A bit of a passive aggressive reminder...

I often use AC twitter and all I see is people complaining that they get bullied for TTing but personally I’ve never seen anyone go off on a TTer for TTing. Maybe it’s Bc I follow mostly decent people and they mind their business. Personally I don’t do it but idc if others do it as long as they don’t rub spoilers in my face.
This has been a thing for years. Back with New Leaf too when I first joined these forums. I don't get it either... with a game like Animal Crossing TTing doesn't affect anyone or give anyone an advantage since there is no winning or losing in this game.

Unfortunately, I also don't see things changing.
I've now seen quite a lot of people complaining about others judging TTers, and tons of people agreeing that people shouldn't judge TTers, but I have yet to actually see people doing that judging of TTers. If people are being very cruel and rude and using slurs against others on here, I'd like to see where that is happening.

I'm not saying that this doesn't exist. I don't doubt for a minute that there are people like that out there on the wider internet. But I wouldn't want people to have nonsense on Reddit or Twitter color their perception of this community. You know, like just because it might be happening there doesn't mean this community needs to be lectured about it here.
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Animal Crossing can be enjoyed in so many ways. If it's not hurting anyone there really is no reason to attack someone for the way they personally enjoy playing the game. I think a lot of people are feeling left out because they see a lot of people TTing while they prefer to go at it day by day in real time, though that is not a justification for being awful to others.
I often use AC twitter and all I see is people complaining that they get bullied for TTing but personally I’ve never seen anyone go off on a TTer for TTing. Maybe it’s Bc I follow mostly decent people and they mind their business. Personally I don’t do it but idc if others do it as long as they don’t rub spoilers in my face.

It happens. I haven't TT'd with New Horizons yet, but I TT'd a lot with New Leaf and I had a lot of people give me a hard time because of it. I remember with New Leaf when I had my first pink hybrid, I invited someone to my town and they stole it. When I asked them to give it back they said that they had taken it because I was a TTer and that they didn't plan on giving it back since a cheater could get more of them.
It happens. I haven't TT'd with New Horizons yet, but I TT'd a lot with New Leaf and I had a lot of people give me a hard time because of it. I remember with New Leaf when I had my first pink hybrid, I invited someone to my town and they stole it. When I asked them to give it back they said that they had taken it because I was a TTer and that they didn't plan on giving it back since a cheater could get more of them.

What an awful thing to do. Just because you decided to play the game in a way you enjoy doesnt give someone the right just to steal stuff. What the heck! And 'cheating'? If it was cheating or if Nintendo really didn't want you to play that way, they would've done something about it. The whole point of this game is to play at your own pace. If someone wants to play a whole year and experience everything in one day, then go for it. That's on them. If you dont want spoilers, just avoid them..

I feel like, once the game has been out for a while, you'll be seeing a lot more TTers.
It happens. I haven't TT'd with New Horizons yet, but I TT'd a lot with New Leaf and I had a lot of people give me a hard time because of it. I remember with New Leaf when I had my first pink hybrid, I invited someone to my town and they stole it. When I asked them to give it back they said that they had taken it because I was a TTer and that they didn't plan on giving it back since a cheater could get more of them.

Ewwww omg I’m so sorry you had to make this experience! That’s awful!!
All my friends who don’t TT either just mind their business lol.
My opinion is: Animal Crossing is meant to bring joy and happiness, no matter if TT it not!
Gosh, some people smh.
I've now seen quite a lot of people complaining about others judging TTers, and tons of people agreeing that people shouldn't judge TTers, but I have yet to actually see people doing that judging of TTers. If people are being very cruel and rude and using slurs against others on here, I'd like to see where that is happening.

I'm not saying that this doesn't exist. I don't doubt for a minute that there are people like that out there on the wider internet. But I wouldn't want people to have nonsense on Reddit or Twitter color their perception of this community. You know, like just because it might be happening there doesn't mean this community needs to be lectured about it here.

This is a statement I agree with entirely. I really enjoy these message boards because of how awesome this community is.
i agree completely, even in situations where people are not outright rude to time travelers i have seen a lot of passive agressive "im playing the game ONE DAY AT A TIME.... the way its INTENDED to be played..because time traveling would RUIN IT" it's a single player game! each person will prefer different playstyles and ppl need to stop being so concerned by how others choose to play the game they paid for.
I haven't tt'd in this game (and probably won't until I get behind in playing) but good lord, people are way too judgey about time travelers!

It's a game, and how someone else chooses to play should have no bearing on you. The only wrong way to play is a way that makes you unhappy. :)

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I've now seen quite a lot of people complaining about others judging TTers, and tons of people agreeing that people shouldn't judge TTers, but I have yet to actually see people doing that judging of TTers. If people are being very cruel and rude and using slurs against others on here, I'd like to see where that is happening.

You haven't been on here long enough dude. Although tbt is one of the best communities out there, even we're not immune to drama. And there's definitely been judging and condescension by purists on here in the past.
This has been a thing for years. Back with New Leaf too when I first joined these forums. I don't get it either... with a game like Animal Crossing TTing doesn't affect anyone or give anyone an advantage since there is no winning or losing in this game.

Unfortunately, I also don't see things changing.

EXACTLY. like it can’t be “cheating” if there’s nothing to win! this game also isn’t that serious nor is it INTENDED to be taken so seriously. AC is supposed to be calming and relaxing why are we getting so worked up about it
The people who give grief to TTers must've been the ones in kindergarten who told the other kids that whatever someone else was building with wooden blocks or Legos was wrong. :rolleyes:
I don't time travel, but preach!

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EXACTLY. like it can’t be “cheating” if there’s nothing to win! this game also isn’t that serious nor is it INTENDED to be taken so seriously. AC is supposed to be calming and relaxing why are we getting so worked up about it

Yup! People need to stop acting like Animal Crossing is some sort of competition~
You haven't been on here long enough dude. Although tbt is one of the best communities out there, even we're not immune to drama. And there's definitely been judging and condescension by purists on here in the past.

Long enough to see New Horizons launch and how the community is around that, which is all that's relevant here.
Long enough to see New Horizons launch and how the community is around that, which is all that's relevant here.

...No offense, but just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. If you go back through some of the backlogs in this very sub-forum you will find some of it. You’ve been on here for five days, I’ve been an active member for six years and I’m telling you: it’s happened.

Make no mistake though: this is an incredible place and the vast majority of people here are amazing. There’s a reason I’ve been on here for six years even after I stopped playing new leaf. :)
100% agree, It is relevant on this forum and has been happening before and after the horizons release. Though more people are friendly on this forum than anything else it is certainly a thing.
I much prefer that people play the way they like and don't give grief to others for doing the same.

However, I do find it pretty amusing to hear TT's getting griped for doing so - then have the same group of people ask to come to my town because I have Able's shop and they don't.

If you're deadset on playing the game as a time purist and belittling those that gain access ahead of the curve, then perhaps you should wait for your own clothing shop too, hmm?
...No offense, but just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean that it hasn’t happened. If you go back through some of the backlogs in this very sub-forum you will find some of it. You’ve been on here for five days, I’ve been an active member for six years and I’m telling you: it’s happened.

5 days??? lol

Umm.... no. Don't minimize my contributions to the forums just cuz you disagree with me.
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5 days??? lol

Umm.... no. Don't minimize my contributions to the forums just cuz you disagree with me.

I’m not minimizing your contributions in any way, and if you feel that i am, then I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention. All
I’m saying is that you can’t say that something has or hasn’t happened in a place or definitely judge a community based on your experience of a few days of membership.

Anyways, this is off-topic now so: peace friend.
most of the bullying and insulting seem to take place in dms or on a person's island. even though judging of time travelers may not take place here, it's still important to say because we're all different people and we're all in various animal crossing communities all over the internet. we can take this lesson with us. hopefully any hate will die down as more time passes and we all progress.