ACNH × Sanrio Crossover Discussion + Question Thread 💗

Were you successful in buying a pack of Sanrio amiibo cards from Target today (03/26)? 🇺🇸

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Went to my local Target at 11 am PST. I overheard the cashier in electronics telling a customer that they were completely sold out. That by the time she arrived at 8:06, they were sold out. I never had a chance:cautious:

Meh, I got my niece the AC:NH stationary set instead. She seems to like it. I’ll let her use my Sanrio amiibos as well. On the plus side, I was able to snag a Byleth amiibo and AC socks.🥰
I managed to get the amiibo even though I saw the stores says they were sold out online and my order were canceled this morning... They did charged on my gift card so my family member called for me to check to see if they have stocks in that location; They confirmed that they have some left... So I ran out to the nearby store and got it!! but unfortunately they had to charge it once again meaning that I have two charges on my gift card... they said not to worry about that online charge they will get off in couple days to four days... So I finally got it!! My suggestion to call your nearby locations to see if they have it in stock... I was very lucky to have it after drama online this morning!! I thought that I lose my chance to get it!! But I manage to get it!! Whew!!
They're coming for you!
It has been confirmed that Nintendo UK will not be putting orders back up tonight (and they were never meant to go up the first time, but they're going to honour the orders made) so time to rest the F5 key my fellow Brits. :sleep:
So glad to read this, when I read someone had bought some I thought I'd lost my chance :(
We all had our suspicions. Happy it worked out for those that got them, frustrated with the ones who didn't.
Yeah, I'm happy it worked out for those who did get them but for those who didn't, I do hope they can get them. This should have been handled better by both Nintendo and Target. I hope neither do a collab for a long time.
Someone shared the Target link for the cards and there is a 82% rating for 1 star reviews... 82% of the 3000 reviews were 1 star. That's not good. It looks bad on Nintendo's part.

I really hope no one is desperate enough to buy from the Ebay scalpers who still capitalized on this. Let them eat their loss and suffer.
Someone shared the Target link for the cards and there is a 82% rating for 1 star reviews... 82% of the 3000 reviews were 1 star. That's not good. It looks bad on Nintendo's part.
Yeah I saw my target alone had 1.6 stars on the cards. Yikes 😬
I hardly remember 2016 but I can't imagine it was any better
Ebay had listings of Sanrio cards with the entire box it came with. So people would probably just walk into the store and take the entire stock including the packaging it came in lol.
Ebay had listings of Sanrio cards with the entire box it came with. So people would probably just walk into the store and take the entire stock including the packaging it came in lol.
That's a little upsetting but that's not surprising.

Everyone at this event:
anyone offering fast shipping on the sanrio cards? im in the US and all the i see are like 2 weeks. thanks
I'm glad you saw this! Having only come on board since New Horizons, I thought it was strange Nintendo wasn't still producing the cards, so your post was really helpful in providing context for the situation.

I agree that it's probably better not to count on a restock at this point, but here's to hoping. It does seem like we are sort of in uncharted territory with the popularity of the series. It makes me wonder if Nintendo will reshape their thinking around the series at some point and make AC a bigger priority (akin to Mario/Pokemon), or if they will continue to see it as being just the tier below.
I called one of the local Targets because I curious to see if it was really a one and done deal. The lady told me they're expecting restocks on Monday! This was the same store that gave me the heads up that Targets wouldn't be doing preorders! Idk if its just a few select stores or nation wide, but there's hope!
There's already a multitude of packs that have been sold for 40/50/60 dollars on Mercari 😔 Almost twelve hours later and I'm still annoyed, seeing that does not help ahaha