A familiar bear has been spotted taking picnic baskets from the cabins. Let's draw bears!


"Laughter is the best medicine."
Jun 13, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Blue Star Fragment
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Shooting Star
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Star Fragment
Opalescent Crystal
Blue Rosewater Potion
Enchanted Bloom
Blue Rosewater Potion
Opalescent Crystal
Cabin 5 faced a night with no water, now they must face thieving, hungry bears!
(feel free to join in and draw bear characters, even bear villagers!)

I made a mistake. I was planning on drawing pooh (hence is why i drew a honey pot for the boss) but by the time I got home I forgot and am completely pooped and drew yogi. I hope you don’t mind @Yanrimasart; credit for the idea of drawing yogi goes completely to you. Tagging you for inspiring me to draw yogi in Cuphead style. The plan was to draw my rep as Hubert, some food and a bear character (pooh).

This drawing was an experiment; I want to make something for a friend in this style (Cuphead) so I thought to try it out here :).

I don’t know how to draw backgrounds yet, so pay no attention to what I have there.
For someone who drew stick men up until a few months ago, I don’t know what voodoo magic this forum has but I am actually starting to draw for fun 😂 I won’t say anything about it not being great as @Dunquixote will shout at me 😳😉. I just couldn’t resist trying to draw the cutest purple bear in AC.

I was in the woods around Evergreen's cabin last night (don't ask), and I ran into a very strange bear out there. ;~; He was trying to sell me what he claimed were "ethically-sourced soaps", and saying something about how "a deal this good must come to an end". I told him that I'd already brought my own soap and got out of there fast.

Let's Draw Bears!.jpg
I was in the woods around Evergreen's cabin last night (don't ask), and I ran into a very strange bear out there. ;~; He was trying to sell me what he claimed were "ethically-sourced soaps", and saying something about how "a deal this good must come to an end". I told him that I'd already brought my own soap and got out of there fast.

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Omg this is hilarious!