To all of you stressing out about how your island should look: it's nothing to stress about. This is your game, your island, you do what you want. If someone else has more progress than you, it doesn't matter because it doesn't relate to you at all. If you find you want to copy other people, then do it in baby steps, take your time with it. It's not a race.
I had a similar issue where I saw all these beautiful islands and I felt overwhelmed for a bit and wanted to move everything then second guessed it. I just did what felt right to me, which was leaving everything where it was except for Nook's Cranny (I moved it beside where I wanted my Able Sister's shop to go). I just designed around what I had with paths and if I needed more room somewhere because of water, I'd fill it in a bit then widen it on the other side to make it even again, so it still looks a bit natural.
My point is, I stressed about it for a bit too then just decided to have fun with it and design it how it felt right to me, totally disregarding what I had seen other people doing. I think it resulted in something really beautiful because it's something that I designed for myself and my animal friends.
(btw OP, if you ever need help with bells or anything, feel free to send me a PM. I have a few mil left over from when I was selling IGB before and I'm making more on turnips, so I can definitely work something out with you if you need some more IGB)
You're right, thank you a lot for this message
I really appreciate it, thank you so much. It would really help but I don't want to make it look like I created this post just for IGB begging.
i completely understand u dude. its like in the sims i tell myself "start out with a basic plan so u dont overwhelm urself" but then i cant help myself and i plan out my sims family tree to their great grandparents and plan all their life events and then i just dont feel like playing anymore because what if i cant execute the story correctly??
i also felt like u do but with acnl. things were way more limited in that game; multiple buildings had a permanent placement so it felt like u had to start laying paths and house tiles out day one (and i did, i'd do it every time after the welcome amiibo update). it got to the point where it felt like i wasnt playing the game i was just obsessing and stressing over it.
with acnh i definitely feel the pressure. just the other day i was getting so stressed over my villager's house placements, and i cant lie and say im still not feeling a bit of that stress. but many of the "mistakes" i may make can be redone this time around so im not too worried. if i take a screenshot of my land/map before i start terraforming i'll always know what it looked like in case i want to start over again. and im also more confident in my island's plan and aesthetic this time around. i was always trying to force myself to go after a specific theme (i need food villagers for a food themed town! i needed regular looking villagers for a forest town! etc.) that i didnt even know if i liked, so instead of having a cohesive aesthetic im trying to make my island match-y through the use of flowers and colors.
idk if any of this helped u, i guess i was kinda ranting in the end. its okay to feel upset at how ur island is now. no one's island is gonna look beautiful to them bc we can all see our own creation's strengths and weaknesses and we tend to focus on the negative. that pretty screenshot u saw on twitter of someone's lil fountain area? they probably have something they dont like about it!! and thats okay!! nothing we do in this game is permanent, it can always be changed again. and many of us arent gonna make good decisions with the terraforming tool when we first get it lol. its completely new to the series and ive never rly messed around with a feature like that!!
This reply made me smile, thank you! That helped for sure. I'm glad someone else understands my frustration. I like the villagers I have on my island (maybe Frita should go...), and fortunately my favourite one (Fauna) is here already, so my only issue now is the landscape and decorating/terraforming the island.
I really like my house and how I decorated it though, so that's good
i feel you! im not the best at structuring my island and often get disappointed at my decisions. i always calm myself by thinking i just started this game like 10 days ago.. everything cant be done perfectly straight away. Considering now that we have the option for layout changes, you should'nt feel bad for messing up!
You're completely right, maybe I should just learn how to play at my own pace and not always aim for perfection.