9 min Japanese trailer - ENGLISH SUBTITLES! :D

I gotta admit I wasn't really interested in HHD when it was first announced but with each new trailer i'm starting to fall more and more in love with this game! I can't wait for it to come out!
After seeing the video I am definitely going to get the game! Seeing all the features and more that we might know about just makes it a really great idea that I am really excited for now!
Anyone else concerned that the next full release of AC will not have these cool new features because they exist in HHD? I guess I am confused as to why Nintendo would use a spin off game to reveal very cool features (that AC fans have been wanting for years) instead of announcing them as selling points in a future release.

I am wondering if Nintendo thinks that having this much power in a 'regular' full AC release would hamper the AC game-play that the franchise is known for. In other words, can we own a home, rule a town and control our villagers as well? I hope so, because that's what I want, but can't have it in either game!
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they did it this way to make more money and get people excited for amiibo cards..
they could have just introduced these features in a full new game, but they do a spin-off game instead, that will have people love these features and want them in a feature game...which means the spin off and the cards will sell as well as the next game.
double win for them.

thats also why you cant full on walk around the town
(it's also a test-drive to see if these new functions actually resonate with people irl and not fail. sometimes when people get all they want, they lose interest alltogether. this way, if the features didnt work for the game, they could just make money off the cards for now and take the features away from the next full game. if you followed the reactions from first announcement to now, this tactic seems to pay off. )
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Anyone else concerned that the next full release of AC will not have these cool new features because they exist in HHD? I guess I am confused as to why Nintendo would use a spin off game to reveal very cool features (that AC fans have been wanting for years) instead of announcing them as selling points in a future release.

I'm worried too. I really do love the look of this game! The home designing is almost exactly how I've wanted it for so long. I love being able to just do it all from the bottom screen. Sure, in a main game you'd probably be limited to what you have on you, or at the very least what's in your storage, and that's okay, but I want to be able to design my rooms the same way as in HDD. Let me move furniture by half a square so I can finally have a coffee table between two sofas, or just in front of one sofa by a TV. Let me make these small changes, let me have some flowers or something in the very middle of a big table! I love loads of these little things.

I hope these features come to the next game. I'd love it if you could even place furniture outside like that to really make houses feel like they have their own little gardens. I'd love it if you could place PWPs in your town this same way too. It would be much more intuitive than the current system of having to lead Isabelle to where you want to place the project, and then having to readjust your placement because you're one or two squares off. Why can't I just sit at my desk in Town Hall, look at a map of the town, and then be givin a visual representation of your town just like in HDD when placing a house, yet allow me to do that for projects? They could even show squares around the project to indicate how much extra space around it that it needs. It would make it so much easier and faster. Especially if I end up not liking how a particular project will look, and I decide something else might look better. If you take Isabelle out of Town Hall and decide you want a different project, she'll go back and you have to then run back yourself and go through it all over again.

The main thing I don't think will make it to the next main game is the amount of shops, considering it's likely you'd be in the Mayor role once again, which isn't bad, but I'd still love to be able to pick which shops open up on Main Street, or whatever they call it in the next game. I'm fine for specific shops opening up, but wouldn't it be great if you could choose from a list of things, and possibly decorate it yourself? Each specific shop could have a set number of things they sell, so it could add more variety to individual towns as well.
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The main thing I don't think will make it to the next main game is the amount of shops, considering it's likely you'd be in the Mayor role once again
I'm pretty sure the shops make it to the next game, since it's things that everyone has built in their own house in acnl, but doesn't actually need in it. so taking the option to build the things in seperate spaces, will just annoy people after HHD and clutter peoples houses again. with the introduction of these places the villagers are getting lots of new animations and interaction possibilites, that would just be strange to be missing after HHD.. but we'll see..
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What do you mean as in "dismissed"? Does that mean you reach the villager limit, or what?

I don't know exactly, that's just what I heard during the Treehouse event. I'm assuming it means they'll stay in your town as long as you want them there, then you "dismiss" then when you want them to go.
They expanded on everything I liked about Animal Crossing and took away all the chores. 10/10
fffff this looks fantastic!!! DO WANT!! take my money!!

I really like the looks of this game! I find myself buying it when it's released. :D
So much people think the game is confirmed to cost $39.99, when New Leaf launched with a $34.99 price tag. Has Nintendo actually confirmed the price? I guess we'll have to wait for sure.
Thanks so much for posting this, gives me a better idea of what the game is actually about. Nice!
So much people think the game is confirmed to cost $39.99, when New Leaf launched with a $34.99 price tag. Has Nintendo actually confirmed the price? I guess we'll have to wait for sure.

I think people are just going off GameStop's placeholder price, which is $40. That, and also the game is full retail price in Japan, so it'll probably be full retail price in the west, too.

It looks great, but I would love to know how regular living would be. I mean like fishing, bug catching and interacting with the villagers. Can we do both? Is it like a regular animal crossing with a better job? I hope so.
It looks great, but I would love to know how regular living would be. I mean like fishing, bug catching and interacting with the villagers. Can we do both? Is it like a regular animal crossing with a better job? I hope so.

It's a spin-off and not meant to be a complete entry in the series; most of the things you do in AC probably aren't accessible here.
It's a spin-off and not meant to be a complete entry in the series; most of the things you do in AC probably aren't accessible here.

I figured as much.

Whelp I guess I'll just have to wait for the next AC game in 2020. Lol.
I've kinda been on the fence over this game but I gotta say it's looking quite awesome. Seeing Gaston flash by for a short moment was what won me over. Ha! If they could just mash this up with New Leaf then they'd have the perfect Animal Crossing-game. :)