AC and IRL Friends

I'm a competitive Pok?mon (TCG) player who travels all over the country with my friends to play a game so it's safe to say that being obsessed with Animal Crossing isn't the lamest thing in the book for me ;P but lots of my friends play and know I'm very into it. Animal Crossing is pretty much the only video game I actually care about, I don't care for the Pok?mon video games much more than just casual play and while I used to be into video games a lot more it's just not my thing anymore. Card games run my life instead, lol.

I did get my boyfriend into Animal Crossing after originally him telling me how boring it looked. Hehe.
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i'm the type of friend who just gives out random gifts, whether it be candy or clothes or games. i decided to gift my best friend with acnl, i wrapped it in a white box, and tied a red ribbon around it. we play regularly now. a few other close friends play, and i recently got my little brother into it.
One of my friends actually recommended ACNL to me! And he is a well-aged 24 :)

My friends who are gamers totally understand, but my other friends probably aren't aware of how time-consuming of a hobby it is. But then again those friends have hobbies that I completely don't understand, so I'm never embarrassed to talk to them about gaming.
For some reason people assume that if you love fashion and makeup, you're not a gamer. I'm like, "what?!" I don't get it!

I've suggested it to my friends (and by that I mean I've talked excessively about it for hours. Okay, maybe not hours, but you get the point.) and most have shown interest in it, a couple even bought the game. Sadly, they didn't get too into it, and a lot of them stopped playing entirely after a couple weeks.
I'm 17 and my friends grew out of Animal Crossing years ago. 😥 I forced my boyfriend to play the GameCube version, and at first he said, "Why are you so addicted to this?" But after he finished his work with Tom Nook he admitted it was pretty fun and even befriended one of the villagers, Ed. 😂 Needless to say, he understands my obsession now.

I make a point to let people know right off the bat that I'm addicted to both Animal Crossing and World of Warcraft. They're never really surprised. >.<
EVERYONE ends up knowing, because New Leaf is with me everywhere I go, and I'm playing it literally every free (sometimes not) minute I have- closing in on 4,000 hours. So, they see it, and learn VERY quickly I'm a pretty big Animal Crossing/doubutsu no mori fan...
my best friend and i both play almost exactly the same games, like animal crossing, pokemon, fantasy life, etc
I'm almost 30 and the people I consider to be friends all know I play ACNL. I don't really care what other people think about me, at all.