A short survey about Pepsi


This is a survey for a school project it’s like 5 questions please take it if you have a second :) Thank you friends

If you take the survey post here and I’ll give you like 8 tbt or something

Completed your survey! Please do NOT give me tbt bells or anything.

On a side note we just got PEPSI Max Vanilla in New Zealand and it's superb. Vanilla coke has been my thing since it was released here, so having two options is awesome! (I think the PEPSI one might be a bit better)
I just filled out the survey! Pepsi is gross. Id love some bells for my hard work and dedication (im greedy)
I did your survey and wish you luck on your project. It'd be interesting to see what you come up with, if you are able to share. :)

I do not need any bells, but it is kind of you to offer. :)
I just completed the survey. I for one LOVE Pepsi it is so much better that Coca Cola.
I will take the Bells if you are offering :)
Done. Feel free to give me tbt if you want but don't feel bad if you forget or stuff.
Thank you everyone I have distributed bells :) will still give bells to anyone else who takes it