Anything Disney/Marvel; they’re too cheesy for me (Marvel) not to mention they’re supporting a genocide.
A couple months ago, I learned about some issues with the portrayal of cultures that there are with Aladdin too. It was a long time favorite of mine so it really disappoints me and bothers me (not that I am surprised since I know old cartoons and movies have been known for having racist and politically incorrect content in them).
The last of us - both the game and movies since the writers are major Zionists (Israeli major nationalist party that supports illegal settlements) and the story too has some of Israeli policies in it.
Harry Potter - the books were great but the movies with the exception maybe the last one were always disappointing to me. Book 5 and on did feel very rushed though. On top of that, I don’t like Jk Rowling, never have even when she first got famous.
I’m honestly just not a movie person and prefer anime over hollywood films.