Heya Nice collection you have here
Please could I order the following
Total Cost for 7 Items : 42,160 Bells
I'm not really sure how I'm going to pick this up XD I don't know if I am being a noob or if I have just missed it but please explain if you have time thanks
Please could I order the following
~Box Sofa 2400 (4800)
~CD Player 1600 (3200)
~CD Shelf 1200 (2400)
~Chaise Lounge 2480 (4960)
~Cushion 800 (1600)
~Editor's Chair 5600 (11200)
~Editor's Desk 5200 (14000)
~CD Player 1600 (3200)
~CD Shelf 1200 (2400)
~Chaise Lounge 2480 (4960)
~Cushion 800 (1600)
~Editor's Chair 5600 (11200)
~Editor's Desk 5200 (14000)
Total Cost for 7 Items : 42,160 Bells
I'm not really sure how I'm going to pick this up XD I don't know if I am being a noob or if I have just missed it but please explain if you have time thanks