Active wild world players? (Playing together via Wiimmfi)

Oh, cool. Here's a quick guide on how it works:

Wiimmfi setup:

Connect your DS to a network with WEP security or no password (most mobile hotspots work as well).
2. Whether an error appears or it says connection successful, both are fine.
3. Change the DNS numbers to the following:

Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:

And that's it!

I also saw a post by acww98 that explains it in more detail

Guys from below, the above post explains how to use Wii WiFi connection animal crossing wild world without getting an error saying the server has been discontinued, not working for example.
Anyone still playing? Just found this site.. I play daily

Yeah, I qm playing online right now. Town Phoenix player name Tails friend code 3055-4356-0533

My friend code is 2104-5363-5971

hi lisa, theres a guy named chronos around that plays this game, idk if he plays right now. Perhaps we could all get together, who knows