Sheesh, guess people didn't take their time with it like usual Animal Crossing games. Here I am days away from 1 year playing it, and I just enjoyed decorating yet another house. I'm not in it to do all 300+ in a month, I'm here to do the 300+ over the course of a year, that's the beauty of Animal Crossing, it's a game that is spread out over time...
This ^
At first I loved playing it and I played it more than New Leaf, but as time went on and as I completed all of the buildings I started taking a hiatus. I like designing houses with my friends and family though, we can bounce ideas off one another and make a memorable house I can look back at. c:
i love that game although it does get very repetitive (especially if you have all the furniture items) but either way i still like to play it every once in a while
Same Here as i pick it up now and then but i trying to get Stuff on my own as i have a data cap and not a pro as i love playing with my friends here as i love pepper as she so nice to me about getting rare Oversea items.
?Animal Crossing: New Leaf? encouraged you, as the mayor, to have one-on-one connections to a town?s animal villagers.
?Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer? takes a quality?creativity?one used as mayor in ?New Leaf? for a different purpose in ?Happy Home Designer.?
They have very different purposes.
?New Leaf? is more engaging because of the bonding with these animal villagers with whom you can feel a friendship. (In my first town, dating back to August 17, 2013 and called Applewin, I have deliberately retained original villagers Jambette, Scoot, and Twiggy. I consider the town to also be theirs.)
One quality and ability that ?Happy Home Designer? has that I wish would have also been so with ?New Leaf? is control. I mean having no problems with placing of outdoor lights and bushes. And, I had written here plenty, that a mayoral feature which would have been great is ?zoning control??for where houses and building could be placed. (And moving houses?humans? and villagers??along with buildings, with exception of the train station, would have been great.)
I think Nintendo should do a lot better with the next ?Animal Crossing.? I don?t think ?Happy Home Designer? is bad. It?s just?limiting. I don?t think it is close to being as fun as is ?New Leaf.?
I was so excited when I got it, but I was a little disappointed with the amount of content. I do enjoy the game, but I thought it was overpriced.. I guess you're paying for the title Animal Crossing. I wish it just had a little more sustenance. Just placing objects in houses for an entire game is pretty bland when you really think about it in my opinion.
I think this game is really meant to be played as an addition to new leaf. If you don't drag it out yes you will really hate it. If you see it as a way to improve your design skills in new leaf, you're going to get more out of it too.
People shouldnt compare it to New Leaf. It is a spinoff for a reason. I personally think that while yeah it is just designing things, they did add a heavier amount of content and details to the game. I was honestly amazed at the stuff you can do and unlock. For a spin off, I was surprised.
For those that bought this thinking it was another New Leaf and not a side game, they automatically set themselves up for a disappointment.
I just got it and am loving it. Right now I'm getting drained of my great ve flow so it's best not to play everyday. I can see this game lasting me forever if I pace myself and don't burn myself out.
I only play HHD a couple times a month. I was enjoying the DLC villagers but they appear to be suspended. Now, I get the
Amiibo cards of favorite NL villagers who moved on me and like having them in my HHD town.
Played a lot when if first came out but missed ACNL.
Now I go back when I have some spare time to design a house or to visit villagers houses.
It`s nice to visit a villager that moved away in your ACNL towns. Muffy is one that I visit all the time.
I played it when it first came out for a couple weeks but found that I kind of ran out of content by then. It was fun while it lasted but not worth the price for the amount of gameplay I feel that it offers.
I think this game was meant to be a test as to see whether or not people liked the concept. I feel like if they incorporate the features of NL and HHD into one game, it would be stellar.
I hope for another main series game too, but all in all, I feel like this is a creative game that's not supposed to be exactly like the main series titles, and I think it succeeded at what it was trying to do.
I really did like the game and got it on the first day since the game seemed so different and fun, but one day I lost my original cartridge and I spent hours looking for it, but never found it. I kinda just gave up on the game at that point since I didn't want to have to go back and re-earn all the items, since it is such a hassle when you look at it from the perspective of earning items. But the game, originally, was fun and relaxing, like all the other games. It just looses its charm after a while since there isn't much to do.
I liked it. When I'm in the mood, it's a good game. Not something I play when I'm bored though, more when I'm full with stuff and deadlines and I need quick stress relief.