Unable to sit on palm-tree stumps or rocks
Missing fruits
Missing flowers, Carnations were amazing

Hide and Seek
Villagers visiting homes
Constellation Creation (played in City Folk but same concept)
Balloons and Ice Cream cones
Each of these I resonate with immensely. Every number on the list actually but these I miss so much.
This is the kind of list that people think of, that makes me believe the game is underdeveloped, and unfinished. I don't like waiting for updates, I mean we waited months for diving. We're on an island!
I don't think tools should break in general, flimsy makes sense but golden? How? The durability isn't much better than a normal shovel or axe so what's the point of it if it is going to break anyway.
There seemed to be more interaction with villagers in older games, now it seems like there is no need for them. They don't say anything new, only occasionally give you a present and now your source of "reactions," but you can't do much with them.
Hide and seek is gone, you can find a present for the villager if they ask but it's usually a few hops away so that's not really fun at all. It was fun being on a time limit to find everybody fast and get a little worked up when you couldn't and there was 2 minutes left.
The amount of missing or discontinued material is astonishing. I mean they took out so much from past games it doesn't feel like Animal Crossing at times without those certain aspects.
I hope for more updates with multiplayer, an island hopefully like Tortimer island I miss so much. That was one of my favorites with friends and the infamous up to 400k or more each trip from bugs and sharks
I especially miss older music, I'll be honest the new music is getting stale especially from 12-6 since that's when I play so I usually make my time around 5 am even though it's much later, i'm usually terraforming anyway and decorating so I don't need shops quite yet.