Advice to those younger than you

God, there is SO MUCH.

1. You are worth it. No matter what anyone says, or does, you are worth love and are worthy of living on this planet.
2. Don't forget about your loved ones. One day they won't be here with you, just make sure they know you love them and get in as much time with them as possible.
3. If you know what you want to do, go to school immediately. If not, it's okay! You don't have to make up your mind right away!
I can think of a few things:

1: try not to give up on things too easily, just because a project isn't getting the results you want immediately doesn't mean it won't in the future. and giving up on things early is a hard habit to break.

2. don't get too focused on people that reject you. there are tons of cool people out there that'll appreciate you for who you are, and you'll just do a disservice to yourselves by chasing the losers!

3: if someone is making you uncomfortable or upset, don't be afraid to step back and say "I don't need this in my life", you don't owe anyone your time, explanations or feelings when they don't deserve it.
1. Don’t commit to something forever. If you do, you may just end up failing at life.

2. Make sure to one-up the people that reject you. But first, try to understand things from their point of view. After all, that’s what makes life so great.

3. If someone is making you uncomfortable or upset, ignore them.
im basically a baby compared to most people who posted on this thread, let alone the entire forums but

1. don't spend all your time hating people, it's so draining and not worth your time compared to the rest of your life

2. i know it's cliche but really do be careful what you say online, i remember being a dumb kid online and i cringe back at what i used to do, even if it was just typical dumb kid stuff.

3. its okay to fail. its okay to get something wrong the first time. failure is a sign you can improve and get better at that thing

4. it gets better
Dont be negative.
Dont hate anyone.
Dont worry what others think.
Everything passes.
Always be yourself.
Dont worry so much.

I wish i followed this advice more growing up
Get your drivers license ASAP don?t make excuses for yourself
Also once you get your license (or even before) get a job and start saving money, trust me future you will be forever thankful to have money saved for college or an apartment (if you don?t plan on going to college)
don't procrastinate. ever. thanks to procrastination i will be having no summer break at all this year.
also, even though people say to start driving and get a job right away, please don't rush and force yourself to grow up faster than you should; you're only a child once, but you're an adult for such a long time. heck, my mom was so eager to grow up and settle down that she married a guy who was around 36 and had a baby in her early 20's.
Ah I have so many, I'll leave it at these:

1)Just do the things you want to do, even if you're afraid. You'll regret not doing them more than you ever will regret doing them.

2)Don't pick at old emotional wounds to the point that they start to hurt worse than they did when they first happened.

3)You are allowed to take up space !! You are allowed to speak up and be heard and to exist

4)You end up learning to live with a lot of things you didn't think you could, hang in there

5)We are tiny specks on a tiny rock floating in infinite space !!! Little problems aren't so serious in the grand scheme of things
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Learn to pronounce villager names before posting videos on the internet. Just learn them for the sake of learning. It’s on each and every character description if you google it. I’ve never not once heard the name Blanche pronounced correctly to this day.
Have you ever heard the word "blanched" as in "blanched almonds"? That's how I know it.
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1.) don't make excuses. it's really a pity when people can't own up to something.
2.) find something you like to do and do it when you find yourself getting angry.
3.) don't use the word hate. come on, it's really childish.
4.) if something seems fishy, it probably is.
5.) you don't need to be in a relationship. they're painted as perfect, but sometimes you need to have time by yourself before taking on someone elses problems.
6.) work on your self-esteem. it's a very common problem nowadays.
that's honestly my life advice c':
If it fits, doesn't mean you have to stick stuff in it. You'll become a laughing stock to the fire department.
You do not need to be in a relationship you are unhappy in. Don?t force a relationship to work. You can?t force someone to like you. You shouldn?t change yourself for anyone.
Always push yourself to keep learning. If you stop learning your brain will shrivel up and become less effective... no really!

Also, always brush BEHIND the teeth too!
Always give everything in life your best effort. You cannot win with only half your effort.