A Great day in Spartan


Nov 21, 2008
Man today was a great day. Ever since I found that treasure chest and put it in my room I have been having the best luck.

1. I found a fossil that was worth 4,000. I decided to donate it, and when I stepped out of the museum.... what do you know? another dig spot with the exact same fossil in it. I sold that one.

2. I caught a pike and then saw another very large shadow by the waterfall that was probably another pike. Sad thing is my batteries went out on my wiimote and he got away. Horrible timing for a wiimote to go out.

3. I caught a koi. It was my first one so I donated it, but still a great accomplishment.

4. Turnip prices went from 43 bells yesterday to 293 bells today.

So I think it is safe to say it was a good day. Has anyone else found the treasure chest? and has it brought you great luck?