Not sure which hybrid flowers I got right now after my previous post, but I decided to begin TTing to get paintings faster, as the raining day struck today. I TT one day forward, then I check at Redd's, check the painting with Blathers, save the game, then TT one day backward, when it's raining. I rinse and repeat until I got enough of the paintings and Redd's exclusives. This is what happens on Redd when he sold me countless of counterfeit paintings. <_<
On the side effect, I would get alot of hybrid flowers, gyroids, and rarely, a lucky clover or more. This is just a beginning of my project!
this. Since I left it all at home... and can't get back >:0
At least I played some other stuff
Hehe... I didn't know I nearly really suck at MKW... until my friend played it with me... but still... I still couldn't understand much as I played the japanese version XD
Got a new purple rose and a white carnation today. I've also been moving gyroids around my town which I'm definitely including in the upcoming Treasure Hunt. Gonna be burying shells and perhaps a few other things too... :smilecheerful:
I haven't posted in awhile, so...
I re-arranged my flower patches quite a bit. Over time it got very messy, so it's way better now. I usually get a hybrid or so a day, my HRA score is around 140,000 (Or so..) And I got a Silver Axe from Serena.
Today, I got a pink tulip and a Jacob's Ladder. I also got some more hybrids while TTing back and forth to get more paintings. However, I ditched that because Redd is quite bothersome. At least, I scooped up 2 news paintings, as well of duplicate paintings. Speaking of museum, I finally completed the fossil exhibit. Remain lot of bugs and fishes, as well of 7 paintings.
-Two new hybrids. C:
-Recently got a new bridge built. 8DD
-Sold egg series and got a bootyload of bells.
-Recieved three foreign fruits and grew lots of treesssss.~
-Had Rasher move into my town after Freckles moved out.
-Store changed to Nookingtons
-Got "Stale Cupcakes" from K.K. Slider. :gyroiddance:
pink tulip
a huge garden full of pink carnations
got Gracie series
got silver axe (after so many tries of getting one)
got a great haircut
earned 1.8 mil bells by time traveling
got fountain (obviously )
that's all i can think of now, but i'll edit if i think of more