A Sad day for my 3Ds


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2015
Well, I used to be on the forums here more often, but I had to leave for school for a year and didn't have the ability to be on them often. Anyway, on to the reason for the topics title;

While I was away, I had brought my 3ds with me to entertain myself...then one day it just stopped working. The power would turn on, but no sound would come out and the screens wouldn't turn on. The light indicating Wi-Fi connection would stay unpowered also. I racked my brain to try and figure out what I had done, and it all lead to me just having an Older system, by 4 years, being the answer. I had shut it off properly and it just never woke up again.

So now here I am, I'm left with a non-working 3DS and no way of repairing it (after doing reacher to find that this is a common problem in the systems). So I'm asking anybody here, does anybody know a way I can fix the issue by hand maybe (though I doubt it from what the internet says) or maybe if I should try selling the broken machine to GameStop for some extra cash maybe?

GameStop won't buy broken machines.
It will be cheaper to buy the New 3DS than fixing it honestly also if you mess up fixing it you'll lose more money.
i would recommend buying a new 3ds cheap, because obviously it's dead, and trying to fix it by bringing to the store is going to cost more time, effort, and money than just simply buying a new one.
Yeah, I kinda figured that I'd end up having to just buy a new machine. Which makes it hard for me. Currently without any work, so I have to wait some time to save up funds to buy myself a new System. Well, thanks for the advice anyway guys. Looks like I have some budgeting to do.
instead of Gamestop, there may be an independent video game store in your area perhaps that does repairs on used systems.

also, you may save money buying a used or refurbished 3DS...
instead of Gamestop, there may be an independent video game store in your area perhaps that does repairs on used systems.

also, you may save money buying a used or refurbished 3DS...

I was thinking that I'd probably look into getting a used one from Gamestop or buying a used one from Gameflip.
I was thinking that I'd probably look into getting a used one from Gamestop or buying a used one from Gameflip.

there's a store near me called PlayNtrade that used to fix broken systems (dunno if they did 3DS fixes tho), but i think they had a few stores nationwide; there may be something similar near you...
This happened to me the other day, then i found a video with this happening to someone else, there was this comment:
To fix it hold down power button for 10 seconds while holding up wireless button. The ds should power off. Then turn on ds normally. All fixed!
worked for me, hope this helps!!
Hopefully it manages to turn on eventually, but you can always get a used/refurbished 2DS if you are worried about cash since it is around $20-40 cheaper than a regular 3DS.
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Maybe you should consider getting a 2DS? Even if you pick a new one it's $79 (with a game pre-installed). It might be a solution in case you must buy a new 3DS but is on a tight budget.
I had this problem too, and surprisingly, taking the SD card out seemed to fix it. (And it still worked after putting the card back in.)
Well, I am on a tight budget, but I'd rather just save up money then buy as soon as I'm able ya know? It's not a big deal if it doesn't turn on again. I just wish it would so I wouldn't have this issue. Even then, I still need to figure out how to transfer my data onto the other machine. I'll probably do what my brother did; take the pre-installed storage and upgrade it to have more on it.

Good advice from everyone, thank you so much!

To everyone giving advice on ways to possibly fix it; So far I've tried those ways and it hasn't worked for me yet. I'll keep trying but I'm pretty sure it's a lost cause now.
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I have heard in some cases where the 3DS powers on like that it may be the Wi-Fi board inside the 3DS itself. Don't know if anyone besides Nintendo could anything with your 3DS if this is not the case. If you have Philips #000 and Y-Wing screwdrivers, it can be an easy fix. The Wi-Fi board should be fairly cheap in today's market and easy to find. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Nintendo+3DS+Wi-Fi+Board+Replacement/5851
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I have heard in some cases where the 3DS powers on like that it may be the Wi-Fi board inside the 3DS itself. Don't know if anyone besides Nintendo could anything with your 3DS if this is not the case. If you have Philips #000 and Y-Wing screwdrivers, it can be an easy fix. The Wi-Fi board should be fairly cheap in today's market and easy to find. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Nintendo+3DS+Wi-Fi+Board+Replacement/5851

Yes, I've read that also. It is probably this issue and is probably the main reason why Nintendo's response for this kind of issue is to just send it into them. Sadly I don't have those tools but I'll keep this page on the tab and see if I can find the piece myself.
If you end up getting a new system, call Nintendo so that they can revive your games by transfering your NNID to the new 3DS. I had to do this since I dropped my first one, and it broke in half, with no way to get my data back.
If you end up getting a new system, call Nintendo so that they can revive your games by transferring your NNID to the new 3DS. I had to do this since I dropped my first one, and it broke in half, with no way to get my data back.

Can't I just move my SD card over from one device to the other?
Man, this must stink. An expensive system just stops working, well good luck trying to get a new one/fixing it.
Yeah, it does stink. And with that system transfer thing, can it be done online then or do I have to send my system into Nintendo?
All electronics have batteries and these batteries (although chargeable) have a charge limit. These charges are called cycles and when you reach you're limit you're out of luck. You could pay someone to install a new battery but that's about it