About the new furniture


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2012
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Silver Mailbox
How much new furniture do you think will be added? I've been seeing certain youtubers definitively saying 300 new items, but I don't think that's accurate. Based on everything shown so far, it looks like we'll be getting updated versions of everything in Happy Home Designer, including New Leaf by default, plus more new original items not present in any of the other games. If that's true, then the new furniture count alone would make it over 1k. Not including the stuff that's already in the game, it would give NH the largest catalog of all in the series.
I really really hope you're right. I see the same YouTube videos. Particularly one YouTuber who I usually accept the word of who posted a video saying "complete list of new items" with the '300' number on it... However, the '300' number is just how many new items were shown in the Direct. Which is INSANE.

It HAS to be at least 400, because many of the new items are from old furniture series from past titles. We did not see all of the furniture pieces from said series, sooo.... There's at least those. I really hope that it's all of the ones from HHD/ACNL. Well, will probably be minus the Gracie ones which is sad, unless she comes back! (still holding out hope).
I'm thinking close to 1000, maybe even more if there really is every item returning from NL/HHD (fingers and toes crossed). In HHD every villager unlocked new furniture items, so I'm sure what was shown was just what was "unlocked" for the trailer.
I am sure there will be a lot more. I even saw one or two pocket csmp items. I am also positiv that many nl sets will return and some new DIYs (with the vines for example).
do these youtubers that have made definitive statements regarding the number of new items have special access to data about the yet to be released version 2.0?

Not to my knowledge, but they do have lots of followers who kind of hang on to their every word like gospel, then start spreading misinformation, and eventually confusion. It can be annoying.
Not to my knowledge, but they do have lots of followers who kind of hang on to their every word like gospel, then start spreading misinformation, and eventually confusion. It can be annoying.
Just out of curiosity, who are the Youtubers?
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Just out of curiosity, who are the Youtubers? I know AbdallahSmash sometimes says things like it's fact, and a couple others I'm thinking of.

I can send it to you privately, since I don't want to be accused of bullying or anything. And of course I don't have any evidence of how many items will be included either. I just think that for a person to put people on like that without any kind of hint that what's being said is just speculation, is kind of...idk irresponsible?
i'm setting myself up for both possibilities that we may not get everything from new leaf, or get only a couple hundred pieces of furniture. they haven't shown us everything in the direct, so i'm assuming there's plenty of more content they're keeping hush hush over. if they add 1000+ furniture into the game, i'd unironically be super happy.
Hundreds, maybe even upwards of a thousand. I mean, there's no way to tell for sure, but like... so, so many.

TBH, I'm just so super excited... but I also have a feeling I'll be super overwhelmed when it comes out 😂 Like, I love how much I'll be able to improve my island, but sometimes when I have so many options I get paralyzed because I can't choose. BUT it's a super awesome "problem" to have, and I didn't expect any update would be released that'd leave me feeling that way!
Some of the stuff we've seen from New Leaf appears to been updated with new details or colors to fit the New Horizons aesthetic. Because of the amount of work that takes, I'm not expecting everything to make it over, but I'm hopeful it will still be a lot.
do these youtubers that have made definitive statements regarding the number of new items have special access to data about the yet to be released version 2.0?


I think that the aforementioned video may have been kind of click-baity. But then the same YouTuber (if we're talking about the same person here - but I assure you the one I'm thinking of made this 300 item claim) made a video today where they had consulted with Nintendo to answer some questions. I'm not sure if the aforementioned video had anything to do with what Nintendo told them. I hope not. Although what we've seen is very impressive, they shouldn't have shown us every piece of furniture added already.
I’m so nervous about so many new items tbh. I’m very much a perfectionist who methodologically goes through every item in the entire game to select and carefully decorate and I just feel like I gotta start all over again Dx I was finally happy too
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I think that the aforementioned video may have been kind of click-baity. But then the same YouTuber (if we're talking about the same person here - but I assure you the one I'm thinking of made this 300 item claim) made a video today where they had consulted with Nintendo to answer some questions. I'm not sure if the aforementioned video had anything to do with what Nintendo told them. I hope not. Although what we've seen is very impressive, they shouldn't have shown us every piece of furniture added already.

If we're talking about the same person, and at this point I think we are, then I don't think this person actually talked to Nintendo at all. I saw where they said they sought out answers from Nintendo and that they're answering questions they haven't seen anywhere else. While the quotes that they used to back up their claims are true, they didn't get them directly from Nintendo, like they're making it seem they did. They straight up screenshotted an article another site wrote, which would also make their other claim of having answers that nobody else has, inaccurate(or a straight up lie), because they would have needed to read that article first to get their answers, meaning they saw it in at least one other place: the one from which they copied and gave no credit to.🤦‍♀️

But I'm not gonna sweat over a Youtuber's clout-chasing shenanigan's. I just wish they would preface their videos as speculation, instead of letting themselves appear to be some insider authority, so misinformation doesn't get spread around.
there were like 5k not yet added items discovered in the code ages ago, and considering most other data mined info has turned out to be correct, that is pretty exciting tbh. I’d guess that 5k is probably inflated by redesign variations, but even accounting for that its probably still in the high 100’s maybe even crossing over 1k. this is just optimistic conjecture tho lol

dataminers will probably figure out the true number shortly after the update
Didn't dataminers find over 1000 unreleased items in the code? Granted some of these could be building furniture, a lot of it should be player furniture.
I’m hoping that’s it’s close to 1000, it would give a lot more variety to choose from when it comes to decorating our homes.