I think I may have figured out what went wrong: can picked/plucked flowers not be bred til the bud grows back? ie was watering them pointless because they can’t actually spawn new flowers the same day they’re picked?
Flowers that you pick cannot breed on the same day (they can breed the next day when the buds grow back). Technically, it's not completely pointless as watering the stems helps increase the "bad luck counter" for not producing offspring, but it doesn't do any good to have other people over watering those.I think I may have figured out what went wrong: can picked/plucked flowers not be bred til the bud grows back? ie was watering them pointless because they can’t actually spawn new flowers the same day they’re picked?
If you already have some, just make sure they are not touching any other windflowers and keep watering them. You'll eventually have more than you know what to do with. It's a lot easier to do that than to breed them from scratch. The only reason to breed them from scratch is if you want the satisfaction of breeding one yourself.How does one make purple windflowers, i have some and theyr'e a bit hard to reproduce so i wanna make my own
yeah i want the satisfaction lol. I have them not touching each other but it seems the spawn rate is either broken or really lowIf you already have some, just make sure they are not touching any other windflowers and keep watering them. You'll eventually have more than you know what to do with. It's a lot easier to do that than to breed them from scratch. The only reason to breed them from scratch is if you want the satisfaction of breeding one yourself.
How does one make purple windflowers, i have some and theyr'e a bit hard to reproduce so i wanna make my own
The base spawn rate is 5%. If you water a flower at least 3 days without successfully producing an offspring, the spawn chance increases by 5% each day after until the flower produces an offspring. Note that shoveling the flower resets the spawn chance to 5%, so only move a flower after it has produced an offspring. If you keep watering, you will eventually have a very good chance of producing offspring. As you get more and more flowers, you have even more opportunities to hit on that 5% chance and you'll rack up the bonus chance on all of the flowers that don't spawn right away, so while cloning starts off slow, things snowball quickly as you get more flowers.yeah i want the satisfaction lol. I have them not touching each other but it seems the spawn rate is either broken or really low
So, a bit of an update (though not to the guide itself):
After a bit of thought, I have decided to redo the guide to be a bit cleaner, and add image guides. However, this is going to take me a while. For now, I'll leave the guide as-is, but after I get my own island sorted out and built up I will start working on redoing this guide. I'll work on the images now and then, though. Best prepare a little before hand.
So, bit of an update on this... I haven't really started it yet.
Had some stuff IRL pop up, but mostly my biggest issue is I'm having a hard time finding the inventory icons of flowers online, the ones where they are plucked from their stem. I can make them myself, but it would add at least a week of work on this guide remake project.
So, if anyone has a link to some high-quality .png files of these with transparent backgrounds that you spotted online, please send me a conversation. I'd really appreciate it.
So, another update...
I did manage to find what I was looking for after a bit more looking, but it looks like IRL will keep me a little longer. I'll try to start on this sometime next week or the week after.