Which 3DS do you have?

Which 3DS Model do you own?

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I’ve got the original (blue) 3DS I got at launch, but eventually I found it too cramped/painful for my hands as it’s too small, so I got the silver 3DS XL a couple months after it came out and that’s what I’ve used for the last.. 12 years I guess!
I have one of the original blue 3ds’es. Never feel like it’s worth it to get a whole new system for whatever theme they release and I rather play earlier
I have:

- A red original 3DS. It was my original 3DS. I still use it.
- A purple original 3DS. Its lower screen glitched out and died, so it's no longer functional.
- A blue Nintendo 3DS XL that I purchased to replace the purple 3DS. I still use this as well.
- A green Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D edition 2DS that I got as a backup for the future.
- A white and orange New Nintendo 2DS XL that I got as a backup for the future as well.

The reason I have both the red 3DS and the blue 3DS XL, and always like to have two consoles, is so I can do stuff like trading in Pokémon and Animal Crossing.
i had a red 3DS for years before the charging port started acting up, and it had to be charged on one of those stands. i still have it, i just haven't used it in years because i was bought the blue 3DS XL that came with pokemon x. (not sure if it's a new XL, or just the regular XL.) i really love the color of that one.
I have a red original 3DS. One of the circle pads is missing the cap, but it still works fine, and I love it :) I also thought about getting a 2DS because I thought they looked neat, but never got around to it. My cousin modded his 3DS XL and I'm conflicted about doing the same to my DS now that the shop is closed. I just don't want to risk ruining the system because I truly love it.
I have a New Leaf edition 3DS XL with a busted hinge, Majora's Mask edition New 3DS XL, dark red New 3DS XL, and a Blue/Black New 2DS XL. I used to have a red 3DS XL too, but I traded that one in toward the New Leaf edition one.
I have the original black 3ds which I think was technically my brother's but we shared... but I took it now... my goal in the future is to get the animal crossing limited edition 3ds XL though! I've always wanted one of those :]
I don't have those anymore BTW... I used to own a New 3DS XL. Then I lost it while I was on vacation and the New 2DS XL came to replace that.

You wanna know what happened to that one? My dad seized it and donated it so I could focus on academics, probably 2 years ago.

It may sound silly, but that incident traumatized me, and I still miss both of them. Now every time someone talks about the 3DS or a game on the 3DS, I can't help but feel left out. :(
I have the red New 3DS XL! I originally had a blue 3DS XL, but I had to replace it when the upper screen quite literally,, detached itself from the base/bottom screen. I'm extremely careful with my electronics, and remember being really weirded out how the hinge just seemed to be worse overtime, but then I looked into it and found out it was a semi-common issue with that specific model of 3DS, so I'm glad I didn't opt to get another dslfgdlgf. It served me well for the years it lasted though!
Original, Japanese 3DS :) got it second hand this year when I wanted to participate in the acnl goodbye event
I have two original 3DS. My first one’s battery exploded and I thought it ruined it so I bought a new one, but I ended up replacing the battery and the old one works!! Not the best but it works. In hindsight I wish I bought a newer 3DS or but I was caught up on being sad that my original ds broke
i have the new 3ds in white which i still enjoy playing every now and then, never got the 3ds when it first came out so think i must’ve not been playing games as much or just using other consoles but eventually the games i wanted had built up so i decided to invest in one.
Both of mine are N3DS XLs. One's the yellow Pikachu version, and the other is my LoZ: ALBW version.
I don't have those anymore BTW... I used to own a New 3DS XL. Then I lost it while I was on vacation and the New 2DS XL came to replace that.

You wanna know what happened to that one? My dad seized it and donated it so I could focus on academics, probably 2 years ago.

It may sound silly, but that incident traumatized me, and I still miss both of them. Now every time someone talks about the 3DS or a game on the 3DS, I can't help but feel left out. :(
I’m so sorry that happened to you. That’s awful 😣
Thankful for the multiple choice. 😅 I basically have one of each of all the 3DS (so no 2DS) models.

3DS XL (Blue/Black): My first 3DS I got back in high school in 2013. I recently fixed it, but didn’t have the means to before then. The hinge had broken years ago from repeated use. I originally didn’t like the idea of getting a “new” 3DS XL model as I found the non face tracking 3D just fine (still do actually) and I didn’t like how buttons and the game slot were moved around.

“new” 3DS XL (Galaxy): Once the hinge broke on my old 3DS XL and the new Pokemon games coming out at the time Sun and Moon were said to run much more sluggish on the older 3DS models I decided to bite the bullet and upgrade to the “new” model at the end of 2016. The upgrades are nice on the newer model for sure but the older ones work just fine too in my opinion though the higher processing power is definitely the best improvement of all.

Original 3DS (Fire Emblem Awakening Special Edition): At the end of last year (2023) I came across a Fire Emblem Awakening Special Edition original 3DS that I just fell in love with and my adult savings let me make sure a purchase. It is such a gorgeous blue (my favourite colour) that normally isn’t a colour on the North American original 3DS. Also the sparkly gradient affect is just too pretty for words or even pictures to show. Fire Emblem is also a fave series of mine I just love that console so much. Once I was able to play it I also realized I greatly prefer it to both XL models I had. The size was much nicer to hold and the picture on the screens are so much crisper (same number of pixels but more Pixels per inch). I quickly transferred my secondary 3DS (the original XL) to this console. I really wanted to transfer my main console over but alas “new” consoles are unable to transfer back to an “old” console model. Sad.

“new” 3DS (black with various coverplates but the Mario Hanafuda ones are my fave): Since I loved the smaller original 3DS so much but couldn’t transfer the majority of my digital titles over I ended up looking into the regular size “new” 3DS. I managed to find one earlier this year (2024) and the rest is history. It’s not quite as pretty as the sparkly gradient affect on the original 3DS but otherwise it’s my absolute fave model. It has the upgrades of the “new” models but a more convenient size than the XLs. It is actually is slightly bigger than the original 3DS but only a little which makes for a nice in between. The changeable coverplates are super nice too even if they are hard to find in North America. I was so glad I got to transfer my main 3DS content over to it as well.

Many people think I’m crazy for having 4 3DS consoles. Which yeah I probably am and totally could sell both my XL models if I had to as I only use the two smaller 3DS models now (especially now that I’ve fixed the hinge on my original XL), but I’m very sentimental about them as I’ve had both for a very long time and have tons of gaming hours on them. Maybe one day I will but for now I’m just too attached. 😅

Here’s a picture of my “collection”

Original 3DS XL top left with Pokemon case.
Original 3DS top right (pictures don’t do it justice)
“new” 3DS XL bottom right
“new” 3DS bottom left (with star coverplates)

Not my picture but below are the coverplates I normally use on my “new” 3DS now.
I have the red and black 3DS xl, so plain and boring. wish I had a cuter one but it was the only one in stock back when I first bought it.