Cycling Adeline's Cycling Thread~ CHECK THREAD ♡

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You're welcome! I'm glad someone could take her! Returning wifi feedback now. ^^
^^ could please you pm me if you get agent s? that would be wonderful <3

i've already had agent s, sorry :(

kid cat is moving in

going to be doing some slow cycling tonight to try to get rosie into my main town since i have an open spot ^^

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auto voiding al
sylvia moved in, will auto void unless requested otherwise

pietro is moving soon
bruce is moving in :)

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lolol yes, someone should adopt pietro!! get him out of my town, i don't like clowns D:

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pietro is in boxes now

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Lucky is moving in

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And sterling is moving

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Sterling has been voided
I've been pretty good. Warm, NZ it's really heating up now, we're getting right into the thick of summer. so sweeeaty ick ><
Henry's leaving soon, I'm not actually playing right now but I can TT to his moving date if anyone wants him. :)

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I've been pretty good. Warm, NZ it's really heating up now, we're getting right into the thick of summer. so sweeeaty ick ><

We're just entering winter where I'm at! I don't like warm weather :c
If it isn't too much trouble, can I perhaps get a notification if Julian ever moves in? I'd appreciate it. ~
Added to the list.

Locking this thread and creating a new one, as I can no longer change the thread title. :)
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