AC:NH is horrible.

Honestly I like NH, but I still feel that it could be better; it is lacking a lot of quality of life stuff like bulk crafting or buying multiple clothes in Ables, etc. I like the graphics and the fact that there is more customization (and villagers with sleeves), but I wish the villagers had better interaction and dialogue.
I have played the game since it first came out and it's absolutely disappointing to me.
That’s an oddly blanket statement to come to an Animal Crossing forum and post. Also odd that you’d continue to play it since launching it was so disappointing. 🤔 Is there something specific that you’d been trying to accomplish that you’ve been unable to? Perhaps we can help, if so.
I’m sorry to hear that. What aspects of it would you improve?
Not to be so absolutely disappointi---🧱

I don't know what's more funny. Taking time out of your day to register to post that or how they probably won't come back lol.

Yeah I was disappointed with how Nintendo handled NH, but I wouldn't say it's horrible. It just needed to cook a bit longer so we had a full game day 1 instead of waiting for what I felt was the bare minimum. It's crazy how much time has passed since it launched, but I remember how excruciating waiting for actual content to be released was. Sometimes we went months without anything and then an update would bring cottoncandy and popsicles only. And the September 2021 trailer update was telling us what bugs we could catch with nothing actually new and we hadn't had a real update since March 2021 which was Mario Day stuff. So people were starting to get irritated and understandably so.

I never want to see Nintendo do that to an Animal Crossing game again. I probably won't get the next AC release day. I'll hold off until I know if all the content is there or if it's being dripfed again.
I don't care for it either.

Lack of shop upgrades, bigger focus on terraforming and weaker villager interactions make this my least favorite entry in the series.

Granted, I *did* terraform my island, but Animal Crossing to me is equally a cute social sim. The villagers felt like background decoration in this. Like they existed for aesthetic and not as a living part of the island. It's starting to feel like I'm playing god instead of being just a villager and I guess in my personal preference I preferred the past direction of Animal Crossing. It was heading this way in New Leaf and picked up here.

I still had good memories of playing this game with my sister and it has a nice look.
i just wish it was more fleshed out and wasn't abandoned so soon Q-Q

My biggest hope for the next AC game is one that combines New Leaf, New Horizons, and a little bit of Pocket Camp Complete! I want so much furniture and options!!
this would be the dream 🤩 pocket camp items are simply elite
Not to be so absolutely disappointi---🧱

I don't know what's more funny. Taking time out of your day to register to post that or how they probably won't come back lol.

Yeah I was disappointed with how Nintendo handled NH, but I wouldn't say it's horrible. It just needed to cook a bit longer so we had a full game day 1 instead of waiting for what I felt was the bare minimum. It's crazy how much time has passed since it launched, but I remember how excruciating waiting for actual content to be released was. Sometimes we went months without anything and then an update would bring cottoncandy and popsicles only. And the September 2021 trailer update was telling us what bugs we could catch with nothing actually new and we hadn't had a real update since March 2021 which was Mario Day stuff. So people were starting to get irritated and understandably so.

I never want to see Nintendo do that to an Animal Crossing game again. I probably won't get the next AC release day. I'll hold off until I know if all the content is there or if it's being dripfed again.
Everyone is absolutely entitled to the way that they enjoy getting their games and playing them. Personally I actually really liked how things were released over time, rather than everything being out day 1. Because I felt like having updates that brought more stuff actually made it a game to play with new things to do over a greater period of time. I do realize that that is a personal preference thing, and I just wanted to share another perspective. ^^

That said, I do wish that they had continued to give us more things. Like you pointed out, there could be a whole lot more QOL things done, and I feel we could have far more stuff as well. Different items that are in previous games that aren't in this one. More villagers created, or even brought back from previous games would have been nice as well. I know we got some, I just think it could have been more.

Personally I'm hoping not only for something a little bit different, but something with more room. And then we can have more villagers. I would really like to see us being able to have 15 villagers again. And I wouldn't mind something that was a bit like the first AC for a setting - a forest! Just updated. A forest with like one beach - or maybe no beach at all! Maybe that could be an entirely different thing you go to. You go to islands like our mystery island tour thing we have now. Just something a bit different.
Everyone is absolutely entitled to the way that they enjoy getting their games and playing them. Personally I actually really liked how things were released over time, rather than everything being out day 1. Because I felt like having updates that brought more stuff actually made it a game to play with new things to do over a greater period of time. I do realize that that is a personal preference thing, and I just wanted to share another perspective. ^^
If the dripfed content was consistent with the updates I don't think most would've had a problem with it. Like every month something was happening that would be awesome. It seemed like it was going to be that way because they had the Summer Wave content that added stuff that I thought should've been in day 1, but it was still meaty and happened soon after the game's release. But then after that the updates were so few and far between.

They definitely left us hanging for months on end and then would drop an update that was almost inconsequential and went into hiding until 3+months later. That was my issue with it. It would've been nice if they kept adding after 2.0 but the way they withheld so much content for 1.5 years and then finally unloaded it all in Nov. 2021 felt more like a 'Here you go, please shut up now.'

Me personally I would rather have the whole game and if there's updates it should be for actually new stuff. Not to add art, swimming/diving, the coffee shop. For the next game that is. The lack of a sense of progression and the villagers being as SkyKnight03 mentioned props really made it hard for me to keep playing as I waited for updates that we didn't even know if we were going to get or not because Nintendo wasn't transparent with their update schedule. This might not be a horrible game or the worst AC, but I can't say it's first imo. I'd probably rate it 3rd.
I don’t know, that wasn’t very constructive. It’s weird because the server had a post like this too at the same time.

I’m just going to reiterate what I said there: I love the game, I can see why interest in it died anyway, I think it kind of sucked until 2.0. In some ways it still does, but personally I just quit playing because I was restricted to one island. I had so many other ideas but I’m not wiping the slate.

For me it had as long a lifespan as any other AC, aside from my childhood one which I kept playing so much because I was a kid lol I would NOT play Wild World for so long anymore.

For as much as NL did right that game also has a bunch of annoying stuff that made me stop playing it a couple of years later (I always thought the execution of PWPs felt like a prototype for something better, and NH was it with expanding on that, even if its also missing some qol there). I started a new NL town a couple years back and I was like “some of this is awesome but oh THAT’S why I quit this game…”

NH is my favorite but realistically I think all these games are pretty flawed TwT too broad of a discussion topic. In my opinion NH copping more criticism comes down to expectations of the fanbase (this is NOT a bad thing) and more it being a bad AC game to many people than a bad or worse game overall.