Accomplishments Thread!

No hybrids yesterday but I pulled off a town charm that kept my flowers healthy. I also paid off some more mortgages and fixed the many holes in my path system, hehe. :)

Found a saw horse and black knight in Redd's but the Flowery Painting I bought was fake... >_<

Today I got 3 hybrids: an orange pansy, pink rose and a black rose. Also the houses I paid off have expanded and the trees I planted the other day have successfully grown.
A new Jacob's Ladder grew in my town yesterday.

As for today, I got another orange cosmos, an orange roses and a purple tulip. Despite my best efforts, Savannah is moving out of my town. If you want her, ask me.
I found my first 2 pink cosmos in a long time! I also found a new orange rose. It also seems that I got a new villager quite quickly, a frog called Frobert...he apparently came from a town called Florida....(Does anyone here own a town with that name?) :blink:

Lastly, a ninja sword appeared at Nookingtons (if you want it, PM me...).
My Nook store downgraded to Nook'n'Go, which is better for me because of the hours.
I got a pink carnation, pink cosmos, pink tulip and black cosmos today.

Pascal was standing on one of my bridges and handed me a barrel.
OFFTOPIC. All my hybrids/flowers died and suddenly I lost the interest of playing. But I'm not quitting forever that's for sure.
Today's went a little into lackluster day, especially if it's Friday! I haven't got any hybrid flower, and none of my found fossils are new.
However, it rained in my city, so I didn't had to water my flowers, as well of getting gyroids tomorrow.
Savannah is still here, packed her furnitures waiting to move at somebody's town. If you want her until tomorrow, ask me.

<small><small>My username has changed color! Beware of my eye strain inducing username! Har har har! </small></small>
I got 5 hybrids today: 2 pink roses, a purple pansy, a black cosmos and a white carnation.

And I found 3 pearl oysters on the beach.
Today, I got both of orange and pink roses.
Then, with my main character, as well of my 2 mules, I got three new K.K. songs.
Oh, and Savannah moved out of my town today, hoping for a better villager to come there.
I got an orange pansy, a pruple pansy and... a blue rose! I'm so happy since blue roses take ages to grow! :veryhappy:

Nook had a jukebox today.

I got a starman from a balloon.

Also, my painting gallery is finally complete. Only 2 more bugs left until the museum's full.
Yesterday I TTed backward and forward just to catch up in watering my flowers. As a result, yesterday brought me a blue pansy, purple rose and a pink carnation! (Grah, why won't my town spawn red ones?!) >_<

Today I found a pink rose, pink cosmos and a white carnation! (Too many of those too, hehe...) :veryhappy:
Yesterday, I got 5 hybrid flowers. It include a black roses, an orange roses, a pink roses, a orange pansies and a pink cosmos.

Today, I got another orange roses, an orange cosmos and a purple roses. Guess who moved in Kero Pit? It's none other than the ugly Purrl. Now, she must get out of my town as quickly as possible!
Hehe, yesterday I managed to have a net fight for one whole hour! Talk about a moment of randomness! :p

Anyway, today brought me an orange pansy and a white carnation. Plus a load of treasure chests and a ninja sword came in the mail that I had ordered yesterday (I have plans to save the treasure chests for an event I have in mind...hehe...).
Last Tuesday, I got five new hybrid flowers. Orange, pink and black cosmos, along with a white carnation and Jacob's Ladder made my day!
Then, yesterday, I got my long awaited black tulip, as well of another Jacob's Ladder.
And today, I got two orange roses and a pink cosmos. Plus, I got a real quaint painting and donated it right away.
Yesterday I got a black tulip and yet another white carnation! Plus I bought a fake Jolly Painting from Redd... >_<

Today I only got a red carnation. It's been a long time since I got one of these so it's nice to see a new one. Hopefully I'll get more of them soon... T_T
I succesfully grown hundreds of weeds in my town
I succesfully picked out hundreds of weeds in my town
I succesfully quit playing the next day
I then succesfully started playing again a year later

Im so pathetic
Today didn't yielded any hybrid flower.
Because of Tom Nook's promotion, I maxed out my TNPS points to 50,000 by buying a bunch of white katanas, as well of a single Triforce.
Got an pink rose, orange rose, orange pansy and yet ANOTHER white carnation today! (I have like, 15 of those now!) :blink:
Today, I got a rose and a cosmos, with both of them are colored into orange. I got 20 white katanas, but we sold them at Tom Nook's. Other than that and a Wi-Fi visit, there's not any more highlights.
The project I have been planning and working on for months is finished. What project, you ask? Project Gyroid, of course. For years people have been complaining about the house being too cluttered and that not all gyroids are easily seen. I too, have been complaining about it. When someone accidentally turns on a gyroid, gyroids that I want turned on get turned off and I it's really hard to get it turned back on unless it is possible to turn it back on without removeing any gyroids in the front. I have now made it possible to view every single gyroid in the game by moving them around and making a second part to the museum (my sister's house). Now, for Project Gyroid 2, to make a gyroid cafe, oprah house, store, and a game room/arcade.