I'm slightly new to the turnip thing and I just want to say something I found. I'm not sure if you knew this or not, but I found out Turnips are EXTREMELY sensitive to time travel. I knew this for a while but yesterday I found out how sensitive they really were. So yesterday I tried the turnip thing out for the second time. I bought myself 198,000 bells worth of them at 100 bells a piece. Anyway that same day I had my friend over at my town. It was past 9pm so I said that we should set our clocks back about 2 hours. So anyways we did so and then when I did that my turnips spoiled >_< Turns out the slightest time travel spoils the turnips. Though I'm not rich in City Folk, but I wasn't angry. Just annoyed slightly. Reason for that was because I used the duplication trick on two 99,000 bell bags so I could try buying a huge bulk of turnips for a change. So anyway I guess while I make this thread why don't you share a turnip story (if you have one)