Achievement System


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Aug 14, 2014
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Purple Bat Potion
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
New Leaf Token
Purple Candy
Does anyone else wish Nintendo would implement an achievement system? My main drive for playing a lot of games is working towards the achievements, so the switch not having them makes me really wish they would implement it with the whole paid online thing. This is probably just a me problem, but I find it hard to stay into a game when I don?t really have a drive/reward for doing so
I would definitely enjoy something like this. Hopefully they would have a good amount of difficulty to them. Nintendo is often criticized for their games being too easy. Perhaps this would give them the opportunity to create some truly difficult challenges. The type of player who actively hunts for achievements is usually quite skilled at games, so I don't think there would be any problems with having difficult achievements.

A number of newer Nintendo games do have "achievements" though, and a lot of them are quite difficult to get (Hades's Treasure Hunt comes to mind). Making them more public like a lot of other companies do might be nice for players who have the skills to accomplish them.
Sure, why not. I'm also slightly against it because I have no self-control and I'll try to get them all, however crazy they may be.
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Does anyone else wish Nintendo would implement an achievement system? My main drive for playing a lot of games is working towards the achievements, so the switch not having them makes me really wish they would implement it with the whole paid online thing. This is probably just a me problem, but I find it hard to stay into a game when I don’t really have a drive/reward for doing so

Like the badges in New Leaf? Also pretty sure Pok?mon Black and White did that, or the sequels.
This sounds like it would be interesting. It would definitely make some people want to play Switch games even more, imo
I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this matter. I enjoyed earning achievements well enough on the 360 when I still bought games for it and achievements can lead you to experience a game more fully depending on what the requirements for the achievement are. But, at least when it comes to most of the games I play on Nintendo consoles, I explore/experience as much as I can anyway so I don't really feel the need for achievements. Maybe I'd be more interested in the sort of badge system they had in Animal Crossing New Leaf, but I don't really care about having a high gamerscore or having bragging rights or whatever. I guess so long as any such system doesn't take anything away from the rest of the development of the games then they might as well go for it.
I don't mind if they're there, as long as there's an option to turn off anything to do with them and nothing requires me to have X amount of achievements.

In games, I just hate it when a notification pops up on the screen in the middle of something informing me I've done a thing I didn't know was linked to an achievement that I don't care about...Especially those dumb ones that just happen at every major plot point. Turning off achievement notifications is basically something I do by default with a new console these days.

As for the achievements themselves, I don't have the time to sit around fulfilling some boring "challenge" for the sake of a shiny medal. If what the achievement is telling me to do is fun, chances are I'll do it in the game anyway.
I love achievements but at the same time a lot of Nintendo games have their own achievement system so I don't think it's necessary to implement it into the main system.