Hi there =)! Could I please lurk for Kabuki and Purrl =)?
I'd like to offer 100 TBT for Tangy.
Hi, I wanted to let you know you can take me off of Carmen and felicity but still leave Fang up! Thank you♥
Can I please lurk for Daisy, Goldie, Shep, Bones, and Walker?
I would like to lurk for Beau, Cookie, Fauna, Marshal, Skye, & Victoria, please!
Hi Ana, just letting you know I am NO longer lurking for Coco and Cole - found them
I am however still on the lookout for RUBY and DRAGO
Lurking for Punchy, Rudy, and Teddy c:
Hey, I'll lurk for Maple, Pekoe, Poncho, Groucho, and Kody! Thank you!![]()
Hi! How can I see which villagers you have in your town? ^^
I cycle in 2 towns
who are you looking for?