Cycling Adeline's Cycling Thread~ CHECK THREAD ♡

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Wow Zell gave me his picture before he left
Just received the letter now xD
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It wouldn't let me post for a few minutes there.

Rolf is in boxes.
Didn't realize so many people were looking for Rolf!

I wish I had a Rolf to give to all of you </3
Yes he is. Would you like him? :D

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LOL oh man, I'm sorry. :( Maybe you'll be the first for Diana though!

I need to really get into the lurking zone. Cross your fingers that it's in time for Diana.

Yay for LindseyKate04 though =]
You're so kind! :blush:

Aubybug, Rolf is yours.

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If you still want him!
You know what, you seem to want him more. You can take him :)

=O who me? O=

But you got there fastest fair and square. I would feel so guilty if I took him away from you ><

Are you super totally 100% sure?!

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You're so kind! :blush:

Aubybug, Rolf is yours.

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If you still want him!

PLEASES! I would so love to give him a home. Wow. I wish I could do something to repay this kindness
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I'll add you! Give me a second to set up my internet.

Look for the town Oakland. ^^

=D weeeeeeeeeeee.

Oakland here I come!

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It's even snowing in my Blissvil!
What a magical day!

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Weeeeeee. He's sososo cool. Rawr. Thank you LindseyKate04! THANK YOU

I'm going to add you as a friend so I can keep your dreamie list easily accessible just in case I get any you want
why's it so hard to build all four snowmen at the same time

just give me a piece to the snowtyke set already :( :( :(

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Sterling is moving in :|
Took forever, but I finally was able to move Fauna into my main town <3

Gonna call it a night ^^

Won't be online tomorrow, as it is Thanksgiving here in the US, so I will see everyone on Friday!
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