Stage one: lure more tourists to the island. Stage two: convince more folks to ditch their old digs and move here. And stage three: Putting in the elbow grease to boost the island's overall reputation. Talk about aiming high! Looks like we're in for one wild ride with ol' Nook leading the charge.

Today's mission kicks off with a splash as we embark on the exciting task of adding a campsite to our island. Nook wasted no time, zipping over the campsite construction kit recipe straight to my phone, so after our little chat, I dashed off to check out what materials were needed. Once I had all the materials in hand, it was crafting time! After some hammering and sawing, voila! The campsite was born. With the campsite in hand, it was time for the crucial decision: finding the perfect spot. After a bit of beachcombing, I stumbled upon the ideal location by the shore.


With the campsite snugly in place, I trotted back to Nook to deliver the good news: mission accomplished! Now all that's left to do is sit back, relax, and let the construction magic happen. Tomorrow, we'll wake up to our very own slice of outdoor paradise—a campsite all our own.
April 18. 2024


Today's announcement from Isabelle was short and sweet: Coral Cove has officially opened its doors to visitors with the grand unveiling of our brand-new campsite! Get ready to roll out the welcome wagon because we're about to have visitors flocking to our little slice of paradise 😊


As soon as I stepped out of my house, my phone rang with a call from none other than Tom Nook himself. He had a surprise visitor waiting at the airport, urging me to hurry over for an introduction. Upon arrival, Nook ushered me over to meet Lottie, a familiar face from his past ventures. Little did I know, she had since spread her wings and founded her own vacation-home enterprise. Without missing a beat, she extended a tempting job offer my way, and without hesitation, I eagerly accepted the opportunity.


Afterwards, I swung by Resident Services to catch up with Nook and see what tasks were on the agenda. He filled me in on the latest scoop: our guests would be setting up camp at the new campsite, so he advised keeping an eye out for their arrival. Since the campsite was still vacant, he suggested sprucing up the island with decorations and flowers to make it a real showstopper for visitors. After our chat, I rummaged through my storage and scattered some items around the island. I can't wait to dive into serious island decorating once terraforming unlocks, for now, I'll do whatever it takes to boost our island rating.😌


As I stepped out of Resident Services, my eyes caught sight of a new face setting up shop nearby. Curiosity piqued, I strolled over to introduce myself, discovering their name was Leif. Turns out, Leif specializes in rare flower seeds, shrubs, and produce starts – talk about a green thumb! Intrigued by the possibilities, I couldn't resist picking up some shrubs and flowers to add a touch of magic to our island's decor.
April 19, 2024
Last night, while I was up on the cliff clearing out weeds, I noticed something peculiar – a ghostly figure drifting in the moonlight. In my attempt to strike up a conversation, I managed to spook the poor thing so much that it scattered pieces of its spirit in all directions! Introducing himself as Wisp, it became apparent he'd been an unseen resident of our island for quite some time. Seeking my aid to retrieve his lost spirits, he promised a token of gratitude in return.

After retrieving the spirits and restoring Wisp to his former self, he expressed his gratitude by offering me a choice: something new or something expensive. Going with the second option, I received a retro stereo as a token of his appreciation.


Today's announcement brought an exciting update: Isabelle announced the arrival of a visitor in our brand-new campsite. It seems our little island is starting to attract some attention! 🎆

The moment news spread about the visitor at the campsite, I dashed over to meet them. Lo and behold, it was O'Hare! Excited about the prospect of a new neighbor, I wasted no time in extending an invitation for them to become a part of our island family. However, O'hare wisely suggested consulting Nook first to ensure everything was on the up and up.


Off I went to Resident Services, where Nook suggested persuading the visitor to move in. Little did he know, I had already sealed the deal! 😅 With that settled, Nook handed me a housing plot and tasked me with finding the perfect spot for O'hare's new home. I then searched the island for the perfect spot and got everything set up.


With my previous task checked off, I made my way to Mabel, whom I had noticed earlier while visiting Resident Services. Eager to see what she had in stock, I approached to browse her wares. To my surprise, Mabel had a different request in mind. She sought my opinion on a potential location for a new store she was considering opening on Coral Cove. Handing me the shop plot, she asked for my help in finding the perfect spot. Eager to assist, I scouted the island until I found a suitable location and promptly set the plot in place, ready to help Mabel turn her idea into reality.
April 20, 2024


As I explored the underwater world last night, hunting for sea creatures, I stumbled upon a precious scallop. Just as I admired my find, a surprise visitor materialized from the waves – none other than Pascal, a relaxed otter. With a swift movement, he approached, his eyes alight with curiosity, and humbly requested the scallop as if it were the rarest gem. Unable to resist his charm, , I gladly surrendered the prized shell. In return, Pascal graciously bestowed upon me a delightful recipe for a mermaid shelf, leaving me captivated by the enchanting secrets of the ocean depths.


Guess what? Isabelle just dropped some big news! We've got a fresh face joining our island crew – none other than O'Hare! And get this—he's not just any newcomer; he's the very first camper we welcomed just yesterday! Looks like our little island is expanding faster than a balloon at a birthday party! 🎈


Straight off the bat, I made a beeline for O'Hare's place to roll out the welcome wagon. Gotta show our newest islander the ropes, right? And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good, old-fashioned island welcome?


Afterward, I went to Resident Services, eager to catch up with Nook and see what the day had in store. As I strolled in, Nook was positively buzzing about Project K, yammering on about how our snazzy new campsite was reeling in visitors left and right. With phase one of his grand plan in the bag, he was itching to spill the beans on what's nex


After his update, I snagged a seat for a cozy chat with Nook to discuss the next steps for Project K. He outlined the plan to enhance the island's image and ramp up word-of-mouth marketing. He mentioned that Isabelle would be lending a hand in gathering feedback, so I made my way over to her for a chat.


Isabelle was now offering island evaluations, so I decided to see where we stood. Unfortunately, our island rating was a meager one star out of five. Isabelle stressed the need for more residents to boost our rating, suggesting we prepare some land for sale to entice newcomers. With her advice in mind, I returned to Nook to secure some land.

So, with a hop, skip, and a jump, I bounced back to Nook and waved my bells in his face, demanding some plots for future homes. After shelling out the cash, I snagged a housing plot and scurried off to find the perfect spot to place it.


Armed with a mission and tickets in hand I set off to scour the mystery islands, hoping to find the perfect villager to fill our newly minted plot.

Despite my best efforts, the mystery islands just weren't delivering the ideal fit for our community. So, I took a step back and considered which villagers I truly envisioned as part of Coral Cove's permanent family. Sasha was at the top of that list without a doubt. With determination in my heart, I scoured the web to see if any other islands were bidding farewell to Sasha. And guess what? Fate smiled upon me! I stumbled upon an island offering Sasha for adoption. Without hesitation, I booked a flight and jetted off to secure Sasha's place in Coral Cove!
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April 22, 2024

Well, well, well, would you look at that! Isabelle hit us with some major news during her morning broadcast: Sasha has officially landed on our beloved island! Talk about shaking things up in Coral Cove!

I can practically hear the excitement buzzing through the palm trees as everyone gears up to welcome our newest resident. It's like adding an extra scoop of sugar to an already sweet day
Now, the real question is: will Sasha bring enough sunscreen for all the fun in the sun we're about to have? Buckle up, Coral Cove, because things are about to get interesting with Sasha in town!

But wait, there's more! As if one big announcement wasn't enough, the tailor shop flung open its doors today too! Looks like Coral Cove just got a little bit more stylish!


First order of business today? Trotting on over to Sasha's place to give them the warmest Coral Cove welcome. Because let's be real, a bit of neighborly kindness goes a long way in making island life extra special, don't you think? Time to break out the welcome wagon and get this party started! 🥳


After that, I went to explore the new tailor shop, curious as a cat about what treasures awaited inside. Mabel wasted no time giving me a tour of the place. First stop? The recommended items, strategically placed front and center to lure in unsuspecting fashion victims like myself. Next up, she pointed out the mannequins on the left, sporting seasonal outfits that practically screamed "buy me!"

As if that wasn't enough, Mabel then directed my attention to the back wall, where rows of custom designs were proudly displayed.

Last but not least, we made our way to the fitting rooms tucked away on the right side of the shop. It was like stepping into my own private runway – the perfect spot to try on all those fabulous finds.

With a twinkle in her eye, Mabel bid me farewell to wander the fashion wonderland solo.

Next on the agenda: Operation "Expand Coral Cove!" Off to Resident Services I went, determined to snag another plot and up our island game. After all, Coral Cove isn't going to populate itself, right? With determination in my heart (and my wallet), I purchased the plot and plopped it down, ready for its new resident.

With tickets in hand and fingers crossed for a speedy encounter with at least one dream villager, I jetted off to mystery islands. It felt as though we were setting out on a grand quest, with each island offering the chance to discover a new dreamy and a higher island rating. Time to roll the dice and see who fate throws my way!

Ten islands down, and let me tell you, the struggle was real.😭 It was like a marathon of disappointment, with each mystery island offering up nothing but heartache. But hey, who said good things come easy, right?

Just when I was about to throw in the towel and call it a day, lucky number twelve came along and boy, did it deliver! There he was, Derwin, the feathered friend of my dreams, just waiting to be whisked away to Coral Cove.

With a mix of relief and boundless joy, I extended the invitation, and wouldn't you know it, he said yes! Looks like Derwin's ready to spread his wings and make Coral Cove his new nest.
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April 23, 2024

Isabelle just dropped the bombshell that Derwin has officially landed on our shores. I swear, you could practically hear the island buzzing with excitement the moment she made the announcement.

Isabelle, with her trademark smile, shared the news like it was the juiciest gossip in town. And let me tell you, the villagers' reactions were priceless. There were gasps, cheers, and even a few happy dances thrown into the mix.

As for me, well, I couldn't help but join in the celebration. After all, who doesn't love a good island arrival?


No sooner had Isabelle finished her announcement about Derwin's arrival than I found myself sprinting across the island like a crazed fan at a concert. Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the picture.

With a gentle knock on the door, it swung open to reveal Derwin, surrounded by a sea of cardboard boxes. Despite the whirlwind of unpacking chaos, Derwin greeted me with a smile that could light up the darkest of island nights. With a quick exchange of pleasantries, it became clear that time was of the essence – unpacking duties called, and Derwin had no intention of letting them wait.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself bidding farewell, promising to return tomorrow for a proper island welcome once the dust had settled. After all, there's no rushing the unpacking process – especially when you're a bird with a penchant for perfection.

As I left Derwin to tackle the mountain of boxes that awaited, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of the feathered chaos that awaited him. Here's to hoping he doesn't misplace his lucky worm-finding hat in the process!

Today was the day we put Coral Cove on the map – quite literally! Briskly, I made my way to resident services, eager to find out how Isabelle rates our island. But little did I know, fate had something extraordinary in store for us. As Isabelle worked her magic on our island rating, I held my breath, waiting for the moment of truth. And lo and behold, when she revealed the news, it was like a bolt of island lightning struck right through the room – we had achieved three stars!

Tom Nook's reaction was priceless – I swear his raccoon eyes nearly popped out of his head! And as for me? Well, let's just say I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

But the surprises didn't stop there, oh no! Nook dropped the bombshell that we'd received feedback from none other than the legendary K.K. Slider himself. Even Isabelle was caught off guard!

Nook wasted no time in dialing up K.K.extending the invitation for a concert right here on the sandy shores of Coral Cove. And guess what? K.K. didn't hesitate for a second – if his schedule allows, he'll be serenading us with his sweet island tunes as soon as tomorrow! Talk about living the island dream!
April 24, 2024


Isabelle hit us with the news that a new camper has rolled into town, ready to shake things up at the campsite. I can practically hear the hum of anticipation buzzing through the air.

But wait, there's more! Brace yourself, because the one and only K.K. Slider has graced us with his presence. That's right, the master musician himself is here to serenade us with his soulful tunes. It's like music to my ears—or, well, it will be soon enough!


What a day, what a day! The whole gang gathered at the plaza, anticipation crackling in the air like a summer thunderstorm. And who should take center stage but the legendary K.K. Slider himself, ready to strum his heart out for us all. And let me tell you,his tunes were like a warm island breeze, sweeping us off our feet and carrying us away to a musical paradise.

Just when I thought the excitement couldn't get any better, Nook himself showed up at my doorstep, bearing a special gift. Can you believe it? A commemorative song, none other than "Welcome Horizons," the very melody we heard K.K. perform just moments ago. It's like having a piece of island history in my pocket!

But wait, there's more! Nook dropped another bombshell—K.K. was so blown away by our little island that he's decided to make Coral Cove his Saturday night hotspot. That's right, we've got front-row seats to the K.K. Slider show every week from now on!

But that's not all, Nook had one final trick up his sleeve—a new app for my phone, the island designer. With this newfound power, I can finally bend the very landscape of our island to my will. Terraforming, here I come!

With K.K. finally unlocked and the island designer app in my pocket, I'm ready to take this island to the next level. And you know what that means? Time traveling! Now, you might be wondering why I'm suddenly considering time traveling. Trust me, it's not because I've got a DeLorean hidden in my backyard. Nope, it's all about that island decorating life. You see, when inspiration strikes, I've gotta strike while the iron's hot. Otherwise, I'll end up with more unfinished projects than a forgetful squirrel burying acorns.

So, armed with this newfound power, I dashed over to Nook's Cranny, snagged all the permits like a bandit on the run, and set my sights on my entrance. But oh, what a tangled web I wove! In a stroke of genius (or perhaps just sheer madness), I managed to box myself in tighter than a hermit crab in its shell.

Thank the stars for rescue services, because yours truly had to swallow her pride and make the call. Ah, the glamorous life of an island decorator—never a dull moment, that's for sure!
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