AC Masters

Nate said:
commando1898 said:
yea jason im just trying to let people have fun and your being so negitive.
also the meetings are first watching kk slider. then we talk about our group and what we can do to make it better and we will just mainly have fun
noooo ur beegn negtve
commando1898 said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
yea jason im just trying to let people have fun and your being so negitive.
also the meetings are first watching kk slider. then we talk about our group and what we can do to make it better and we will just mainly have fun
noooo ur beegn negtve
k gud u lernd 2 shut up nd tak it :santagyroid: :santagyroid:
Bacon Boy said:
well, you can't really tell him not to be negative, that's like telling storm not to be an admin...
we didnt tell him not to,i just asks,i do hate it and want it to stop though...and the camparison u made is way untrue...jason chooses to be like that...and storm needs to admin this place so it wont turn into a......bad hes da founder right?and jason u aint bein truthful,who knows wat could happen?
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
yea jason im just trying to let people have fun and your being so negitive.
also the meetings are first watching kk slider. then we talk about our group and what we can do to make it better and we will just mainly have fun
noooo ur beegn negtve
k gud u lernd 2 shut up nd tak it :santagyroid: :santagyroid:
I think he thought you was talking to me, LOL.

And yes I am being truthful. There's 4 people per town and so far everyone like commando has left the forums within a month xD

EDIT: Storm doesn't have to be an admin if he doesn't want to be... o.o
Jas0n said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
yea jason im just trying to let people have fun and your being so negitive.
also the meetings are first watching kk slider. then we talk about our group and what we can do to make it better and we will just mainly have fun
noooo ur beegn negtve
k gud u lernd 2 shut up nd tak it :santagyroid: :santagyroid:
I think he thought you was talking to me, LOL.

And yes I am being truthful. There's 4 people per town and so far everyone like commando has left the forums within a month xD

EDIT: Storm doesn't have to be an admin if he doesn't want to be... o.o
i wasnt talkin about da 4 ppl in a town,i was talkin bout wat u said bout cammando,who knows he might not leave,so lets wait and see

and about the admin thing,yea he doesnt have to but he is,and thats good...and your being mean,which is bad..
Poke2Laser said:
Jas0n said:
Nate said:
commando1898 said:
Nate said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
k gud u lernd 2 shut up nd tak it :santagyroid: :santagyroid:
I think he thought you was talking to me, LOL.

And yes I am being truthful. There's 4 people per town and so far everyone like commando has left the forums within a month xD

EDIT: Storm doesn't have to be an admin if he doesn't want to be... o.o
i wasnt talkin about da 4 ppl in a town,i was talkin bout wat u said bout cammando,who knows he might not leave,so lets wait and see

and about the admin thing,yea he doesnt have to but he is,and thats good...and your being mean,which is bad..
If you say so.
i gotta do my homework,god right wen i get home from school,where i fight a lot,i come home and fight more... :wintergyroid:
Nah I Agree With Jas0n.

You will just leave the group in a month or so and then this forum will be dead.

So Yeah Im not Joining Sorry XP
its just so funny that people will agree with him meanwhile youll see me all month and more. and zaners i dont really care if you do or dont.