I mean when I own lots of other games on the switch but I chose to play animal crossing over all of them, because I find it more fun.
Its a quality and quantity thing.
I dont understand why someone would chose to put that much time into a game when they own others and can play the others at that moment in time, but don't. And then say its not good. So why chose to play it and not something else?
That's why I don't get it
The game is both good, and has longevity.
That's why I chose to play it over my other games.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think we're saying this game is BAD by any means (at least I'm not), we're just saying that the quality of gameplay hasn't exactly matched up to the price point. A game can still be good and at the same time, not be worth the price it was sold at. What we're saying is that NH is good, just not so good that we should have payed more for it. Nintendo is a multi-billion dollar corporation with plenty of resources; I think it is fair to have high expectations of quality from them. I think you may be misconstruing us as saying it's bad, which I don't think was any of our intentions.
I do respect your views, so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree here.