A bit of a passive aggressive reminder...

Time Travel?

Why just not have a sticky for time travelers only? Those who want to know can and those who don't can complain if the look, lol. I mean there is nothing wrong with playing that way, just to help people not wanting people to come into a post and get shocked, like me..

Just a thought?
The only issue I have with other people TT'ing, are the ones complaining that there is nothing to do, because all of the features haven't been implemented yet and they have exhausted everything currently available.

Also the "look how much stuff I have" posts, because I have seen that pushing people out of the community because they feel that they aren't "good enough" because they aren't progressing "fast enough"... And posting spoilers, some people like the element of surprise for goodness sakes. I don't think it's as straightforward as "it doesn't affect you", because fundamentally it does.

Do what you want in your game, I actually don't care... but don't be under the illusion that posting your TT progress on the internet doesn't affect other people, whether you intend it to or not, because that is absolutely false.
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The only issue I have with other people TT'ing, are the ones complaining that there is nothing to do, because all of the features haven't been implemented yet and they have exhausted everything currently available.

Also the "look how much stuff I have" posts, because I have seen that pushing people out of the community because they feel that they aren't "good enough" because they aren't progressing "fast enough"... And posting spoilers, some people like the element of surprise for goodness sakes. I don't think it's as straightforward as "it doesn't affect you", because fundamentally it does.

Do what you want in your game, I actually don't care... but don't be under the illusion that posting your TT progress on the internet doesn't affect other people, whether you intend it to or not, because that is absolutely false.

damn sounds like u r super mad about tters just existing and playing the game in their own way. you think it’d be really cool if anyone who doesn’t play the game the exact same way as u do would just shut up and keep quiet huh??
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I kind of see time traveling about the same kind of cheating as using a cheat code in other games -- like the Sims money code. Some people enjoy different aspects of the game and want no limits to what they are able to do... and that's fine. I think the issue with New Horizons is that you're not just sitting at home by yourself using cheat codes to your heart's content... it's that these towns get posted and shared, making people feel like they're way behind or have no chance of catching up. How can your progress be appreciated if you're still living in the wilderness and someone else has built a metropolis?
For someone who doesn't want to have to "cheat", I can see how it's annoying, because right away there are haves and havenots.

Personally, I don't care much about other's progress. I'm having fun with my bare island. I've time traveled in New Leaf, but with this game being so new and not having tons of time to play, I don't mind the slow pace.

This whole time travel or not debate should settle down in the coming weeks as people who don't time travel "catch up" in progression to those who do.
Hi, OP here, I just want to come in here and say I wasn't directing the post at folks on this forum! It's at any and all people in the community on this platform or otherwise who feel the need to be rude or belittle others for how they play the game, which by the way! Isn't considered cheating by the devs! If you want to play day by day, good for you! I personally time travel because I don't have much else to do throughout the day. I also enjoy the landscaping side of animal crossing more than the fishing or bug catching. Yes, I of course still do so but I also do not go months ahead in time, maybe two weeks at MOST. I want to grow flowers without waiting 24 hours for one or two -- maybe no new flowers.

TL;DR don't be rude to people who aren't deserving of your scorn, and please don't exclude people either! This community shouldn't be divided by something as silly as time travel.
Hi, OP here, I just want to come in here and say I wasn't directing the post at folks on this forum! It's at any and all people in the community on this platform or otherwise who feel the need to be rude or belittle others for how they play the game, which by the way! Isn't considered cheating by the devs! If you want to play day by day, good for you! I personally time travel because I don't have much else to do throughout the day. I also enjoy the landscaping side of animal crossing more than the fishing or bug catching. Yes, I of course still do so but I also do not go months ahead in time, maybe two weeks at MOST. I want to grow flowers without waiting 24 hours for one or two -- maybe no new flowers.

TL;DR don't be rude to people who aren't deserving of your scorn, and please don't exclude people either! This community shouldn't be divided by something as silly as time travel.

True to all this
I’m by no means defending rude or aggressive behaviour towards other players. We’re all part of the same fan base for this game after all. But likewise, I’m not gonna stand here and say “yeah sure, you TT and cheat your way through the game and receive the praise for cheating”. Purposely changing ingame data to forcibly unlock content before its suppose to be unlocked, is cheating in my books. It’s probably the main reason why Nintendo have kept event content locked behind updates. If you want to cheat fine. It’s your game and you can play however you like. I won’t insult you or be mean to you. But don’t expect me to sit there and condone what I feel is wrong either.
I’m not minimizing your contributions in any way, and if you feel that i am, then I’m sorry. That wasn’t my intention. All
I’m saying is that you can’t say that something has or hasn’t happened in a place or definitely judge a community based on your experience of a few days of membership.

Anyways, this is off-topic now so: peace friend.

It IS minimizing when you say I've only been on here for 5 days so my opinion doesn't count, when I've actually been a member since January. Heaven's sakes, one of my posts is stickied - I'm not a johnny-come-lately newbie in the community, so no you can't so easily dismiss what I've seen.

And to reiterate, I've seen a lot of complaints about people judging TTers in this game and lots of people saying you shouldn't judge TTers, but I have not seen people doing the judging, being cruel and rude and using slurs here. And if that's happening here to such an extent that it has formed a trend in the community that requires addressing, I'd like to see someone point out where.

Like I said before, I suspect people are seeing this on Twitter and Reddit, then coming here understandably upset and thinking people here are the same people and will be the same way. And if it's not that (seeing terrible people on social media) then I think perhaps some people might be oversensitive to others' reasons for not TTing and taking it personally.
I'm just flabbergasted that anyone cares enough about this to the point that they're hostile to TTers, or even just passive-aggressive.

Imagine caring so much about how other people enjoy a cute non-competitive game, especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

Couldn't be me.
I've seen some people in this community exclude time travelers on The Airport forums, sadly...

i just wanted to mention this as someone who "excludes" TTers on the airplane forums. I dont do this to look down on TTers or to bully or be mean to them. I do it because I respect the way they play the game and I want the way i play the game to be respected as well. I dont wish to have future dates/aesthetics/buildings spoiled for me, so I dont want to risk it by visiting a town set too far in the future. I TT a little as well, but I was so disappointed when I accidentally had the sakura trees spoiled for me by visiting a TTed island instead of waking up one morning to a surprise of seeing them in my own island. For that reason I prefer to not go to towns set too far ahead, and for trades I just trade at my own island, and most people dont have a problem with this.

i really think it should be valid and an unspoken rule to courtesy to 1. warn people you are trading with that your island is TTed to a certain point and 2. respect when people ask about TT and don't want to visit your island in order to avoid spoilers for themselves
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I've seen some people in this community exclude time travelers on The Airport forums, sadly...

Probably just avoiding spoilers. I'm sure you wouldn't be happy if you visit a friend in real life and they start talking about or watching a new episode your favorite show, but you're not caught up yet.
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i just wanted to mention this as someone who "excludes" TTers on the airplane forums. I dont do this to look down on TTers or to bully or be mean to them. I do it because I respect the way they play the game and I want the way i play the game to be respected as well. I dont wish to have future dates/aesthetics/buildings spoiled for me, so I dont want to risk it by visiting a town set too far in the future.

Yes exactly. I do wonder how much of this is people seeing mean things people post on Reddit/Twitter and how much of this is people taking things non-TTers say (to keep spoiler-free or explain why they don't TT) too personally.

If someone says "only current-date/non-TT traders please" they're not excluding you cuz they look down on you. If someone says "I don't TT cuz I think of it as cheating and it'd ruin the game", they're not calling you a cheater or judging you.
I wanted to pre-order the game but didn't have the money at the time. Then I had the money and could pre-order but I thought I'll just go to the store on the day itself. Then corona came and all was sold out....

I sourced a copy like 3 days after release. I then time traveled 2 days and skipped one day (for progression) to play normally on the 24th. I now 'feel' caught up with everyone.

I won't time travel anymore I just did it to not be behind and get spoiled all the time. I have nothing against time travelers but people that do only time travel, unlock all stuff and are bellionaires because of the bank interest etc, are not the group of people I like playing with.

Same with the people that duped royal crowns. I do not even care for that crown, I think having such things early on takes away the fun in the game. So I prefer to not play with people that play like that.

Not because I'm against time traveling I just think it will spoil the fun for me. As for the item dupers, well I also have nothing against them but it does take away the fun for me. I also notice time traveling and duping goes hand in hand. As people TT'd to something worthwhile to dupe. At that point I think your squeezing all the fun out of the game.

But then again to each his own.
damn sounds like u r super mad about tters just existing and playing the game in their own way. you think it’d be really cool if anyone who doesn’t play the game the exact same way as u do would just shut up and keep quiet huh??

That is an extremely rude thing to say. Just because they have an opinion on how TT affects others does not mean you can put them in such a bad light. In fact I agree with them. If you time traveled a week of content in 1 day and did that for a week . you would of played a whole month of the game in a week, and no wonder there is not enough content because you used it all up already. In addition I want to state again that Nintendo is doing updates frequently so they can add in events and such so people can't time travel to them yet and that is why they are "out of content". Lastly, I tried to stay away from gameplay and the NH board a week before the game and even the first few days I had the game so all the surprises up ahead in the game would not be spoiled for me.

Also I forgot to mention this though, I play the game day by day and don't time travel because I feel like it is more rewarding. In my opinion, I feel like I would be cheating if I time traveled (I WOULD BE NOT OTHERS). I can also see why others may not want items from people who time traveled because they may feel like the items were gotten by cheating (once again thats their opinion and they are not calling people cheaters for how they play the game).
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<------Literally confused.

I have not seen anyone attacking time travelers. I've seen people debating over it, but not attacking, but then again, I haven't spent much time down in the Airport forums so that's probably what people are talking about.

It's a game people. Is it really that serious? Let people play how they want, as long as they aren't disrespecting you or your island, it should not matter what they do or how they are playing.

And yeah, there is the whole spoiler thing, and some people can be jerks and post spoilers but what is there to spoil at this point? This is probably why Nintendo is refusing to release everything at once, like the Holiday events and stuff, to prevent people who time travel from spoiling it.
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I think not wanting time travellers for trading or visiting as a non-time traveller is perfectly fine! As long as your aren't rude or mean to those time travellers, of course.

I don't want to go to and island and find that it's in the middle of the Easter event, when I'm not in that. I don't want to buy potentially time travelled items.

It's okay to play the game the way you want and you deserve to have that way respected, but that goes for both people who time travel and people who do not want to interact with time travel.
all of the anti-tting i've seen on here is like "i think it is cheating but people can play how they want" which is perfectly fine and good because they're not going out of their way to harass anyone about it or be ****ty and preach to others about their idea of the only way to play but i'm sure there have been a few bad eggs that have caused frustration. i do think that cheating is a bit strong of a word to describe tters though, they don't get much benefit other than getting things done faster. i haven't time travelled on my new save file but i did on my last one and personally i'm enjoying the experience better now.