A Re-Introduction


Co-Founder of TBT
Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2004
Hey all. Some of you have seen me now and again, but I wanted to re-introduce myself as it has been a very long time since I've been active here. I'm Daniel, one of the co-founders of TBT. After some time working on the forum and its website, including sections dedicated to gaming news, previews, articles, and reviews (most notably the Virtual Console Download Center, if anyone was around for that, which was a weekly series reviewing the most recent Wii Virtual Console releases), I stepped away from active participation in forums to focus on school and music. Now that I'm nearing the end of a 12 year journey to become a psychiatrist (undergrad + med school + residency, now in my final year), I thought it would be a good time to check in here. I'm so happy to see that the community is still active. Hope to see some familiar faces as well as get to know some new folks!
Welcome back to the forums Daniel!

I remember seeing your guitar music thread last year, and I've seen you around this week too. 😊

Are you much of a gamer anymore? I'm also curious if you always saw yourself specialising in psychiatry, or were you interested in other fields (of medicine) too?
Wow, that's an impressive journey (I've heard how rigorous med school and residency are... big kudos to you for making it through). Welcome back!
Welcome back to the forums Daniel!

I remember seeing your guitar music thread last year, and I've seen you around this week too. 😊

Are you much of a gamer anymore? I'm also curious if you always saw yourself specialising in psychiatry, or were you interested in other fields (of medicine) too?
More of a gamer now than ever! I used to stick mainly to Nintendo, but since the Xbox 360 came out I’ve had pretty much every major home console from each manufacturer. The Switch has also been huge in getting me back into gaming — so many good games! As far as medicine, I was always pretty set on psych though I did consider surgery and internal medicine at various points too.

Welcome back to TBT!
Thank you!

Welcome back to TBT!
And big congrats on getting through med school and residency!

Wow, that's an impressive journey (I've heard how rigorous med school and residency are... big kudos to you for making it through). Welcome back!
Appreciate that, thank you!
Welcome back to TBT, and thank you for co-founding it! 😄 I quite like it here ahahah. Congrats on school too!
Who are your favorite AC villagers?
Welcome back to the forum! I’ve seen you around over the past week or so.
It's an honor to see a co-founder on this site interacting with forum-goers. Pleasure to meet you, sir. Quite astonishing how this forum is still alive after almost two decades.
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Congrats on finishing school! Every once in a while when I'm in the gaming sections of the site, one of your threads will show up under "similar threads" and I think "huh, never seen him post when I've been around" but I guess that's changing now!! :D welcome back!
welcome back, daniel! i’ve also seen your guitar thread in the museum subforum (you’re super talented, btw!), and it’s great to see you again! ☺️

huge congratulations on making it to your final year of residency! that’s an amazing accomplishment, and i just know you’re gonna make a great psychiatrist! it’s awesome that you’re still into gaming as well — any games in particular that you’ve been enjoying these days?

also, thank you for helping to co-found tbt. this community is great, and the past 2 years definitely would’ve been much worse without it. 💜
Welcome back to TBT, and thank you for co-founding it! 😄 I quite like it here ahahah. Congrats on school too!
Who are your favorite AC villagers?
Thank you! I would say Huggy (who has never reappeared after the GCN game!) and Punchy. Chief became a favorite also after the DS game.

Welcome back to the forum! I’ve seen you around over the past week or so.
Thank you!

It's an honor to see a co-founder on this site interacting with forum-goers. Pleasure to meet you, sir. Quite astonishing how this forum is still alive after almost two decades.
I can hardly believe it myself, that the place is as active as it is now. Feels really good to know that our initial work laid such a strong foundation for the community.

Congrats on finishing school! Every once in a while when I'm in the gaming sections of the site, one of your threads will show up under "similar threads" and I think "huh, never seen him post when I've been around" but I guess that's changing now!! :D welcome back!
Thank you! Haha, I just saw a few of those suggested myself. I wonder how the algorithm works, those were some old threads!

welcome back, daniel! i’ve also seen your guitar thread in the museum subforum (you’re super talented, btw!), and it’s great to see you again! ☺️

huge congratulations on making it to your final year of residency! that’s an amazing accomplishment, and i just know you’re gonna make a great psychiatrist! it’s awesome that you’re still into gaming as well — any games in particular that you’ve been enjoying these days?

also, thank you for helping to co-found tbt. this community is great, and the past 2 years definitely would’ve been much worse without it. 💜
Thank you very much! I recently binge-played Fire Emblem: Three Houses (got to the part where the game changes, don't want to elaborate to avoid spoilers), it helped to have been sick with COVID as basically all I did was play video games haha. Also beat Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2. I'm also still reflecting on the amazing experience of Persona 5 Royal, which I beat earlier in the year. It's definitely in my top 10 of all time at this point. I was so engrossed by the game and its world. Just incredible. And I'm so glad to hear that the community has been helpful for you! I am happy that TBT is not only still around, but going as strong as it is. :)
Welcome back and congratulations on finishing school! That is some accomplishment and something to be incredibly proud of! I also wanted to thank you for co-founding TBT. Ever since I joined in 2019, I've found nothing but kindness, generosity, and a great, exciting community. You made all these wonderful experiences possible, and truly do thank you for that.

On a side note, I really enjoyed seeing your guitar music videos that you would post on here last year! You're super talented and sound amazing. Do you happen to play any other instruments, and what is your favorite song to play?