[#7] Five Years of New Leaf Anniversary Photo Challenge

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Here's my entry for Challenge #3:

I managed to get a photo of my two besties/dreamies while I was napping in the town's "fishing chair".
The look on Savannah's face though. She does NOT seem to approve on me sleeping on my job.
I was trying to get Roscoe to follow me to the pyramid for the challenge and when I talked to him, he told me how to take a photo since I was using a new alt. lol


um.. this is me.. in front of my friend's favourite pwp.....a grave.... of hazel.....(at least this challenge is a way of knowing who to avoid on tbt)
I like to visit my friend's towns and steal their victory dances by paying off their pwps. Aren't I evil?
Here's mine~It took a bit long to get Butch over to the pwp and he got angry, but it was worth it. It was hard to choose which one to go with, but I went with the hammok by the waterfall :3 Good dog Butch~XD

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Coach and I admiring the topiary, as provided by the lovely Leif!​
I really missed the police station in previous installments of Animal Crossing. I was really happy to have it back for NL!

(Pierce didn't like me pushing him all the way up here. I like to think he's about to walk into the building and report me to Booker!)

In my Pokemon town, Misty & Joey Psyduck are training at the Pokemon Stadium.

I made all the patterns here myself with the help of the stadium light PWPs. <3​

Here's mine! Marshal, Wade, and Poppy were all around this area but they all stubbornly refused to get any closer to the bench than Wade did here and I didn't want to make anyone mad.
me: this is the very first PWP in town!
ruby: really? when was it made?
me: um...


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Me and Ankha took a trip back to her hometown today where I got to meet her parents :lemon:
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