A Million Dollars, BUT

oh noes, not my house! I won’t do it

1mil, but you gain rotten luck. dang that was the most tame thing I came up with
No thanks I kinda need my luck.

1 million dollars but every time you look inside a container there's a rotten pumpkin inside
That’s fine, I’ll take the money.

A million dollars, but every time you try to talk someone whistles really loudly for a long period of time.
no D:
1mil, but you get a strong pain every time you try to spend it. It doesn’t kill you, but it’s there, and it HURTS.
I'd take it, at least to use for emergencies.

A million dollars but you cannot earn any more money for the rest of your life, you have to make it stretch or else run out of money forever.
no! i need my house for....house things!
1mil but there is someone after you
well ATLA ended years ago so we good

1 million dollars but for one day a year a ghost will possess your body and do whatever it wants!
I cannot bear the thought of someone else controlling my life... not even for one day. No thanks.

1 million dollars but you have to move far away from where you currently live.
I have to kiss the scientific name for a cat? I’ll do it!

A million dollars, but you forget how to use all technology.
i could really use that somedays so why not

a million dollars but you can never sleep again
Hmmm... nah, sleep is one of the only things that never fails to make me happy.

1 million dollars but you can never taste things ever again
no I really like eating
a million dollars but you pass out once every day & you never know when it will happen.
Sure, could get me out of class or even get me to sleep.

A million dollars but every single day is 100% filled with slight inconveniences.
thats basically my life already. freee moneyyy

a million pounds but you have to give up your pets D:
I don't speak much anyway, I'll take it!

A million dollars but you must only eat one thing forever.
Noo that sounds so boring.

A million dollars but your memory is replaced with someone else's.