ACNH: Stay or Go

Living on an Island - GO
I think it's a fun feature but also works to the games disservice as when you're playing in any season aside from Spring or Summer ( when the grass is green ) it just feels incredibly unnatural. I'm not sure, it just felt very isolating to me and not in a good way. I only play the game during Spring / Summer because there's just something offputting about being surrounded by the beach & island themes during colder months

Changing Our Appearance Anytime - STAY

Tool Ring


Buying in Bulk

Outdoor Furniture
I think it's a good feature but there needs to be limitations on it. I think we should be able to place furniture outdoors but with a similar mechanic to publics work projects. You actually have to work to be able to put things outside

Terraforming - STAY & GO
I personally was not a fan of this mechanic, I like not being able to have control over the layout of my island. If this feature were to return however there should be an option to "reset" your island to its original layout

Placing Paths - STAY

Placing Fences

- GO Crafting, the worst feature in any game. Literally just seemed like they were trying to fit into the "cozy gaming" trend. No use for it

Farming - GO Literally just seemed like they were trying to fit into the "cozy gaming" trend. No use for it

Cooking - GO Literally just seemed like they were trying to fit into the "cozy gaming" trend. No use for it

Vaulting Poles and Ladders - STAY

8-Player Online Play

Singing Villagers

Breakable Tools
I think it's kind of fun and I would be okay with it staying only under the circumstance that Golden tools don't break

Relocating Houses and Buildings - STAY & GO
I think you should be able to re-located buildings but not villager houses

Villager Hunting - STAY

Villagers Moving In Personality-order
If the next game is going to be the same with how awful New Horizons was with villager repeating dialogue then having a large assortment of personalities is a necessity

Giving Villagers Gift In-person - STAY

Cheering Villagers Up
Didn't even know this was a feature in the game!

Seeing What You Donated from Your Crittipedia - STAY
This has saved me many times, and is a feature I miss when I play older games

Shoveling Trees and Breaking Rocks - STAY

Villagers Always Talk to You Before Moving
- GO
Go go go! If you want to have 100% control over your villagers I feel like Animal Crossing isn't the game for you. It just sucks the life out of them. Apart of the charm of feeling like they're alive is sometimes your favorite villager might move out ( yes it's sad but you can always get them back again later! ). At present villagers just feel like collectables

Placing Your House Wherever - STAY

Exterior Customization
Needs to be more like New Leaf I think where you have to go to a shop to buy changes

Refurbishing - STAY

Villagers Visiting Buildings and Other Villager's Houses

Amiibo-ing In Villagers

Villagers Randomly Visiting Your House
Yes it can be annoying when you're decorating but that's apart of the fun

Villagers Randomly Sending Letters - STAY

Unscheduled Visits

Haha I just took a peek in the thread and realised this is my second time posting here, still fun to see if any of my opinions have changed or not though!