Senior Member
u cant cheat in a game that isn’t competitive just saying
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The only issue I have with other people TT'ing, are the ones complaining that there is nothing to do, because all of the features haven't been implemented yet and they have exhausted everything currently available.
Also the "look how much stuff I have" posts, because I have seen that pushing people out of the community because they feel that they aren't "good enough" because they aren't progressing "fast enough"... And posting spoilers, some people like the element of surprise for goodness sakes. I don't think it's as straightforward as "it doesn't affect you", because fundamentally it does.
Do what you want in your game, I actually don't care... but don't be under the illusion that posting your TT progress on the internet doesn't affect other people, whether you intend it to or not, because that is absolutely false.
Hi, OP here, I just want to come in here and say I wasn't directing the post at folks on this forum! It's at any and all people in the community on this platform or otherwise who feel the need to be rude or belittle others for how they play the game, which by the way! Isn't considered cheating by the devs! If you want to play day by day, good for you! I personally time travel because I don't have much else to do throughout the day. I also enjoy the landscaping side of animal crossing more than the fishing or bug catching. Yes, I of course still do so but I also do not go months ahead in time, maybe two weeks at MOST. I want to grow flowers without waiting 24 hours for one or two -- maybe no new flowers.
TL;DR don't be rude to people who aren't deserving of your scorn, and please don't exclude people either! This community shouldn't be divided by something as silly as time travel.
I’m not minimizing your contributions in any way, and if you feel that i am, then I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention. All
I’m saying is that you can’t say that something has or hasn’t happened in a place or definitely judge a community based on your experience of a few days of membership.
Anyways, this is off-topic now so: peace friend.
I've seen some people in this community exclude time travelers on The Airport forums, sadly...
I've seen some people in this community exclude time travelers on The Airport forums, sadly...
i just wanted to mention this as someone who "excludes" TTers on the airplane forums. I dont do this to look down on TTers or to bully or be mean to them. I do it because I respect the way they play the game and I want the way i play the game to be respected as well. I dont wish to have future dates/aesthetics/buildings spoiled for me, so I dont want to risk it by visiting a town set too far in the future.
damn sounds like u r super mad about tters just existing and playing the game in their own way. you think it’d be really cool if anyone who doesn’t play the game the exact same way as u do would just shut up and keep quiet huh??