adults and stuffed animals

can adults carry stuffed animals in public?

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"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Oct 30, 2011
Sweet Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Sweet Feather
Glam Feather
Heart Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Purple Feather
do you think it's socially acceptable for an adult to carry around a stuffed animal in public places (school, work, public transport, restaurants, etc)? what's your reasoning?

being someone who deals with multiple health issues (depression, anxiety, PTSD) I love being able to bring a stuffed animal with me anywhere I go. I try not to worry abt what others think but sometimes I can't help but hide it in a backpack in fear that people will judge me or ask a bunch of questions. but having one is really nice cause it makes me feel less anxious and even somewhat more confident. I think it's perfectly fine for anyone to carry a stuffed animal :)

I'm not looking for advice here, I just want to see what the general consensus is among forum-goers.
hell yeah it is!

i personally hate the whole idea that some (usually fun) things are only suitable for children. why shouldn't there be parks built with adults in mind? of soft-play areas? or obstacle courses? i get that there's a whole issue with adults who prey on children, so there are risks with having both age groups share these spaces, but that doesn't mean they should
only be available for children. even though i'm unfit as a broken fiddle, i would kill to go to a giant soft-play area again. they always used to be my favorite things growing up. it would certainly be a good way of actually getting me to exercise lmao. it really sucks that society seems to think as soon as you hit a certain age, you have to become boring and aren't allowed to do a lot of fun things because they're suddenly considered "inappropriate" or "childish". personally, i don't think anybody ever really grows up, they just get older, and their childlike wonder and excitement etc. are stifled by the notion that it's "immature".

rambling aside, i also have anxiety and my stuffed bear (charlotte) always goes with me if i'm nervous. she's been to the hospital with me before and the dentist. when i was around 15, my mom brought her to the school for me so i could hug her while having my HPV jab. none of the nurses or other students batted an eye, and i didn't get teased for it despite expecting to, so i suppose it really depends on who you're around and how open their minds are. stuffed animals aren't just for kids. i have a bunch of them sitting on the end of my bed, including a giant rabbit. i'm 22, and i don't plan on hiding them away or anything any time soon. charlotte will probably be buried with me asdfghjk. i think it's perfectly fine for anyone to carry around a stuffed animal.
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My first time on a plane traveling to another country I brought a stuffed animal with me for comfort. Going on a trip now as an adult, I will bring my stuffed animal (the plush rabbit I got for Christmas long ago... she's my security blanket ❤) One side of our room is literally just stuffed animals lol I can never let that part of me go.

Just like service animals/emotional support animals/pets in general, stuffed animals can also provide great comfort. Sure people might look and ponder and judge, but really it doesn't matter what anyone thinks or says. I think it's important for people to hang on to the inner kid in them, because there's something about a childish happiness that's just incomparable. You can be an adult and still see the joy in life, too.
I don't see why not! I'm 42 years old and I still collect stuffed animals. I don't usually carry them around in public because I don't derive that kind of comfort from them, but I do decorate both my home and work space with them. None of my coworkers have ever commented on it and if they did I wouldn't care. I also don't hesitate to pick them up and hug or squeal over them in stores if I find one that I adore.

You should do what makes you happy! We could all benefit from a little childlike joy sometimes.
like destani, i don't carry around stuffed animals because they don't bring me that comfort (in fact i'm nervous about getting them dirty LOL) but i think it's totally cool to bring them around in public. there's nothing wrong with it, if i saw an adult doing it i'd be happy cuz it's not something you usually see :D
I'm still buying stuffies lol and I'm in my mid 20s. I don't carry them around or sleep with them anymore as I just don't feel the need to but I still love collecting them.
Personally I don't collect stuffed animals or plushies, and even if I did I wouldn't bring them with me in public, but I have no problem with anybody who does. While it's almost certain you'll have some members of society judge you and look down on you for it, if you want or need it for comfort or even just because you want to bring it with you for no specific reason, hey, that's perfectly fine in my eyes.
I personally don’t collect stuffed animals. The only one I currently own is a Bones plush I bought on Etsy. I can’t say I ever thought about bringing it in public though. I think doing so draws unnecessary attention. Obviously we are free to do what we want but I would avoid doing things that draw attention, even if it’s something as simple as bringing a stuffed animal in public. In society, this is seen as something that kids do. If an adult is doing this, people will ultimately assume something is wrong. As harsh as this is, it’s just best to avoid it altogether. I think there are other coping mechanisms we can use as adults to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves. You are free to bring anything you want with you in public, but you have to be aware of the consequences in doing so. I personally don’t care if I see anyone carrying around a plush. I just mind my own business, because, y’know, to each their own. Collecting them is alright though. A lot of adults find amusement in collecting things.
as a plushie collector myself i see nothing wrong with it, however i personally don’t do it because i like to keep mine in pristine condition. but that’s really the only reason tbh, if anyone else wants to do it and finds comfort in it i say knock yourself out
I've recently rekindled my love for plushies and I now have to find a spot for them all lol. I have a teddy bear that I sleep with ever night. I bought it for both my son and I because it has the same name as him - Nicholas. So we both have Nicholas bear that we sleep with and it just gives me comfort and peace to go to sleep. I don't carry them around with me though, unless I guess you count me being a 2 year old's personal plushie carrier, because that's me. 😂
I always carry one in my purse but I'm usually too afraid to take it out around strangers... At least the dentist doesn't mind if I do.
People have all kinds of hobbies. If collecting stuffed animals makes them happy, it really isn't another person's right to judge them for that. I see cute stuffed animals in people's cars and vehicles every now and then. When I was at university I had a stuffed Charmander on my windshield for awhile and it never bothered anyone.
I don't do that myself nor do I find comfort in them, but why not as long as it's not gigantic stuff hitting other I don't see why not.

I do have some plushies laying around, so heck do what you want.
I think you can take your plushie with you wherever you go as long as you're not harming or offending anyone.

I think if anyone has a problem with your clean and snuggly teddy, that's actually just on them to sort out. But I think if your plushie is like... reeking with a foul smell or is like dripping wet with some unknown substance that you're spreading around as you walk around, that's a no and maybe you should reconsider the time and place...
I mean, stuff animals aren't that heavy to carry so I fail to see why they can't carry it in public.
I'm honestly fine with it, it's really no one's business what someone wants to bring with them as long as they're not causing trouble for others. I don't carry around a stuffed toy with me in my arms, but I do like hanging plushie keychains on my bags because I think they look cute. Brings more life to my rather dull bag.
I have a few stuffed animals in my bedroom and I'm in my 30's and I even have one I cuddle with at night (well it's used mostly as an arm rest) and while I'd never carry one around in public I have no problem with other carrying one around. Just as long as what they do doesn't harm or threaten others in the process, I couldn't care less.
It's a little bit odd, but it's not unacceptable and if anything just endearing.