I'm really sorry for your loss, I hope you're able to recover soon! :'c=w= been super busy!! will get in the new slots today, working on roxi's piece throughout the day.
and thank you for the well wishes ;; OTL started off the new year with a death of someone really close to me, so i've kind of been out of the regular loop.
=w= been super busy!! will get in the new slots today, working on roxi's piece throughout the day.
and thank you for the well wishes ;; OTL started off the new year with a death of someone really close to me, so i've kind of been out of the regular loop.
Username: Pxter
Reference: here
Total: 600/700TBT O: idk which WHEEZES
Other notes: hope you're feeling better, friend <3
Username: ardrey
Reference: {X}
Total: 700 tbt
Other notes: none~
Reference: http://sta.sh/22dzf9ud1xhb
Total: 700
Other notes: thanks for considering and I hope you're feeling ok!
600 is fine, hope you're all better from the nasty sickness!
to all 3 slots: please send your tbt payment whenever you can; if there's any additional notes you wanted to add (i.e. pose, emotion, blahblah), now is the time! thank you so much!
hope you're doing better too grace, tysm sending payment now!!
also i don't have anything specific about emotion/pose, maybe just happy/waving IDK lmao
//whispers me + jint want to let u know we're always on skype if you're ever feeling down <3
rip in pizza slot chance
o well, take it easy grace!
thank you ardrey n_nb!! updating the frontsent payment! I hope everything's okay <3
ur a pizza!!pizza is delicious
slots may re open ;w;
If that's the best Pizza to you, then for sure \o/cri
am i at least a hawaiian pizza