Mafia A Game of Mafia - Endgame - Mafia wins!

Sorry I haven't been active and not posting any reads. I was busy, tired and feeling a lil bit lazy. I'm rereading the thread now. Hopefully I can find someone scummy enough to vote for today.

Welcome to the game mog <333
hello my luvs, just reading through the game now, hopefully i'll have enough time to finish reading and post my thoughts but i'm on gmt so it might be pretty basic cause i'm tired
Times running out lovelies, 3.hours left to vote.
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Vote nightmares or fleshy tbh

I thought you were set on Liam?

but yeah I think I'll just go for no lynch or not vote because I don't have a good enough reason to vote anyone and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be lynched regardless of what I say

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^I'm not sure if you really think me and lani are scum or you're just saying that because we're the easiest targets right now?
Vote nightmares or fleshy tbh

i have to agree with fleshy, your first post mentioned two people entirely different from who you're now mentioning. and that's fine if something's changed to make you think that but you should provide your explanation before asking us to vote for someone, especially unusual as you've just called out lani for flip flopping
I've gone through the posts and I have to go to work in 1 hour omfg. I'll make a brief coloured reads right now before making a brief case on Fleshy.

Seroja- oh hey

Liam I still have Liam on town read because he doesn't hold back on his posts. His thoughts are pretty honest and straightforward and they did come across as aggressive but he's been that way too in Double Cop. He's that type of person who is emotional and not calculative, so I really don't see him as scum. It's more of a gut feeling but this is what I feel after going through his posts.

Discord Discord will probably get modkilled or maybe replaced at this rate so there's no sense in voting for them. However, I feel like they could be town.

hiyori/mogyay I know I was sus of hiyori but that was mainly influenced by the Double Cop game where she was maf. I was just being extra careful and trying to see her reaction because she acted really town in that game. After scrutinizing her posts/responses, I am beginning to town lean her. My future reads on her will depend on mog's posts obviously. Null/town.

Hunter/improper Hunter never really provided anything for us to go off of. On the other hand, Crys is a player who is hard to read, based on what I see in her past games. Her saying Liam is scum is probably more of a joke because of personal reasons. I'm brushing it off unless Crys can really provide a good reason. Null for now.

Nightmares Now Lani is someone who had just recently been on my radar. Yes, she had been scummy in all the games that she was town in. But how are we to know if she's not scum? Obviously she'll be scummy when she is scum too. Town reading her just based on the fact that she's always scummy is dangerous. I urge everyone not to make light of her play style. I am inclined to think that she's town, but in light of her recent posts, I'm gonna be more careful with her.

Fleshybro Fleshy have been going back and forth a LOT in his posts. And him not changing his vote on Tardis despite being online right after Tardis claimed raised major red flags for me. Being a noob is NOT a reason. This game has an open set up and is pretty straightforward. The list of players is small. Most of the players are active.

If you are actually town, and is serious about helping town, you would have taken those crucial 40 minutes right after Tardis' claim to look at the possibility of it being a fake claim instead of vanishing into the night. You said you weren't convinced, but you didn't even have him on a strong scum suspicion in the first place. What could you have possibly lose if you had changed your vote? Plus you had Discord on sus too at the moment. Why didn't you change your vote to them if you were so scared about being responsible for no lynch? Anyway, my vote goes to you for now. Case coming up later if I can manage to finish it before I have to leave for work.

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*being online when Tardis claimed. Sorry bad wording.
Fleshybro Fleshy have been going back and forth a LOT in his posts. And him not changing his vote on Tardis despite being online right after Tardis claimed raised major red flags for me. Being a noob is NOT a reason. This game has an open set up and is pretty straightforward. The list of players is small. Most of the players are active.

If you are actually town, and is serious about helping town, you would have taken those crucial 40 minutes right after Tardis' claim to look at the possibility of it being a fake claim instead of vanishing into the night. You said you weren't convinced, but you didn't even have him on a strong scum suspicion in the first place. What could you have possibly lose if you had changed your vote? Plus you had Discord on sus too at the moment. Why didn't you change your vote to them if you were so scared about being responsible for no lynch? Anyway, my vote goes to you for now. Case coming up later if I can manage to finish it before I have to leave for work.

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*being online when Tardis claimed. Sorry bad wording.

I completely understand this, it makes perfect sense, but I guess I'll just try to explain myself again. I seen Tardis' claim and replied to that at 1:19am (GMT), at the time I assumed tardis was mafia just trying to save themselves, you know, it does seem like something mafia would say "I'm town doctor, don't lynch" then you don't lynch and mafia is saved. Obviously I thought very wrong and even though I thought it was possible that Tardis was lying I shouldn't have taken that risk, I should have removed my vote and just shifted it to discord or let it be no lynch. By the time I checked back to this thread it was about 1:55am, leaving me only 5 minutes or so to change my vote, at that point I seen your posts saying to unvote tardis and things, but it was pretty much too late at that point.

I know there's no excuse and I'll be fully scumread by most people for this, and honestly I don't know what I was thinking and regret it now. I didn't even think of hanging to Discord and I thought I would be held responsible for a no lynch if I removed my vote (as I didn't have time to choose someone else, so I would have just removed my vote) and based on people really looking down on a no lynch, that wasn't an option to me. I am serious about helping town, but I know it won't come across that way after my massive mistake.

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*changing to Discord
I completely understand this, it makes perfect sense, but I guess I'll just try to explain myself again. I seen Tardis' claim and replied to that at 1:19am (GMT), at the time I assumed tardis was mafia just trying to save themselves, you know, it does seem like something mafia would say "I'm town doctor, don't lynch" then you don't lynch and mafia is saved. Obviously I thought very wrong and even though I thought it was possible that Tardis was lying I shouldn't have taken that risk, I should have removed my vote and just shifted it to discord or let it be no lynch. By the time I checked back to this thread it was about 1:55am, leaving me only 5 minutes or so to change my vote, at that point I seen your posts saying to unvote tardis and things, but it was pretty much too late at that point.

I know there's no excuse and I'll be fully scumread by most people for this, and honestly I don't know what I was thinking and regret it now. I didn't even think of hanging to Discord and I thought I would be held responsible for a no lynch if I removed my vote (as I didn't have time to choose someone else, so I would have just removed my vote) and based on people really looking down on a no lynch, that wasn't an option to me. I am serious about helping town, but I know it won't come across that way after my massive mistake.

even with five minutes to spare though you should have changed your vote. even if it wouldn't have changed anything if you truly thought you made the wrong choice you should have changed it otherwise it just looks like you wanted kirby to be lynched. i don't really know if you made an innocent mistake or not, it just looks really convenient for mafia i guess. i'm really unsure of where to place my vote right now, to me lani seems really scummy, i keep seeing people say that she always looks like that but i don't have much experience with her games, fleshy's reads were at least fairly articulate and original unlike lani's (why did you put fleshy as yellow then say he's a town lean?) you said you'd post the rest of your reads when you're up but i don't see any
even with five minutes to spare though you should have changed your vote. even if it wouldn't have changed anything if you truly thought you made the wrong choice you should have changed it otherwise it just looks like you wanted kirby to be lynched. i don't really know if you made an innocent mistake or not, it just looks really convenient for mafia i guess. i'm really unsure of where to place my vote right now, to me lani seems really scummy, i keep seeing people say that she always looks like that but i don't have much experience with her games, fleshy's reads were at least fairly articulate and original unlike lani's (why did you put fleshy as yellow then say he's a town lean?) you said you'd post the rest of your reads when you're up but i don't see any

I know now that I definitely should have, it was an innocent mistake but I can 100% see why it makes me look scummy, and I wouldn't make that mistake again.

I'm pretty sus of improper at the moment but i'll just go for no lynch as there's no point voting for someone without reason. I'm not sure what else I can say to defend myself at this point, I've tried to explain myself but obviously a mistake like that is going to lead to me being seen as mafia, regardless of what else I say
Okay wait I just had a thought. Say if Fleshy is mafia, wouldn't he have unvoted and voted for someone else and then lynch Kirby at night to seem less suspicious? Because it would be like an obvious scum giveaway for not unvoting.

Or it could also be because he's a first time mafia that he didn't consider this and thought it would have been better to lynch the doc and use night kill to get rid of a strong player (Curry)?

As expected I didn't/don't have enough time to make a case but Fleshybro please answer these:

1. Why did you constantly town read Liam even though you've been saying he looks scummy in his posts? Even in your latest read, you put him as green but you included a few of his quotes to point out how they look scummy. Your initial vote on him D1 was because he seemed angry and voted for Hunter- basically voting for very shallow suspicions. But after that you kept town reading him despite saying and pointing of his scummy posts. Really confusing. Quite contradictory.

2. Why did you change your town read on me based on Curry's death? What's the connection? Was it because I voted for him D1?

And this

I guess a lynch it is then. it just seems pointless to me to lynch someone without much information to go off, but it is only the first day, so I guess this lynch will be a shot in the dark either way

You saying this after placing a vote on Liam seems hypocritical and then looking at your voting pattern it seemed like you had a lot of uncertainties. If you're mafia it could be because you don't know which opinion you should go with in order to look the least scummiest. If you're town though, next time be more firm with your decision and opinions. Your reads are also mostly you saying "I don't really know, but I think they're scum" or "They look scummy but I think they're town".
I'm about to be lynched so I don't really have time to answer fully but

1. I think he's coming across scummy, but I don't think he his. I included a few quotes as to say why I can see him coming across as scummy, but at the end I think he's just trying hard to scumhunt and help town, being too defense that way can come across as scummy too, even if you're town (as i still think he is..)

2. It would take a while to go into this but basically you already commented on how Curry is dangerous and experienced, so it makes sense that if you were maf it'd make sense to get rid of a strong player (as you said in 2nd paragraph) there's a few other reasons too as to why i began to be a little sus of you, but nothing that set in stone, that's why I said I didn't really see you as scum, I just wanted to pay more attention to you in future

3. I don't really think my reads are like that, no more so than most other people really, I took time to form opinions on a lot of players, despite uncertainties. but I'll take that into consideration, thanks.

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I think mafia are pretty set to win this game
if fleshy was mafia surely he would have changed his vote to appear less scummy? i don't see what's been gained from his actions, unless it would have changed the outcome? (i'd have to go and check)