AC Wii to go MMO!

Fabio said:
I know what an MMO is. >_> All I'm saying is AC Wii online will blow, just as the DS version did.
Please get ready for an exclusive interview then, because I guess that means you've played AC Wii! =O
Does anyone else remember that rumor (rumor?) a while ago about how Nintendo was partnering up with a famous MMO company (forgot what it was...)? I wonder if it's related...
stormcommander said:
Does anyone else remember that rumor (rumor?) a while ago about how Nintendo was partnering up with a famous MMO company (forgot what it was...)? I wonder if it's related...
Oh yeah, they were going to port Maple Story to the DS. I forget the company involved though...
UltraByte said:
stormcommander said:
Does anyone else remember that rumor (rumor?) a while ago about how Nintendo was partnering up with a famous MMO company (forgot what it was...)? I wonder if it's related...
Oh yeah, they were going to port Maple Story to the DS. I forget the company involved though...
It was either Wizet or Nexon... probably Nexon.
Average-Joe101 said:
What does MMO mean?
Massively Multiplayer Online...

Then add whatever at the end. Usually G (Game) or RPG (Role Playing Game).
this thread is really funny.

You guys are trying your hardest not to like this game...

you complain about one thing and say you want something else, then when you realize it's possible for it to be what you wanted, you find something to complain about for that.

and what do you mean it's aimed towards kids? Explain Halo. The majority of the players are under 13, and constantly saying stuff like "LIEK UBER PWNZORED NOOB!".
Anyone here who has played Halo on Xbox Live can tell me that they've heard someone like that at LEAST once.

But MMORPGs are usually twenty times more fun. Talking to people in a online game or leveling up in an online game... I'd rather be leveling up.
What's all this about? you say you don't want AC to be an MMORPG then you say that MMORPGs are fun.


Ah, it's this kind of thread that's my daily entertainment.
TheGremp said:
this thread is really funny.

You guys are trying your hardest not to like this game...

you complain about one thing and say you want something else, then when you realize it's possible for it to be what you wanted, you find something to complain about for that.

and what do you mean it's aimed towards kids? Explain Halo. The majority of the players are under 13, and constantly saying stuff like "LIEK UBER PWNZORED NOOB!".
Anyone here who has played Halo on Xbox Live can tell me that they've heard someone like that at LEAST once.

But MMORPGs are usually twenty times more fun. Talking to people in a online game or leveling up in an online game... I'd rather be leveling up.
What's all this about? you say you don't want AC to be an MMORPG then you say that MMORPGs are fun.


Ah, it's this kind of thread that's my daily entertainment.
I have Halo 2 and 3 (I have the first on on PC) I have NEVER heard anyone like that.

But you do have a point with that quote. (Nice job

;) )
Is this a possible response to PlayStation's social networking thing, whatever-its-called?

Either way, as long as I get a new AC game that has a control stick and better-than-N64 graphics, I'll be happy.
I haven't read anything in this thread.

I probably won't get this game if it doesn't have enough for offline players. Not to say it is bad if it doesn't, but because it isn't worth getting if I can't enjoy all of it let alone most of it.