Advice for selling rare collectibles?


Apr 28, 2022
Throwback Tickets
Spooky Popcorn
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Purple Candy
Quirky Doll
Orange Candy
I would appreciate any advice for selling rare collectibles because I'm selling one now. (For context, it's a rainbow balloon.)

I was recently made aware of the risk of scalping, so I put up a big warning on my thread telling people not to resell the balloon if they buy it from me and to keep offers public.

What do I do next? Any other warnings? General advice? What have you learned from putting up coveted collectibles for sale/trade?

Mods, pls take this down if you think threads like this break the rules! If so then I'm sorry, I just wanted advice so both I, the seller, and the buyer can be satisfied.
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To be honest, for me, I don't really care if people resell the collectible/s I sold them because it's their property now and they can do whatever they want with it 😅 I just make sure that the price I want for the collectible is close to the current market value or it's a price I'm willing to get behind at the very least. If you're selling a new rare collectible I think it's better to sell it once prices are stable, unless you're looking to get cash fast :0 Just do your research and see what your collectibles have been priced at. Market can also get wonky as time goes on so I can't really hold it against anyone if a collectible that used to sell for less now sells for something more (e.g. galaxy & aurora eggs) or vice versa (rip the fruit set & the blue candy 😭)
To be honest, for me, I don't really care if people resell the collectible/s I sold them because it's their property now and they can do whatever they want with it 😅 I just make sure that the price I want for the collectible is close to the current market value or it's a price I'm willing to get behind at the very least. If you're selling a new rare collectible I think it's better to sell it once prices are stable, unless you're looking to get cash fast :0 Just do your research and see what your collectibles have been priced at. Market can also get wonky as time goes on so I can't really hold it against anyone if a collectible that used to sell for less now sells for something more (e.g. galaxy & aurora eggs) or vice versa (rip the fruit set & the blue candy 😭)
Thank you for telling me this! Interesting perspective. I put up the warning because I don't like greed, and there are other people out there who genuinely want this balloon and I want to consider their offers too. :) My friend and I chatted about this earlier and that made me very cautious. ^^;

I'll be leaving my balloon up for a bit longer and will see what happens. Thanks again!
it's good to be aware of scalping! Tbh I can't blame you for wanting a rare collectible to go to someone who actually wants it; it's your right to request so. Of course, it's also others' choice not to buy one with caveats attached.

I think you've done all that you can by making offers public (that will deter people who don't want to feel like they're in an auction, but there isn't a perfect way to go about it) and being aware of market trends. Collectibles like these and the golden rose are difficult to put a value on because no one wants to sell them. Just go with whatever offer makes you the happiest, and if you feel like people aren't giving you a fair trade, you can always wait.
it's good to be aware of scalping! Tbh I can't blame you for wanting a rare collectible to go to someone who actually wants it; it's your right to request so. Of course, it's also their decision not to buy one with caveats attached.

I think you've done all that you can by making offers public (that will deter people who don't want to feel like they're in an auction, but there isn't a perfect way to go about it) and being aware of market trends. Collectibles like these and the golden rose are difficult to put a value on because no one wants to sell them. Just go with whatever offer makes you the happiest, and if you feel like people aren't giving you a fair trade, you can always wait.
Thank you! I'll take my time with the balloon. :D
Thank you for telling me this! Interesting perspective. I put up the warning because I don't like greed, and there are other people out there who genuinely want this balloon and I want to consider their offers too. :) My friend and I chatted about this earlier and that made me very cautious. ^^;

I'll be leaving my balloon up for a bit longer and will see what happens. Thanks again!
Yeah, different people have different perspectives on selling rare collectibles, to each their own ofc ^^ If you want your collectible to go to someone who will love it and not sell it, that's fine! It's good to keep things clear c:
it should be worth noting that while you can request people not to just flip the collectible, they're under no obligation to comply. once you make and finalize the deal, they're free to do whatever they want with it. keep, trade, sell, give away.... discard (idk why they would, but they could)

as for selling though, I'd just suggest to keep an eye on the market. check recent sells/trades as best as possible, and work from there. though admittedly, since the rainbow balloons are much newer, there isn't much in that way to help here. in which case, I'd just watch based on a combination of approximate availability and desirability (currently, I'd estimate about a tier 1, upper tier 2 at worst, with a small part of me that thinks lower tier 0 is possible)

personally, I'm not a big fan on selling brand new collectibles right away, since I feel the market is too volatile at that time for me to feel comfortable making a deal with, but I do know plenty of people are fine with that. probably due to to the new toy syndrome that spikes those new collectibles interest at the time
it should be worth noting that while you can request people not to just flip the collectible, they're under no obligation to comply. once you make and finalize the deal, they're free to do whatever they want with it. keep, trade, sell, give away.... discard (idk why they would, but they could)
Unfortunately, that is the truth. I'll keep that in mind though!

as for selling though, I'd just suggest to keep an eye on the market. check recent sells/trades as best as possible, and work from there. though admittedly, since the rainbow balloons are much newer, there isn't much in that way to help here. in which case, I'd just watch based on a combination of approximate availability and desirability (currently, I'd estimate about a tier 1, upper tier 2 at worst, with a small part of me that thinks lower tier 0 is possible)

personally, I'm not a big fan on selling brand new collectibles right away, since I feel the market is too volatile at that time for me to feel comfortable making a deal with, but I do know plenty of people are fine with that. probably due to to the new toy syndrome that spikes those new collectibles interest at the time
I wasn't sure what this "toy syndrome" was until I looked it up. I ended up getting an article about "shiny toy syndrome", which is when you're temporarily satisfied with a newly released product and then you move on from it after a while.

Pretty interesting. Thank you for your insight!