Do you want Nintendo to implement an achievement/trophy system?

Do you want Nintendo to implement an achievement/trophy system?

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I feel slightly conflicted about this, because on one hand I like the idea of achievements, but I don't think I can think of a game where I managed to actually get all the achievements. And this is in spite of me being a completionist, so it kind of leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I think my problem is that achievements tend to deviate from 100% completion. I enjoy it when games have a counter on it for 100% completion per game file (even some old Nintendo games have this, like the SNES Donkey Kong Country games for example). But in my experience, achievements tend to have you going off the rails and doing arbitrary things just for the sake of doing them. On top of that, I also feel like Nintendo would definitely want to add achievements for multiplayer and/or online content, things that would become impossible years down the line.

At the end of the day, I wouldn't say that it should never happen, but I guess I personally would find more value in 100% completion counters than Xbox/Playstation/Steam style achievements.
I feel like an achievement/trophy system would be great! It would give me more motivation to get all the hidden things in games that I’m too lazy to get chests in botw

Also, I feel like Animal Crossing could have some cool achievements, similar to Stardew Valley:
-Learn all DIYs/Recipes
-Craft all DIYs/Recipes
-Grow all Crops
-Obtain all Hybrid Flowers
-Complete Catalog
-Get a 5 Star Island
-Have the KK Slider Concert
etc etc

Ngl, I’m surprised an achievement system hasn’t already been implemented by Nintendo, since it’s already very similar to Sony and Microsoft (paid subscriptions, prices, etc)
I would like accomplishments for certain games like any fighting game, Pokémon, Legend of Zelda, and Bayonetta.
I do. There's many times where I didn't buy multiplatform games on Switch partially because I know there probably wouldn't be trophies in them (and because I know it'll likely look and run much worse). I rarely go out of my way to platinum games, but I do like collecting some trophies throughout games and seeing how many other players got the same one. Getting an achievement only a small portion of the playerbase completed feels really good.
Yes, please! I'm kind of surprised there isn't one already. I love achievement hunting on steam and it's one of the main things that keeps me going back to some of my PC games.
I’m for the most part indifferent. When I first got my switch lite, I was a little disappointed to see there were no achievements, but now it doesn’t matter to me. If they did add it, I wouldn’t mind it; I just don’t know if I’ll be able to go for trophy achievements like I used because of attention and focus issues have been worsening and I’m less interested in achievements now. Good chance though I might care more once we got it, if that happens.
I think it would be pretty cool if they did. There are plenty of games I want to play and have played on the Switch, so getting some sort of achievement progress tracker would be great. It's actually deterred me from getting certain games on the Switch, opting to play them where I can collect achievements.
I'm indifferent. I see no issue with them adding them, but I also am okay with not having them.

What I would like, is for Nintendo to do things like what they're doing the monthly icons right now, but instead you unlock new icons for the particular game you're playing, as you play through it. Something like that would be neat.
Not only should they do it but they should make a PokeWalker type peripheral to replace streetpass so u can share ur achievements with passerbys through it
I feel pretty indifferent towards an achievement system. They added something like this into New Horizons, which at first was kind of fun but then got a little repetitive and I mostly just ignored it. I think the same would happen for overall Nintendo achievements. I care much more about the game being fun and engaging, much less about artificial achievements. But I know a lot of people enjoy going for 100% on achievements, so if they decide to add something like this, I get it.