A Serious Talk About Reseting the Island

Rex of Elysium

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2020
Hey guys. I was really hoping I would not have to make this thread but after some thought and a certain villager being found on an island....I am resetting again. I am just...not 'feeling' the island I had. I mean, sure I had some good people like Shari, Clay, and Audie, but the rest.....well....I think Melba is pretty generic looking, Biff is alright, but not my favorite Hippo, and this coming form someone who loves Hippos. Then there was the forced move in of Marshal. But I feel the last straw that made me want to reset was accidently inviting Jambette to the island from a mystery tour. You see, if I had to pick my absolute LEAST favorite villager, I have to go with that one. Long story short, I made it a habit to talk to each mystery island villager once, but with Jambette, thanks to me mashing the button to skip her dialogue just to get away from her, I talked to her a second time and accidently invited her.

I know I am missing out on the ability to trade Marshal for someone I like better such as Hans, but....I feel that this particular island just isn't for me, considering how bad my luck has been with it. Jambette's move in I feel is the thing that finally killed it for me. So, I wll be spending the rest of the day, having the time set back to last Friday when the game came out, and work on building back up to today. Sorry, if I got a bt negative there, I always try and keep a positive face, but this will be my fourth island, and I am tired of the long set up of the game.
I wouldn't feel bad. I reset twice in the first two day, lol. Did play 'catch-up' both times, though. Happy with what I got now, so I've been rolling with it.

Your game, play it how you want.
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it’s perfectly okay - it’s your game so reset as much as you need/want to. all that matters is whether or not you’re happy with your own island and if you’re not, it’s okay to reset until you are
I'm sorry you weren't liking your island. That's never fun. :(

Some tips though just in case you don't know; to make sure you get only villagers that you like, don't finish constructing the first three homes you get until you've found 3 villagers that you want to invite. The game will wait for you to finish with that so you don't get stuck with randos. If you're worried about how many nook tickets that might take, they are tradable so you can buy them from other players for bells or items. As for the random camper, that one's forced unfortunately and i don't think there's a way to control it.

Hopefully you get an island that you like this time! The game is so much better when you enjoy your island, so I'm glad you're resetting if you were unhappy with it. I think you'll enjoy your time much more when you love your island. :blush:
It's your island. Keep going until you're happy with it!
My signature quote is pretty applicable here. Your island is what you make of it. You seem like you’re way too worked up about what you can’t control. It will only lead to stress and anxiety. Go with the flow and you will likely be much happier. Focus on what you can control and make the most of bad circumstances. They may turn into a blessing in disguise.

Villagers will come and go. When I first started my island, I got pears as my native fruit. I didn’t like them but I rolled with it and now my island is full of all different kinds of fruit and I love my island. Had I reset over and over until I got another fruit, I would have become frustrated. If you focus on everything being perfect, it takes the fun out of things.

Best of luck with your new island.
do what you need to do! there’s no set way of playing animal crossing, if it makes you happier and less stressed to just reset then go for it
Do what will make you happiest of course! but if you really like all of the other aspects of your island (like the fruit, geographical layout, airport color, etc), I would think carefully about doing that. Villagers can always come and go, but it can be more difficult to find that perfect map a second time.
What's to say the next Island will be any better? If you reset, what's to say something like this won't happen again, and then you reset again, and the cycle continues forever. Personally, I find it's easier for me to change my mindset, then it is the village you get.
I know exactly how you feel. I used to reset New Leaf so much, people on here even asked me why I'm bothering even trying to play, but never once, have I felt bad about it, and no one's ever made me feel bad about it. It's your game, if you need to reset to get something you want, I say reset, and don't feel bad about it. You're not messing with anyone else's game or their experience.

But just remember
Villagers houses CAN be moved, so can most buildings
You can change your island layout with terraforming
Your favorite villagers you can get from other players if needed
Native fruit doesn't matter, since there is no perfect fruit that I can see, and you can get the other fruits from other players
Airport color doesn't change what it does, all the airport colors operate the same way, but I understand people have their preferences.
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Do what will make you happiest of course! but if you really like all of the other aspects of your island (like the fruit, geographical layout, airport color, etc), I would think carefully about doing that. Villagers can always come and go, but it can be more difficult to find that perfect map a second time.

The base layout, I wasn't 100% happy with either. After thinking more about my layout, I had a few issues with it. I loved the fruit, but I just went with the best of the four options that were available at the time. Not really thinking it over to much. I have already deleted the save, and have been making sure to try and find a layout that I would be happy with.
What's to say the next Island will be any better? If you reset, what's to say something like this won't happen again, and then you reset again, and the cycle continues forever. Personally, I find it's easier for me to change my mindset, then it is the village you get.
This is a good point. I’ve reset in previous games and have generally always ended up missing the one I just lost. That’s why it’s important to not be too nit picky. At least for me.

That being said, I think it’s totally fine and it comes down to the way you want to play the game at the end of the day. The earlier you reset, the better I’d say. Depending on how you play.
You bought the game, you can do whatever you want. But the time you invested into it, will be wasted.
It is your choice, when it comes to me, I won't be mad with you about it.
I mean, it is totally up to you, but it sounds like you are getting really stressed out over trying to make everything 100% perfect. Keep in mind that we can totally change nearly everything about our island this time. Everything is basically aesthetic this time. It doesn't look like there is any perfect fruit. Different airport colors don't do anything except change how it looks. And villagers will move out if you want them to. You can unlock the ability to change around the landmass and waterscaping of your island. You don't even have to cut down trees if you don't want to. Instead you can just pick them up and plop them down.

That being said, if you want to reset again then go for it. But don't let the quest for finding the "perfect start" ruin the game for you when you can transform your island into the perfect island for you.
i am resetting after TTing (NOTHING wrong with it just didn’t want to do it). i was feeling guilty about it too, but no need!!! do what you need to do to feel good about your adventure and have fun! i have to tell myself to not take it so seriously c:
I reset my island right after I built the town hall. Yeah, you can change a lot of things, but that takes a lot of time and creativity. I'm an impatient perfectionist. And I just wasn't feeling my island at all; fruit, villagers (I made the mistake of building the houses too soon and getting random villagers I loathed), island layout... I did ask a user on here to hold some of my items for a few hours while I reset and unlocked online play.

And I couldn't be happier. We're only a week into the game, and if you want to catch up it wouldn't take too long with TTing, which I have been doing.
I wouldn't reset just because of villagers. The unwanted ones will move out eventually and it's pretty easy to invite whoever you want via amiibo cards.
Just my take on it.
Ill admit I dont think I'm feeling my island either at the moment, but I've already dipped so much time into it as well as sworn off TTing for this playthrough. But I know that terraforming is very soon and that it'll probably change my attitude completely so I'm holding out :>

Definitely do what you gotta do!! Reset as much as you need to, just understand how much control you're given in this game and even the variables you cant control can easily be managed. Try not to take it too far to where you are no longer able to play/enjoy the game :'O
I rerolled three times in the first week. There is no shame in it. If you aren't feeling your island, so reroll. Trust me, we have the ability to rationalize anything if it means not putting the work in. Deep down, you have that voice calling out to you that you aren't happy. Life is short! Reroll. So you are a week behind, big deal!

I say do it, and be happy. Although, if you are going to make this big decision, I recommend really analyzing the island layouts because this is a chance to really get a good one. :)